Chapter 699

Outside Beihai Lingzhou.

Qiushui overcame obstacles all the way, braved all obstacles and eliminated evil, and finally came back.

Thinking of seeing his mother soon, Qiu Shui was full of joy, holding his mother's favorite dessert in his hand.

But when he returned home, there was only a piece of devastation, and the once majestic city in the distance had already collapsed, and only countless potholes remained in place, as if it had experienced the baptism of shells.

"Mother! Mother!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiu Shui's face suddenly changed, and the dessert in his hand fell to the ground, and he shouted anxiously.

But soon he thought of something again, and there was an extra letter in his hand.

"Is it true that mother has moved, as Yu Xiao's father said?"

Seeing the tragic situation in Beihai Lingzhou, one can imagine what happened here, so it is reasonable for the mother to move.

Just as Qiushui followed the road map to search all the way, before arriving at the destination, he saw his mother.


Seeing his mother, Qiu Shui yelled, ran over suddenly, and hugged Yan Feihong tightly.

Yan Feihong, who had come out of the laundry and was about to return, was hugged from behind before she could react. The dagger instinctively started, but she was taken aback when she heard the sound, but she was taken aback when she turned around. , pushing the boy in front of him away.

At the same time, he asked with an unkind expression, "Who are you? How dare you act so boldly if you don't learn well at such a young age?"

"Mom, it's me! I'm Qiushui!"

Qiu Shui scratched his head, then thought of something, and quickly said: "Mother, it was Yun Zun who helped us grow up quickly."

As he said that, Qiu Shui told the whole story, and also talked about some things about his childhood, Yan Feihong suddenly realized, and then hugged Qiu Shui into his arms, crying with excitement in his voice, "You stinky girl!" Boy, I don’t even know you when you grow up so old.”

When Qiushui found his mother.

Zaxue also came to a mysterious place according to her deep feeling.

In the boundless void, a man in battle armor stood proudly in the void, as if suppressing something.

With the arrival of Yuxue, the silent person suddenly opened his eyes, the darkness disappeared, and the two of them were in a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant for a moment.

Seeing the person in front of her, Zuoxue felt inexplicably close, so she rushed over uncontrollably.


On the other side, after breaking up with Jie Hongyan and Yiqing Tiantian.

Yuan Wuji came halfway, but met two unexpected people.

"The killing stone!"

Yuan Wuji murmured, at this time the people in front also noticed his existence.

"The white face has nine changes, and the beauty is three thousand years old. Killing the stone wish, and the jade algae before the sun."

A seductive voice came, and I saw Yuqian Ruozao approaching slowly, twisting her waist, intoxicated, "I didn't expect you to survive under the hands of the evil god."

Yuqian Ruozao knew about the evil god Baqi's search for Yuan Wuji, and knew that with the means of the evil god, there would never be anyone who could not be found. After such a long time, they must have met each other, so he said so.

"So it's Yaoshou and Qingyangzi." Yuan Wuji smiled indifferently, "I had a great conversation with the evil god, why did Yaoshou say that?"

"Haha! What an interesting human being. Everyone is afraid of evil gods, but you are not afraid?"

Yuqian Ruozao looked at Yuan Wuji carefully, wanting to see the difference between the people who even the evil gods valued.

"The only reason I'm afraid is because of the gap in strength."

"Oh?" Yuqian Ruozao walked around Yuan Wuji with a look of interest on his face, "So, do you think you have the power to rival the evil god?"

"Strength is not something to talk about. If you are interested, you are welcome to come to me at any time. I will sweep the bed and wait for you. At that time, I will let you experience strength for yourself."

"Hahaha!" Yuqian Ruozao covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "You are much more interesting than the boring Qingyang. I never thought that there are people like you who are not afraid of demons among the human race."

Yuan Wuji smiled slightly, then looked at Qingyangzi, and said quietly: "Qingyangzi, I know you want to recast the invincible war dragon to deal with the evil god of Baqi, now that you have lost your prime, you still have that dragon spirit, but The monster aura of the monster head can also be replaced, you have to plan well!"


Hearing these words, Qingyangzi's expression changed immediately, but Yuan Wuji had already laughed and left, while Yuqian Ruozao who heard these words also looked deeply at Qingyangzi, and said with a smile: "Qingyang, It turns out that you have such a plan because you are not willing to part with Zao Nu and want me to merge with you and be together forever?"

Qingyangzi frowned, his expression as serious as ever, since he was pointed out, he didn't hide it, and said directly: "Isn't this what you want to do?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing what Qingyangzi said, Yuqian Ruozao laughed even louder, and after a long time, he said: "Qingyang, Zaonu loves you so that you can merge with Zaonu, doesn't it mean that Qingyang Yang, do you also love Zao girl so deeply? If so, then Zao girl is very happy."

Following Yuan Wuji's words, it also brought many variables to Qingyangzi's recasting of the invincible Zhanlong.

The Nine Transformations Fairy is not a kind person, how could she be willing to sacrifice for others?
There are many ways to be with your lover, eating Qingyangzi is undoubtedly the best way.

The Nine Transformations Fairy can be said to vividly show Dongying's sickness.


And after parting with Jiubian Yaomei and Qingyangzi.

Yuan Wuji continued to move forward, and when he came to the middle, a strong evil spirit pervaded in front of him.

Immediately, the sky seemed to turn blood-colored, and a cold and evil aura filled the world.

"A million corpses are buried under beacon fires, and dead bones are buried in blood near mountains and rivers. The sword and halberd sink into the sand, only ask Chi Luo."

The figure facing away, holding a sword in his hand, was full of murderous intent.

Seeing the appearance of King Yecha Xiao, Yuan Wuji's eyes moved slightly, and said indifferently: "Avenge me, it seems that your hatred for me is still higher than Baqi evil god!"

Chi Luo didn't speak, the surrounding scenery changed, the earth was full of dead bones, and it was desolate and dead.

"Well, it seems that Baqi Cthulhu is going to lose one of his favorite generals." Yuan Wuji first sighed slightly, and then said with a smile: "This game is neither long nor short, so I will play him first."

"Do you have this strength?"

Chi Luo suddenly turned around, and a blood-red knife shot out at the same time.

Yuan Wuji flicked his fingers, and the sword shattered instantly, "It seems that you haven't understood the gap between us, but it's not your fault."

"Hmph, verify the way of life and death!"

Chi Luo's eyes turned cold, and he personally killed his master and lover Bai Chuan Linghua. He had achieved ruthlessness and sex, and completed the last step in the way of life and death.

"Oh? The way of life and death?" The corners of Yuan Wuji's lips curled up slightly, and he said disdainfully, "It's just a child's toy. I can let you occupy the cold and ethereal body and return, and I can also take it all away."

"Baqi Cthulhu can give you rebirth, and I can give you destruction!"

Afterwards, Yuan Wuji put his hands behind his back, and a terrifying coercion pervaded Chi Luo, who only dared to carry a giant mountain on his shoulders, and the huge pressure suddenly caused his legs to sink into the ground.

 There is only one update for now.

(End of this chapter)

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