Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 729 Decomposition of Armor [Year-end Rebate Event]

Chapter 729 Decomposition of Armor [Year-end Rebate Event]

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But in Daowu King Valley, the moment of reversal finally arrived.

When King Asura was severely wounded, he was stabbed in the back by Qingyangzi.

The Nine Transformations Demon made an angry move, but was severely injured by the Jihan Dao Sword.

At the time when the Nine Transformations Demon attracted the killing stones buried in various places, the rivers and lakes reappeared in gold and silver.

Tired Shoutian and Yuan Wuxiang returned from the bardo world, and they used their joint moves to cooperate with the big formation to block the evil spirit for an instant.

Without the monstrous demonic aura as a supplement, the strength of the Nine Transformations Demonic God sank into a trough.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanzhenjun, who was rumored to be dead, reappeared, and an invisible arrow pierced through the heart of the Nine Transformations Demon.

Qingyangzi's goal is finally achieved.


Turning the tide with one move, the Nine-Transformation Demon Mistress laughed desolately, "Qingyangzi, Daomen, your hiding is deep enough that even we were deceived by you."

"Facing the Eight Qi evil god, we have to be cautious."

Qingyangzi was indifferent.

It will be sold immediately to extract the last demonic energy of the Nine Changes Demon.


Brahma reappears.

The vast Buddha's light rises from the ground, shattering the dark clouds and evil atmosphere.

At the same time, the celestial energy surged across the sky, and a celestial shadow came again, "Lifting the waves, the turbid dust tassels, the clear and majestic, forgetting the green and dark. Yi Yun flies to the clouds and Han, the road of chivalry is difficult, and the road of Shu is walking."


Suddenly, several souls burst through the air and merged into the palm of the bad god, and then the bad god looked into the distance, and his expression became gloomy.

Apparently, the evil god Baqi had sensed that the two armies were about to be defeated.

"Since you are unwilling to accept the destruction bestowed on you by this deity, then I have no choice but to send you to Infernal Affairs personally!"

With the beeping sound, Ye Zhu reappeared.

While raising his hand, the Extinguisher Spear reappeared, piercing through the void with a fierce blow, and pointed directly at a page of books in front of him.

"A flow of mountains and rivers!"

Facing the move of the gods, Yi Yishu looked awe-inspiring and did not dare to neglect at all. When he punched down, the mountains and rivers were smashed, and the ground was shattered.

It was just one move, one page of the book took three steps backwards, and the breath was so loud that it was hard to calm down.

At the same moment, Yun Huizi used the magic-slaying mental technique again, cooperated with the two fronts of heaven and earth, and beheaded the evil god of Baqi.

"Devil Slaying Record, it really disgusts God."

Sensing the existence of the Demon Slaying Mind Technique, a look of disgust appeared in Ye Zhu's eyes. They hadn't condensed their bodies at the beginning, but they were beheaded by Jiutian Xuanzun with the Demon Killing Mind Technique, and this was the seal of countless Jiazi later .

Raising a palm, the God Extinguishing Spear condensed again and shot out like an arrow.

As Yun Huizi slashed down with his sword, the blazing white light covered the sunlight, but then the huge sword energy shattered, and Yun Huizi flew upside down, staining the sky with blood, and was severely injured by the blow.


Ye Zhu sneered, and shook his head. Obviously, compared with Xuanzun Jiutian, Yun Huizi's strength was too weak, so he added a little more strength, and it was just because he hated this breath.

Unexpectedly, just like this, it will be severely damaged.

"Slaying demons and staying in meditation is like a sword. Hao Xing smashes the demon atmosphere!"

I don't know when, a divine sword appeared in the hand of Yiyingshu. This is a new divine sword formed by the fusion of other treasures brought by Nie Han's integration into Tan Wuyu, Sanheng Zhaoshi, and Yan Wuxin's life. .

Although it is not the sword of killing evil, it is also extraordinary.

With Jiji's sword, a page of book can absorb the starlight in the sky, and he is in front of the bad god in an instant.

I saw that this sword pierced through the evil spirit, but was caught by the evil spirit of Baqi.


Baqi Cthulhu sneered again, and with a flick of his wrist, the magic weapon shattered in an instant.


Facing the misfortune, one page of the book was calm, took a deep breath of true energy, raised his palm and pushed, and the shattered and broken blades shot at the evil god of Baqi in unison.

"Heavenly Emperor Shenfeng · Feng Yi breaks the sun!"

At the same time, Huangru Wushang in the mech continued his powerful moves, and between his huge palms, it seemed that a mass of violent kamikaze was condensed.


With a slash of the sword, the void immediately shattered, the ground cracked, and dust and sand rose from the ground.

Thousands of miles of Fangyuan formed a disaster of destruction.

Fortunately, in order to meet this battle, the people of Fangyuan thousands of miles away on the ancient road of Defeng had already been evacuated, and those with insufficient foundation such as Yulijing also retreated tens of miles early, so there were not many unnecessary casualties
"The Light of God Punishment!"

At this moment, Yezhu raised both palms at the same time, and thousands of divine lights flashed in a criss-cross pattern, and everything in front of him disappeared into nothingness in an instant.


God's ultimate move reappears, no one is invincible in the world today, and the power of destruction can make Lu Shen.

Yiyingshu and Yun Huizi showed their vast cultivation at the same time, forming a light curtain to block them.

But he only held on for a short breath, and the light curtain shattered. Fortunately, Huangru Wushang had controlled the mech to charge up again, and the Xuanhao five-pole formation on his chest condensed, becoming a shield.

Together, the five of them tried their best to block it, buying time for Yun Huizi, Yi Yeshu, and the Confucian disciples dozens of miles behind them to retreat.

"Can you stop it?"

Ye Zhu snorted coldly in disdain, and after a few breaths, the huge pentagonal circle suddenly began to flicker, and the golden light also dimmed.


Realizing that something was wrong, Huangru Supreme let out a low growl, the huge mecha suddenly bent down, and then bounced backwards, but even so, several rays of divine light that instantly defeated the divine formation still fell on the huge mecha.

In an instant, the mecha disintegrated, Huangru Wushang and Ji Xuangu vomited blood and flew backwards.

However, Ji Xuangu hugged Mu Lingfeng tightly in his arms, blocking all the aftermath.

Because Mu Lingfeng is pregnant, Ji Xuangu will never allow Mu Lingfeng to be hurt.

"Xuan Gu, I have become your burden again."

Leaning on Jixuangu's chest, Mu Lingfeng said in a low voice, but his heart was indeed at ease like never before.

"You have never been a burden. You are the most important person in my life. I said that as long as I am here, I will not let you and my children get hurt."

Ji Xuangu replied solemnly, because Ji Xuangu had endured everything, and Mu Lingfeng had not suffered any harm.

Soon, everyone retreated a hundred miles one after another, and landed one after another to join the Confucian sect.

But even if they resisted, under the power of the aftermath, everyone in the Confucian sect was seriously injured. Fortunately, they resisted, otherwise the Confucian sect would be destroyed with just this blow.

In the place where the previous battle was fought, Baili Fangyuan seemed to have evaporated, turning into chaos and nothingness.

The move of killing gods is so terrifying.

"The battle armor has been destroyed, do you have any other means?"

Ye Zhu stepped into the void and glanced coldly.

The expressions of the Confucian people changed slightly, showing worry.

"Baqi Cthulhu, let me show you the true power of Confucianism."

Intense pressure hits the face, if there is no formation to help, and join forces to fight, the Confucianists alone will not be able to block Baqi evil god's move.

As the emperor of Confucianism, Huangru Wushang would never allow the descendants of Confucianism to suffer casualties in front of him. Then he took a step forward and stood opposite Baqi evil god.

At this time, the sapphire on the chest of the evil spirit of Baqi flickered again, and the soul rotated, and the dark emperor Wu Jianchang reappeared, "Oh? What else do you have?"

"The means to kill you!" Huang Ru Wushang looked cold and determined.

The Confucian sect behind them showed even more worry.

"Boss!" Xiaru Wuzong shouted softly, with worried eyes, but Huangru Wushang in mid-air just raised his arm, "Help me take care of everyone."


On the other side, Daowu Wang Gu had just dealt with the Nine Transformations Demon and King Ashura, but an even greater disaster soon ushered in.

The evil kings of the heavens appeared.

Jianzi Xianji, Qingyangzi and others were facing a formidable enemy, and their plan to aid Confucianism was blocked.

What is the extent of the god's guilt that combines the body of the gods, the power of the cursed star, and the ultimate emperor of the underworld?

Legend has it that the misfortune of the gods represents the evil karma of the gods, and the strange number that the gods are afraid of has returned perfectly. Can the Taoist sect really resist it?
 Daoists, the event is here, just this day, don’t miss it, spend 100 yuan, get 40 Jingdong cards back, not just this book, you can subscribe to other books you like!Of course, I am also very happy to reward this book!

(End of this chapter)

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