Chapter 684
the other side.

All the heavenly evil kings and sages and scholars stood opposite each other.

The stalemate has lasted for an unknown amount of time, with both sides not moving their bodies or moving their feet.

As the cold wind blew past, the hair of the two of them flew up in the cold wind.

It wasn't until this time that the evil kings of the heavens said lightly, "Zhao said before that the day of the decisive battle between you and me will be three days later, and now there is still one day before the time, so you can't move!"

"My task today is to keep an eye on you!"

Although he was worried about Mu Lingfeng and the Confucianists in his heart, Ji Xuangu remained calm on the surface and showed no flaws.

"Oh? Do you think they can stop the evil gods?"

The corners of the evil kings' mouths were slightly raised, as if they were mocking, "Zhao heard that your wife is pregnant and is on the battlefield together, don't you worry?"

"Ji Xuangu believes in comrades, your words can't disturb my state of mind, don't waste your efforts in vain!"

Jixuan Valley still has no waves in the ancient well.


The evil kings of the heavens chuckled, shrugged their shoulders, and said coldly after a while: "You are wrong, Zhao never needs to play tricks, but I just hope that our game will not end too quickly, because Zhao is worried that he will not find something more fun. game!"

The contemptuous words represent the confidence of the evil kings in the sky in their own strength.


On the other side, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and a thick figure like a mountain descends from the sky, "The world is like chess, and the world is unpredictable. Laugh at the heroes!"

When the familiar poem came, everyone on the right way was shocked and their eyes showed joy.

"It's a page!"

Along with the roar, a vast golden light rose from the ground, dispelling the evil atmosphere in an instant.

In addition, besides the golden light, there is even a bit of blood, which makes this power even more extreme and evil.

"The power of blood darkness, heh..."

As soon as the prison greedy words fell, a page of the book suddenly stepped on the ground, and the whole person rushed directly towards the bad god like a missile.

"Baqi evil god, die!"

A page of bibliographies gleamed with blood, but the power of blood darkness was partly plundered by Mo Shi, and it was incomplete, so it could not affect the mind of a page of books, but because of this, although it brought a strong pressure to a page of books, it was also incomplete. Not as strong as it used to be.

At the same time, Huangru Wushang also made a move together, his palms twirled and then joined together suddenly, the majestic force in both arms condensed into one, "Huang Tian Gui Yi No limit!"

Huangru's supreme move came first, and the Qi Jin collided with the invisible sword that was once again used by the prisoner, opening a passage for a page of the book to reach the evil god of Baqi.

"Baqi Cthulhu, destroy it!"

With a firm gaze on one page of the book, each palm moves in an extreme manner of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, "The Holy Palm of the Great Brahma! Move the mountains and rivers with one breath!"

In an instant, a page of book with a huge Buddha seal on top of its palms slammed into the body of Baqi evil god.

For the first time, the strong power caused the evil god Baqi to take half a step back, "A page of books... really has some strength!"

Feeling a bit of pressure, Jaglan sneered, and the magic eye flashed on his chest again, and the Undead King appeared again, "But the game should be over!"

The evil spirit of Baqi stepped forward, and it was a strong impact against a page of the book.

At this moment, Huangru Wushang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted angrily: "It's this time!"

As Huangru Wushang's voice fell, a golden electric current reappeared under the feet of the evil god Baqi, and the Haozheng holy formation reappeared.

At this time, the four Xia Ru Wu Ting and Feng Ru Wu Qing were already ready, and they took a step forward at the same time, gathering the awe-inspiring righteousness of the world, and accepting the power of ancient and modern sages.

"Shoot, Huangtianzhiyu!" Huangru Wushang flipped his palms over, and then performed the ultimate move, the huge golden lotus spins out of the air.

At the same time, Xia Ru Wu Ting and his two swords moved together, "The peak of Xia Tao!"

The sword energy is like a wave, threatening in an instant.

"The end of the blade!"

If you are unprovoked and then you can use the sky to learn from it, mobilize the power of the sword soul in your body, and use one sword to transform thousands of years.

"The head of Fengyang!" Yingshuang Qingsu's palm suddenly slashed across the long sword, and the crimson sword turned into a fire phoenix, spreading its wings and rushing towards Baqi evil god.

"Legend of Fa-rectification!"

Mo Qingchi was working hard in his body, and suddenly flipped the Zhiheng Law Code in his hand, and a series of Dao Haozheng Confucianism manifested, and rushed out together.

"Haozheng Tiangang · Punish all evil!"

No one drank at the same time, the strong moves gathered, the Hao formation rose again, the holy light of Confucianism shone, and they all attacked the evil god.

Boom boom boom!
At the moment when the five powerful moves came at the same time, a page of the book suddenly turned over and jumped into the sky, followed by the powerful moves, "Laugh all the heroes!"

There is Confucian grandeur on the bottom, and Buddhist aura on the top, impacting up and down, Baqi evil spirits also feel a certain amount of pressure.

But because of the return of all the dragon heads of the current Baqi evil god, even if some dragon heads lack some power, they are still stronger than in the original play, and they have not yet collapsed.

Instead, after a moment of thought, countless bright green whirling blades pierced through the air and bombarded everyone in an instant.

Yingshuangqing, Sui Wudu, Mo Qingchi and the others immediately vomited blood and flew backwards, no longer able to fight.

At this time, Taoism and Buddhism came again.

"Shi Jian Qiye·Cutting Waves!"

"Xuanjian Wushuang·Heart of Mo Dao!"

Feng Seng Baiyunjian and Huo Qingyun suddenly appeared, and the two took this opportunity to make a move. The two sword qi bombarded Baqi Cthulhu again, but Baqi Cthulhu was still intact.

But seeing Baqi evil god stepping on the dragon's claws, he roared, "Death revolving knife!"

The terrifying magic knife, which gathers the earth's cyclone as a blade, transforms the power of the doomsday, and comes to cut the world and the wilderness, and the condensed holy energy around it collapses in an instant.

At this moment, even a page of the book is full of dignity, but his figure does not retreat at all, but his breath becomes more and more violent, "Lianhua Shenglu opens the sky!"

A page of the book turned into the light of the sky, and the whole person rushed down again, hitting the evil eye of the evil god Baqi with a palm.

In the rear, Huangru is supreme and then uses his ultimate move, "Heavenly Emperor God Front Feng Yi breaks the sun!"

I saw the eight sword qi rising from Huangru Wushang's feet, and then pierced the eight dragon heads like a shooting star.


There was a series of roars, and the evil spirit of Baqi roared, and the monster's shape suddenly became turbulent.

"Great opportunity! Blood Darkness Extinguishing God!"

The one-page book on the chest of the evil god Baqi yelled angrily, and his fists collided, half of the Buddha's energy, half of the blood, and then he raised his fist and slammed like a drum.

No matter how strong the evil spirit Baqi was, no matter how unbearable the dragon form was, it exploded immediately, and the world became nothingness.

The blasting air wave instantly knocked a page of the book in front of him seriously injured, and Huangru Wushang also retreated tens of miles with a mouthful of blood.

"Finally broke up?"

Huangru Wushang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a deep voice.

A page of the book also retreated to Huangru Wushang's side, looking forward intently.

Before the others could be pleasantly surprised, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became cold, time and space seemed to stand still, and a face that had never been seen in the world entered the human world for the first time in the vast smoke and dust.

"Beep beep..."

There was a 'beep' sound, and the blue spar on the man's chest flickered a few times, but an indifferent figure slowly landed on the ground.

"Baqi evil god!"

Feeling the terrifying aura in the incoming person's body, Yi Yishu's expression became more dignified.

Huangru Wushang also frowned, and said, "Is this your true face?"

"It really is a strong body, it makes the slave family very happy!"

Suddenly, an evil female voice came out from under the stern face, "Since you have broken the evil form, I will personally send you a ride!"

The words just fell.

 Sorry, I went out today and came back in the afternoon, so the update will be later.

  Thanks to: Book Friends 2019... 3246, Starlight, Siren Haggard, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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