694 Calm
"I hope he really won't cause trouble for Wulin."

With a sigh, Hongchenxue stood up slowly, looking at the two young figures running among the flowers, a happy smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from behind.

As soon as Hong Chenxue turned around, her waist was embraced, and the two of them pressed close together.

"Hongxue, I miss you so much."

A gentle voice sounded beside her ears, and Hong Chenxue's face suddenly flushed, but thinking of the sight of Li Yu and Chen Yuan not far behind her, she couldn't help but sullenly said, "Relax, be careful not to be watched by Jian Yu and the others." arrive."

"What are you afraid of? They are old couples."

Yuan Wuji hugged Hong Chenxue tightly, but his expression was disapproving.

"You say I'm old?"

Hong Chenxue raised her eyebrows immediately, and her tone was a bit unfriendly.

No matter which world, which girl is very sensitive to the word 'old'.

"Mother, mother!"

At this moment, two childish voices sounded one after the other, Hong Chenxue hastily pushed Yuan Wuji away, tidied up the messy clothes, and at the same time turned to look at Jian Zhu and Chen Yuan.

At this time, the two little guys also ran back bouncing around.

Holding his small head up, he looked at Yuan Wuji eagerly, one curious and the other timid.

"Mian Zhu, Chen Yuan, do you miss your father?"

Looking at the two cute little guys under his feet, Yuan Wuji squatted down, and hugged the two little guys one by one.

"It's dad, it's dad!"

The first to react, the little girl clutched her fists with excitement.

"Haha, baby girl..."

Yuan Wuji kissed the little girl's cheek with a loving face.

Although in the outside world, he is romantic, sinister and despicable, but now, he is just a father.

After playing with the two little ones for a while, Yuan Wuji didn't spare time until he was tired and went to bed.

The two sat back to back under the moonlight, watching the twinkling stars, accompanied by the cool breeze, it was rare to be peaceful.

"Why did you come back this time?"

In the dead of night, with no children around, Hongchenxue finally asked what was pressing in her heart.

"Can't I come back and see you and the kids?"

Yuan Wuji held Hongchenxue's tender hand and said quietly.

"can you?"

There was a touch of self-mockery in Hongchenxue's words, although it is said that women are stupid for three years, but Hongchenxue's wisdom cannot be underestimated.

She is not stupid and sweet.

But a generation of chivalrous women.

The legend of the gun world, the coercive Tianzi Gun, the God of Swords, is also a famous writer in the literary world.

How could it be like an ordinary woman.

Her wisdom and strength are among the best in the world among women.

Now she is just living in seclusion with her children, but it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

Yuan Wuji didn't explain, because he knew that explaining would be superfluous.

How could Hong Chenxue be so easy to deceive.

The more you say, the more you get wrong.

"Hongxue, I will prove it with facts."

Yuan Wuji turned around and said solemnly, his body also pressed down slowly.


The moon sets and the sun rises.

Inside the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, the mysterious energy hangs down.

Yuan Wuji stepped into the hall.

I saw an invisible barrier blocking the way forward.

But in the depths, the soul of the earth is like an old monk in meditation, cross-legged and motionless.

In the sky above, the two command keys slowly rotated, and beams of brilliance spread out, imprisoning the earth soul in the center, unable to leave.

Yuan Wuji flicked his fingers, and a burst of energy was rebounded as soon as it was approaching.

The surrounding light curtains flickered immediately.

"Do you think that my soul can be trapped here forever?"

The corners of Yuan Wuji's lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were sneering. The next moment, a jewel emitting seven colors of light appeared in his body, and it melted into the core of the Wanxiang Tiangong in an instant.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery changed.

Yuan Wuji and Earth Soul, including the two key keys above, appeared in a boundless void.

Immediately afterwards, the Yin-Yang Token in Yuan Wuji's hand reappeared.

"By chance!"

Yuan Wuji forcefully activated the yin and yang order to reverse the void, and for a moment, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

And the phantom of the earth soul inside the barrier is also twisted together.

The power of time and space is the most powerful force even in the realm of the six heavens.

The two keys still can't stop the distortion of the Yin-Yang Order.

In fact, if destroying the two keys would have harmed Zhuo and Chenyuan, Yuan Wuji could have broken them easily with Yuan Wuji's strength.

With the urging of the Yin-Yang Token, the entire void seemed to start to distort. It was necessary not to destroy the two Token Keys, but also to break through the barrier. The consumption of true energy was far greater than breaking the barrier.

Even though Yuan Wuji's foundation is deep, he is showing a dignified look at this moment.

To affect time and space, the power consumed is naturally extremely terrifying.

Because of this, Yuan Wuji never traveled through time and space after that time, because even he might get lost in the journey of time and space.

Even if the timeline traveled is too far, his strength will be severely depleted, and he will even lose the ability to protect himself.

You know, this is a difficult place, every day there are big bosses who come out to destroy the world and fight for hegemony.

Strong players from all walks of life continue to appear on the stage.

If after crossing, his cultivation level fell into a trough, and if he made a careless move, even his life would be in danger.

But even without mentioning the sky-defying ability to travel through time and space, other forces involving time and space are still terrifying.

In Yuan Wuji's opinion, among the twelve heavenly weapons, only the Yin-Yang Token is the most valuable.

This point is not as good as even Tianjing.

Of course, the destructive power of Tianjing must be number one.

"Yin obeys yang, heaven and earth are created, false and true, stealing! Forgive me!"

Yuan Wuji made a tactic with both hands, and the yin and yang order in front of him turned around. In an instant, a strange force erupted, and the entire void seemed to become illusory in an instant.

The barrier formed by the six-day key flickered frantically.

But at this time, the phantom of the earth soul within the barrier dissipated directly like a cloud of smoke.

In an instant, the sensing target was lost, and the two keys above turned around and aimed at Yuan Wuji himself.

"Heh... How could I give you a chance, Wanxiang Tiangong, Zhen!"

Yuan Wuji sneered, and at the same time, a cold light flashed in his eyes, the surrounding space was suddenly turbulent, and an invisible pressure fell strongly on Ling Yao.

The key flashes at the same time, but Yuan Wuji's aura has been blocked by the Wanxiang Tiangong at the same time. Without the target, the two key keys also burst through the air in an instant and disappeared.

Yuan Wuji knew where they had returned, but he already had a way to completely solve this hidden danger, but now is not the time.

Because removing this hidden danger now will only allow certain existences to use other unknown methods, so it is better to keep it for now, and it will not be too late to solve it when it plays a role.

This time, Yuan Wuji spent three full days with his children and Hong Chenxue.

For all the rush these days, these are rare days of calm.

Just after Yuan Wuji left, someone else found Wanxiang Tiangong.

 I will make a summary of what I haven't read before, and this volume is almost finished.

(End of this chapter)

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