Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 711 Conjecture about Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 711 Conjecture about Parallel Time and Space

"I see."

After listening to the eyes of the Buddha's sword, Jian Jun Twelve Hen's brows gradually calmed down, and then Jian Jun Twelve Hen glanced at Jun Fengtian, and finally his eyes fell on Yuan Wuji, asking: "Then he is?"

Regarding Yuan Wuji, Sword Lord Twelve Hate obviously did not trust Yuan Wuji.

Especially what Yuan Wuji said to Jun Fengtian before, no matter how you listen to it, it is very unpleasant.

Of course, anyone would be outraged at the first sight of a stranger trying to be your father.

Although Jun Fengtian also wanted to know about his mother, he was not prepared to ask Yuan Wuji. Since the Buddha Sword was said to come from the same place as him, the Buddha Sword must also be clear, and he would find an opportunity to ask.

Yuan Wuji didn't continue to flirt with Jun Fengtian. Although it is said that the parallel world is, it is incomplete after all.

With Yuan Wuji's current realm and strength, he can feel that this world has huge flaws.

Although it is not an illusion, it should be just that the Buddha sword separated the power of the evil son and the son of evil to split a space, which seems to be the same as the suffering, and there are many creatures.

Specifically, he still needs to verify the guess by himself.

But one thing is for sure, this is definitely not a real plight.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the bloodthirsty people are, how could they be so rampant.

The Buddha Sword Separation also wanted to end as soon as possible, otherwise with the unstable factor of Yuan Wuji, other accidents might happen at any time, so they led everyone directly to the Pagoda of Atonement.

Along the way, there were bloodthirsty people attacking the strangers in the dark night, but the four of them were the top experts at that time, even though the bloodthirsty people kept on attacking, it only increased the casualties in vain.

For bloodthirsty people who attack humans like wild beasts without reason, even the Buddha will not hold back, and completely use the Buddha's teachings to save them.

It can be described as a good deed.

But on the way, Yuan Wuji stopped suddenly, turned around and said: "Buddha Sword, I will send you here, let's see you at the Pagoda of Atonement!"

"What does the cultivator mean?"

Fojian raised his brows separately and asked in doubt.

Yuan Wuji smiled slightly, "I'm very curious about how this world was formed, let's see how it has anything to do with suffering. Aren't you curious about the Buddha Sword?"

For Yuan Wuji's answer, Fojian couldn't refute it.

But such an unstable factor out of sight is really worrying.

Of course, it is not Yuan Wuji who is worried, but what unknown factors Yuan Wuji will bring to this world.

Now, the Buddhist sword is only for stability.

But he obviously doesn't have the strength and reason to restrict Yuan Wuji.

Just when the Buddha sword was in trouble, Jun Fengtian suddenly said, "You may not understand this world, so let me guide you!"

Is this spying on me?
With a thought in Yuan Wuji's mind, he knew Jun Fengtian's thoughts at a glance, but he didn't care, and nodded with a smile, "Since Fengtian has such filial piety, I will never refuse."

"You don't want to deceive people too much!"

Jun Fengtian's face darkened, his fists tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, even with his current concentration, he couldn't suppress his anger.

"Ha, let's go!"

Yuan Wuji smiled sassyly, and went directly to the West Yellow Buddhist Realm.

Looking at the backs of the two going away, the Buddha sword did not stop it, but just recited the Buddha's name, "I hope Faru can watch him."


In a dead world, there is no life at all.

Darkness and gray are the main colors of this world.

But when Yuan Wuji came to the West Yellow Buddhist Realm, there was only barrenness.

"The West Yellow Buddhist Realm was destroyed before Jiazi."

At this time, Jun Fengtian's voice also sounded.

"So, the three religions have all been destroyed?"

Yuan Wuji frowned and asked.

Jun Fengtian didn't answer, but this was the best answer, "Then the background of the three religions in this world is too shallow!"

Yuan Wuji felt a little emotional, and came all the way to Tunshou to speak harshly.

Jun Fengtian behind him frowned, full of disgust for the person in front of him.

The turbulent black water had already dried up, exposing the cracked ground at the bottom, and there was no trace of the passage connecting Yama to the Ghost Prison.

Yuan Wuji squatted down slowly, gently grabbed a handful of soil, and felt the strange power contained in it quietly, trying to find clues.

Jun Fengtian behind him frowned, not knowing what Yuan Wuji wanted to do.

"It's really just ordinary soil. Or everything has disappeared under the erosion of years..."

Yuan Wuji murmured to himself, he believed that there should be a hell ghost prison in this world, because Jun Fengtian was the proof.

Jun Fengtian is the son of the world and cannot be changed, otherwise the world would be unexplainable, it would become more chaotic, and it would have already collapsed by itself.

Yuan Wuji was still not reconciled, and suddenly pressed his palm on the ground, and then his mental power spread down along the veins of the earth, trying to find the trace of Yama's ghost prison.

It's not that Yuan Wuji insisted on finding Yan Luo's ghost prison, but that he wanted to prove an answer from Yan Luo's ghost prison.

And with the existence of Jun Fengtian, Yan Luo Ghost Prison is the most suitable place to prove this answer.

Hundred feet!

Thousands of feet!


Yuan Wuji mobilized the power of his soul almost to the limit.

But there is still no trace of Yan Luo Ghost Prison.


Suddenly, Yuan Wuji's eyes lit up, and then he yanked his palm, and a corroded and incomplete flag was pulled out from the ground in an instant.

Looking at the banner with only half of the handwriting visible, Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that Yan Luo Ghost Prison really existed, um..."

Yuan Wuji fell into deep thought, "But there are no other traces here. Is it because Yan Luo Ghost Prison belongs to another space, and the channel is broken and can no longer touch the plight. Or is it because of power that this world cannot fully display everything."

In fact, Yuan Wuji still thinks that the latter is more likely, because if a new affliction can really evolve, then the Dark Evil Emperor will not be at ease until now.

"Let's go!"

Yuan Wuji stood up, shook his head slightly, and then walked northward without hesitation.

The goal of this trip - Beihai Lingzhou.

Jun Fengtian wanted to keep an eye on the other party, but also wanted to see what purpose this person had, so he followed directly.

With the speed of the two of them, they have rushed from the extreme west to the extreme north in a few hours.

But there is no huge city in front of me, no human habitation, only endless ice and snow, and after the ice and snow, it is still ice and snow, plain white and monotonous.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Yuan Wuji chuckled, he understood everything.

"In layman's terms, this is a dungeon in the game. It's not a complete world, but a space that has been cut off and has nothing to do with the outside world. It's permanent."

"And the final boss of this world is the Dark Evil Emperor. Killing him is equivalent to clearing the level. As for the others, they are all NPCs in the dungeon. Although they have their own memories, past and experiences, they are not the original people after all."

"Yuan Wuji also couldn't explain their existence. He said they were illusions, but they had flesh and blood. He said they were real, but he couldn't find their origin from the root."

This may be a parallel time and space, but it only parallels one of the countless years of suffering, and then evolves by itself.

And the core of this world is the Anxie Emperor or the Buddha Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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