Chapter 675
East China Sea coast.

A giant ship approached from afar.

After several days of crossing the ocean, Mr. Butterfly and others finally returned safely.

In addition to their family, there is also Yuan Zheng, who has escaped the control of Jian Suifeng and regained his life.

It's just that Yuan Zheng was sitting on the bow of the boat, looking at the rippling sea, with a sad expression on his face.

Because Yun Yichen was controlled by the evil god Baqi.

And he didn't leave Shiliu Island voluntarily, but was forced to leave by the manipulated Yun Yichen.

"When I go back, I will go to my father, and my father will definitely be able to save Senior Brother Yun."

Yuan Zheng said to himself, clenched his fists.

At this time, Die Xiaoyue also came over, and gently pressed Yuan Zheng's hand with her soft palm, comforting: "Don't worry, Brother Yun will be fine."

Mr. Butterfly's giant ship was discovered by the Confucianists who had been keeping an eye on the direction of Shiliu Island from afar. Soon the two sides handed over and learned about the things between Shenzhou and Shiliu Island.

Mr. Butterfly and others were very shocked by the breaking of the evil spirit of Baqi, "We were fine when we left, but something like this happened not long after we left, Prime Minister and the others..."

Thinking of their friends on Shiliu Island, Mr. Butterfly and the others couldn't help but look worried.

On the other side, Qingyangzi has followed the Nine Transformations Demon to plant killing stones all over the place, preparing to start the extermination plan.

But Yasha Xiaowang and Baichuan Linghua are still recovering from their injuries.

With the return of Ji Xuangu, everyone in the Confucian School also learned of the three-day agreement.

"It seems that the Eight Qi evil god will visit Shenzhou in three days!"

Emperor Confucianism has already been guessed, just when everyone started to arrange, an unexpected person suddenly appeared, "True gods, true sages and true immortals, the way to understand Confucianism is through the sages; there are endless mysteries in the mind, and they rule half the sky in civil and military affairs." .”

Familiar with the title of poetry, the person who came here was the refined fairy Tan Wuyu.

Afterwards, Tan Wuyu stated the purpose of his trip. Hearing this, everyone in the Confucian sect suddenly changed their expressions. If you lose the chain at the critical moment, you should get rid of this idea as soon as possible!"

Tan Wuyu was unhurried, cupped his hands slightly and continued: "Actually, Tan Mou came here today not just because of this matter, but because he noticed that the supernatural workmanship was different from the last time we met, and it may have been secretly controlled by the Babu people. But today's real purpose is to remove the pawns laid by the evil god Baqi, so that in the future, we can concentrate on dealing with the enemy without being distracted by others."

"I would like to go with you on this matter!"

At this moment, Ji Xuangu suddenly raised his hand and said.

Seeing that Ji Xuangu had made up his mind, everyone could only agree.

"Thank you, Shengru!" Tan Wuyu cupped his hands slightly, thanking him.


Elf battlefield.

With the death of the eight-faced ghost army, Yan Luo's army of ghost prisons was defeated.

Just as they were fleeing, suddenly a cold and solemn aura approached them.

At the same time, above the sky, a huge black dragon roared, covering the clouds and covering the sun, shaking the sky and the earth.

"There is no way in the chaotic world, and the king's majesty comes; you fall into black and white, and follow the shadows. Sighing that people and ghosts are impermanent, the sky is against fate; palming the sun and the moon are boundless, and the emperor orders."

In the dark land, a cold and solemn figure slowly approached dragging the Black Dragon Spear.

Seeing the person coming, the defeated ghost prison army suddenly rekindled their fighting spirit.

Even the fighting spirit is stronger than before.

"God of War! God of War!"

"God of War! God of War!"

The god of war who ruled the ghost prison back then reappeared on the battlefield, and the atmosphere was heightened to the extreme.

With such a reputation, even the eyes of the world are cold.

Because she felt threatened.

The seat she finally got, she will never allow anyone to threaten her position.

Although Di Longyin was cultivated by her alone, the same is true, after all, she is the one who can give up even her own son, not to mention that Di Longyin was not born in October of her pregnancy.

"The God of War in Ghost Prison, who bears the bloodline of Shenyuan Emperor Dragon King and Heizhou Prison Dragon King, and also combines the Panlong Ancient Bead that Ssangyong competes for and the battle star destiny, is indeed the peak combat power in the world today."

"With such a sharp blade in hand, Jiezhu, your cooperation with the original master will surely go smoother."

Yuan Wuji, who turned into Mo Shi, spoke in admiration.

There was no sound in the ancient well under the sky, and after a while, he asked lightly: "So how is it compared to you?"


Yuan Wuji was taken aback for a moment, and then he burst out laughing, with a hint of arrogance on his face, "Blood, foundation, and fate are all the best choices, but it's a pity that the original master has already transcended the world, how can mortals stand shoulder to shoulder with the original master."

Hearing this, the pupils of the world constricted. Although he had already guessed about the strength of the person around him, but now the other party confirmed it himself, it still shocked the world.

Because this is a realm that even Xuanzun Jiutian didn't reach at the beginning.

A bit vigilant in his heart, Tian Tianxia was calm on the surface, but he asked vaguely in his mouth: "The realm of the gods! Is it really the legendary realm? I have never seen it before. I didn't expect you able to achieve."

The tone is tentative, but there is a thirst for knowledge, because the world is also unwilling to stop here, but wants to go to the next level.

So I want to get more information from 'Moshi'.

Yuan Wuji understood the care of the world, smiled slightly, and said noncommittally: "You will have a chance to see it."

The concealment of "Mo Shi" was already expected by the world, so he was not angry, but his voice suddenly became gentle: "Then I look forward to your performance, Brother Xianzong."

"Battle Star Emperor Longyin!"

In the outside world at this moment, the eyes of the Forbidden City Relics also fell on Di Longyin.

First there is the confrontation of war calamity, and then there is the decision of imperial war.

Above the sky, the dark dragon and the golden dragon roared in unison, sending out earth-shattering dragon chant.

One is the son of the dragon, and the other is destined to be the emperor.

A powerful aura erupted from the two of them immediately, and the agitated force instantly emptied people and things tens of miles away from Fang Yuan.

The power to destroy the world is accumulated in the two of them.

The flames of war spread under his feet, and the breath became heavier and heavier.

"Three Dragons Devouring Prison!"

There was no nonsense, and with a stern shout, the black dragon spear in Di Longyin's hand suddenly stabbed out, and three ferocious black dragons rushed out suddenly, coming with the force of destroying heaven and earth.

"The dragon crosses thousands of peaks and falls in all directions!"

The jade spear left in the Forbidden City used sword moves, and the huge five-clawed golden dragon roared out, across thousands of peaks, and covered the sky angrily.

Boom boom boom!
In an instant, the huge golden dragon collided with three black dragons, and the air was swept away for hundreds of miles, and the sky was filled with dust.

The strong move was easily blocked, Di Longyin's eyes froze, and he reproduced the ultimate move, "Eight dragons return to heaven!"

The Black Dragon Spear was held high angrily, and the land of hundreds of kilometers split open, and eight dark purple black dragons burst out of the ground in an instant.

The power of terror is like a dragon destroying the world.

"The white dragon poured into the sea and flooded Shenzhou!"

Facing the shocking power, the Forbidden City Relic of the Forbidden City Tongyun Tianzi Sword Art Fifth Form, although it is a sword move with a spear, but apart from the blessing of the Tianzi Sword, its power is not much inferior.

The sharp spear danced, and a huge white dragon circled out, opening its mouth to spew seawater all over the sky.

 I have a cold and other things are okay, the main reason is that I feel dizzy and can't concentrate, poof...

(End of this chapter)

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