Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 670 Collecting Ten Thousand Tribulations Against Jixuan Valley

Chapter 670 Collecting Ten Thousand Tribulations Against Jixuan Valley

"Empress Yan Luo!"

Jun Mulu is very resentful. Although he got the news of his life experience from the chess player Yuan Wuji transformed into, but combined with what he encountered when he was young, it is obvious that this is true.

And the other party had no reason to deceive him in the first place.

So when he heard that Yan Luo Ghost Prison appeared in the world, Mr. Fei couldn't wait to go there.

"One page, this game seems to end early!"

Very Jun's eyes turned hard, and he had already made a decision.

The current one-page book, without the so-called ultimate destiny of man, is no longer his greatest enemy, and there is no reason to be hostile.

Because all his entanglements with Yiyingshu were all because of Xuanzun's words.

There was no deep hatred between the two, and it was not even as deep as the hatred between Yuan Wuji and the Empress.

Because Yuan Wuji destroyed too many of his plans, he suffered heavy losses.

But the empress had a hatred of killing his father and his mother with him.

Comparing the two, it is very important for you to make your own decision.

"The Buddhist world of Xihuang was destroyed by the ghost prison. If you leave the Buddhist gate together, you may burn the last value of a page of a book."

"In this way, it will also pave the way for me to kill the Empress!"



The battle between good and evil is about to start again.

Ji Xuangu's white clothes are holy and imposing.

As the war situation is about to begin, King Ashura's victory will finally appear.

"Xingxue desolates the sky and the Milky Way hangs down, and the glamorous night lingers to cast Chu Ci. The autumn wind rises in the bleak and mournful voice, killing memories before the cicadas sing."

As the chilling cicadas fluttered their wings, the Xie Yi Poem also sounded.

King Ashura appeared with a blood Luo Danqing on his shoulders.

The tail of snow-white hair stood up high and fluttered in the wind, and a strand of bloody hair in front of his forehead supported King Asura to become more and more alluring.

"A brave man succeeds in a hundred battles, a wise man wins decisively with thousands of thoughts, and a sage is unparalleled. I have heard his name for a long time. Are you a brave man or a wise man?"

King Ashura, who was behind his back, turned his head slightly and asked indifferently.

"Grass and beautiful trees do not see deep roots, and hate them for taking away the light of the sun and the moon. Insects and rats look at the elephants, but do not see the four seasons running around, thinking that they are huge because they compete for dirt." ①
"King Asura, which category do you belong to?"

Ji Xuangu asked the same question with his hands behind his back, obviously not going to follow King Asura's train of thought.

"Senior Jianzi, do you know the odds of Confucianism winning this battle?"

Jian Feidao behind Jianzi Xianji couldn't help asking.

About Ji Xuangu's deeds, he only heard about it, but never saw it with his own eyes.

However, to gain such trust from the Confucian sect, one must have extraordinary strength.

Jianzi Xianji closed his eyes slightly, and said quietly: "Looking at the attitude of Confucianism, there must be something to rely on. I think it will be difficult for King Asura to win if he doesn't work hard."

Saying that, Jianzi Xianji sighed faintly, the opponent King Asura did have talent, but it's a pity that he fell into evil ways, otherwise he would be able to revitalize the Taoism.

"What Senior Jianzi said is true."

Jian Feidao nodded seriously.

At this time, as the momentum of the two confronted each other, an invisible pressure spread in all directions centered on the two.

For a moment, thunder flashed above the sky.


Hearing Ji Xuangu's answer, King Asura suddenly laughed out loud, but the atmosphere became more serious, "The sound of the chilling cicada is beyond redemption. Saint Confucian Wushuang, let me see if your life as a cicada is hard enough!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood Luo Danqing around King Asura's waist came out of its sheath instantly, the pale green blade was dazzling, and there was a chilling cicada on the gauntlet and the hilt of the sword, which symbolized the short life of the chilling cicada, and it only took one stroke to kill the enemy.

"Special source flow!"

There is no need to try, the sword is an extremely powerful move, the Tao and the evil converge, and the power of the gods explodes.

Ji Xuangu didn't draw out his sword, but just clamped his two fingers, unexpectedly pinching the blood Luo Danqing between his fingers, and the cold air around him dissipated in an instant.


The strong move was broken, King Asura's eyes turned cold, and he slammed into Jixuangu's chest with a darkly powerful palm, "The Emperor's Heavenly Palm!"

Daohuang's unique skills are suddenly used, and evil powers are used to use Dao moves, but there is no violation of harmony, but it gives people a strange roundness and specialness.

Ji Xuangu also returned a palm.

Hao Ran's holy palm faced the evil palm that contained a lot of power, and the mighty power suddenly caused the giant mountain under his feet to collapse.

The brilliant knife light flew across the dust in the sky, as if accompanied by the wings of chilling cicadas, densely packed.

The Tianjingzi Sword appeared in Ji Xuangu's hands at some unknown time, the same light blue color, but full of holy energy, the two broke out an unprecedented fierce battle in mid-air, the swords collided, and gorgeous sparks shot out, confusing people's eyes.


With a cold reprimand, Ji Xuangu's sword power increased again, and King Asura was immediately forced back by a sword.

On the other hand, Ji Xuangu landed steadily, not moving an inch, showing the most extreme cultivation in the world.

Everyone watching the battle was shocked.

Whether it is Jianzi Xianji, who has confronted King Ashura several times, or the ghost unicorn master who is also a member of the eight tribes, they all know the strength of King Ashura.

The strength of King Asura, who is a confluence of Dao and evil, is second only to the evil kings of the heavens among the eight tribes. Now facing Ji Xuangu, he was forced back by force in just a few moves.

But Ji Xuangu was unscathed, and even his footsteps did not change.

It seems that they are not at the same level.

King Ashura also felt the strong pressure, and the strange voice came from his mouth again, "Sage Confucianism Wushuang is worthy of the name of Wushuang, but it is not just that!"

"Gu Jian Zun Shi!"

Although the opponent was tough, it also aroused King Ashura's competitive heart. Even so, King Ashura became more calm, and the two poles of Dao and evil had the same luck.

At the same time, the ancient sword master, the number one treasure in the Dao Wu Wang Valley, appeared through the sky, "Kill Dao Qifeng!"

The reappearance of the Dao Emperor's unique skills, combined with Gu Jianzun's burst of power to shake the universe, seven huge swords broke out from the ground, the ground cracked for a hundred miles, and the mountains collapsed, creating a doomsday scene.

The gigantic sword came straight to Ji Xuangu with its supreme sharpness.

"Sky Crystal Sword Art·Yuehuang Xuyin!"

Feeling the power of the sky-shattering crack, Jixuangu's sky crystal tilted up, and the tip of the sword pointed at the sky. The brilliant divine power turned the sun and the moon upside down. A veil of mystery.

Boom boom boom!
Following Ji Xuangu's sword slashing down, beyond the sky thousands of miles away, the bright moon erupted with silver lights, turning into beams of light piercing the sky.

The huge sword energy that burst out of the ground was destroyed by force, turning into countless fragments and scattered all over the world.

Gui Qizhu, Jianzi Xianji and others could only retreat to resist in the face of countless frenzied sword qi.

"What a powerful strength."

The aftermath of the two outbreaks can instantly kill those with insufficient foundation.

Fortunately, this place is lonely, and people who are in a difficult situation know that the battle between the good and the evil is afraid of being affected, so there are few people watching the excitement, and no unnecessary casualties are caused.

"Eternal Strike · Shattering the Boundless!"

The trick was broken, King Asura's expression became more serious, he let out a low drink, and finally used his hole card, the Four Great Tribulations.

The Xie Dao and the Dao Sword merged together, and the sword qi and the Dao Yuan converged with the Dao Yuan Xie Yuan, breaking the vastness and shattering with one blow.

"Five-Color Legacies·Green Thunder!"

On the Tianjingzi sword, a cyan electric current surged, and immediately turned into an aurora.

Finally, Ji Xuangu took a step back, while King Ashura took a few steps back, his shoulder was pierced, and a handful of blood spilled out.


The battle of the strong, the strong pressure, made King Asura go crazy, "The water and the moon are all in one color, and the wilderness is hidden!"

At this moment, the sky and the earth seemed to have turned into a blue sky, and King Asura's figure and sword moves merged into the sky and the earth, killing him with one blow.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The swords collided again, and Ji Xuangu defended impeccably with one sword per person, and even if there was no breath, it seemed that he would show a lore sword at any time, so that the spirit of King Asura did not dare to relax at all, and the sweat on his forehead became more and more serious. The more there are, the faster and faster Asura King's sword moves are, and the pressure is getting heavier.

King Asura didn't like this feeling very much.

"The strong Confucianists are admirable, but..."

"Special source flow!"

Accompanied by a deep shout, King Ashura used the power of the two extremes of Dao and Evil again, and the Dao and Evil returned to flow and merged perfectly, "A flash in the pan, a cicada's life is impermanent!"

In the last move of the Four Unique Tribulations, Asura King's body was flying chills, and the faint blue fluorescence was beautiful, the most beautiful move, but also the most dangerous move.

It symbolizes the short life of the chilling cicada.

Note ①: From "Confucianism and Taoism to the Holy"

 Try to write the third update!

(End of this chapter)

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