Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 747 The Secret of 6 Days [The Last 6 Hours, Ask for a Monthly Pass]

Chapter 747 The Secret of Six Days [The Last 6 Hours, Ask for a Monthly Pass]

"Emperor Yan?"

"What is he..."

At this time, Yuan Wuji suddenly spoke, seemingly curious.

After all, Yuan Wuji was not familiar with the Realm of the Six Heavens, and the only gods he knew were the Sun God and the Emperor Qitian.

"The God of Punishment in charge of the Six Heavens."

Jail greedy eyes flashed, and said casually.

"So that's the case, don't you know something about the realm of the six heavens?" Yuan Wuji asked again with a slight smile.

"I don't understand." Prison shook his head slightly, "The Realm of the Six Heavens is the most mysterious place in suffering, and I have only heard about Emperor Yan's incident mentioned by Zhongtian, but he doesn't have much memory of the Realm of the Six Heavens. All I know is that the realm of the six heavens is an illusory world, and the god of heaven, the sun god, is the most respected, followed by Qitiandi, the number one warrior god in the heavens.

However, after Emperor Qitian wiped out the demons in the heavenly world, and after the will of the sun god deviated from the will of the sun god due to human affairs, Emperor Yan took over the power of divine punishment. "

While Yuan Wuji was chatting with Jail Greed, the evil kings of the heavens completely entered the universe, and countless stars exploded in the overflowing power of the two.


At the same time, in the illusory God Realm, a figure with a holy wheel hanging behind his head and a blurry face sat on a high divine throne.

He is like the sun, where he exists is the light.

The power of benevolence and tolerance is similar to the attributes of Tianjing, which makes the gods submit to it.

"Heavenly gods, souls from outside the world sneaked into the miserable world, changed their fate, reversed the destiny, and successfully became a god with a human body. The Flame God has sent divine punishment."

At this time, a god came out and said neither humble nor overbearing.

The Sun God, who was sitting high above the throne, lowered his head slightly, and then flicked his fingers, a round mirror appeared in the air, and then the figures of Yuan Wuji and Yulu appeared in the mirror.

"I would like to enter the heaven!"

After a long time, a peaceful voice resounded in the vast temple,

"If you don't want to, let's kill the god general. The rebellious heart is undoubtedly revealed. He should be punished by God and enter the realm of the extreme heaven, and he will never be reborn forever!"

The sun god was silent for a moment, then turned his head to look at the gods below, and said calmly: "What do you think?"

"The soul of the outside world is not subject to dominion and restraint, it should be held forever!"

"We also agree!"

All the gods nodded their heads.

Although the Realm of the Six Heavens is where the gods live, the true gods are still a minority after all, and their status is extremely high. Even the sun god has to be treated with courtesy.

And Emperor Yan is among the true gods, so he can wield the authority of Heaven's Punishment, and his power is also among the top five in the realm of the six heavens.

Therefore, Emperor Yan has already made a move, and the other gods will naturally not object.

And in the universe.

Yuan Wuji and Jail Greed seemed to have sensed something, and looked up.

The eyes of the two seemed to have penetrated the infinite barrier, crossed the galaxy, and met the god who was on the throne.

However, the two only saw a round of scorching sun and blazing light, and couldn't see the specific shape at all.


There was a silent shock, directly covering everything in front of him.

At this moment, the evil kings of the heavens have gone completely berserk.

The ultimate underworld emperor danced wildly in his hands, pouring in divine power, opening and closing moves, as if opening up the world.


The majestic shout spread again, and the golden flame sword erupted with divine power in an instant, pressing down again, and all layers of space were directly exploded with force, as if this world could not bear the divine power of Emperor Yan.

But the passage directly connected to the Six Heavens Realm has been opened, which has greatly weakened this repelling force, and the thrown sword can exert [-]% of its power.

Fortunately, they have already appeared in the universe. If they are in a difficult situation, the land of thousands of miles may collapse directly.

"At the beginning, Zhao's body was seriously depleted, and the frenzy of consciousness gave you the opportunity to severely injure Zhao. Today, Zhao made the God of the Six Heavens understand what God's wrath is."

Accompanied by a roar of anger, the evil kings of the heavens once again went against the trend, and now that they had returned to their divine bodies and held the divine weapons in their hands, the evil kings of the heavens finally showed their true power close to the limit of gods.

"The journey of the misfortune star will destroy the world!"

The god marks on the faces of the evil kings of the heavens suddenly dissipated, the power of the seal returned, and at the same time mobilized the power of the evil star, the evil power of Baqi, and their own divine power.

The three powers merged into one, and the aura rose again, showing the real power that the gods dreaded, and once again charged forward against the sword of punishment.


The Sword of Heaven's Punishment locks on the evil kings of the sky, making it impossible for him to dodge. With the downward pressure, the space is directly pierced, and the terrifying power makes the galaxy tremble thousands of miles away.

The stars shook, as if they were about to fall at any moment, turning into meteors to hit the plight.

"The war of gods broke out!"

At this moment, everyone in the Righteous Path changed countenance, because if the stars fell, the plight might really be completely destroyed.

But at this moment, with their strength, it is impossible to intervene in this battle.

The power that erupted in the universe directly impacted the four directions, the universe,

The distant four worlds also suddenly shook.

The five dragons of the Upper Heaven Realm, which is at the top, gather together.

The upper heaven realm belongs to the uppermost position among the four realms, and it is responsible for capturing and punishing criminals. There is a galaxy prison in it, where many horrible beings are imprisoned.

Wu Wu, Xie Tian Yu Wu, and Master Fengyou were all inmates, and they all escaped from prison one after another.

Xie Tian Yuwu even killed 21 days in a row in Xiwulin, almost completely exterminating Xiwulin. As for Void, he was unlucky, and was imprisoned behind the Gate of Chaos by members of the Yufeng clan from the blazing world as soon as he escaped.

The escape plot is now continuing and has come to fruition.

Today, the turmoil in the universe and the shocking power have also made the poetic city become vigilant.

"The Lord Yusheng sent the news that the human race has become a god in a difficult situation, and has reversed the destiny, leading to the outbreak of the war of gods."

Tianzun Huangyin spoke, this is the news he just received.

"The human race becomes a god? How is this possible?"

Biyan Yinrong was shocked, because even their five brothers did not have such qualifications and strength.

"According to the oracle of the six-day world, this person is a soul outside the world, so his destiny is not in a difficult situation, let alone bound by the rules of destiny, so he can break through the boundary wall and become a god."

Tianzun Huangyin said again.

"The soul of the outside world, interesting. Who is this person?"

There was a flash of fire in Blazing Chilin's eyes, as if he had the will to fight.

Tianzun Huangyin's eyes showed a touch of complexity, and he said after a while: "You also know this person."


Blazing Chilin was stunned for a moment, with surprise in his eyes, "I know him? Who is it?"

"Do you still remember when we took over the destiny of Chilongying and joined Motunbufucheng when the Dragon Soul went down to the lower realm?"

Tianzun Huangyin's voice was low, because he never imagined that the person whom he met in a hurry before had come to this step.

"What do you mean?"

Blazing Chilin's frown deepened. He went to the Galaxy Prison these days, so he didn't pay attention to the plight.

"The original eight-faced and exquisite master, Mr. Zhanlu Wufangyuan!"

Tianzun Huangyin finally said the name solemnly.

"It turned out to be him!" Blazing Chilin shared the surprise, he had never fought Yuan Wuji before, but he met him once, although he felt that this person's skill is not bad, but that's all.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, the other party has crossed the realm that ordinary people may not be able to reach in thousands of years.

"That's right. Not long ago, he exhausted his soul and rebuilt it. With the return of his soul, he finally ascended to the realm of gods, got rid of the destiny, and became a god in one fell swoop."

Tianzun Huangyin's voice was also full of emotion.

After all, even he didn't expect that when he first met and heard the name again, the other party had already surpassed the heavens.

"Brother, I don't know whether it is good or bad for this person to become a god in a difficult situation. How is the Six Heavens Realm going to deal with it? What is the attitude of the Dragon Emperor?"

At this time, Xieying Baidi asked again, because the matter was beyond their control.

Although Poetic Tiancheng has the duty to arrest criminals who endanger the plight, but with their strength, it is difficult to intervene in this matter.

After all, it is not a god now, but a war of gods broke out.

As for such an important matter, I am afraid that only the Yutian Dragon Emperor can decide.

[Ask for a monthly pass!The closest to the second! 】

[Before a Taoist friend pointed out that the emperor had already obtained it in the previous article, Yan Luo's ghost prison, so it was changed to 'all directions are destroyed'.Thank you fellow daoist for your reminder, I’m so confused…crying…]

 It's the last 6 hours, fellow Taoists, let's throw all the monthly tickets in your hands, and try to write more!
(End of this chapter)

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