Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 752 The world is filthy again

Chapter 752 The world is filthy again

"God Thunder Demon shocked God!"

Yuan Wuji yelled angrily, his body burning with divine power, his whole body seemed to turn into a huge thunder ball, his domineering power was not inferior to that of Wan Lei Qihong before.

The previous nine thunders were stronger than one, and Yuan Wuji used his divine power to induce the power of the vast universe. This time, it was Yuan Wuji who burned his own divine power, and the power became more cohesive and violent.

"I am the sky, a mere human god, how dare I punish the sky?"

Emperor Yan scolded coldly, and his palms glowed, as if two big suns had been slapped down fiercely.


When the sky exploded, the mouths of the two men burst open, the blood of the gods was scattered, and each of them flew out backwards.

They are all divine bodies, but under this kind of power, they have all been impacted.

Yuan Wuji combines the power of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, immortals, ghosts and demons, and his body is equally powerful, but compared to the old gods like Emperor Yan, who also has a special body, it is still slightly inferior. pierced the space.

On the opposite side, Emperor Yan's divine body was like red gold, emitting diffuse light and being indestructible, but Yuan Wuji's detonated divine power was equally tyrannical, even though Yan Emperor's divine body was special, it still made the red golden divine body appear scorched black.

This time, although it is not the power of law, it is a real move of God.

"Emperor Yan came to the world and destroyed Jiuhuan in anger!"

Emperor Yan also erupted completely, the red blond hair on his back was frantic, the blazing white sword swept across, and the void was directly torn.

Yuan Wuji also waved the Emperor.

The two artifacts collided, and the spread became wider and wider. The sky was trembling, the stars were exploding, and the universe was whining. Everything seemed to have come to an end, and everything was about to end.

Yuan Wuji's body is integrated with all kinds of Taoism, and every move and every move drives the entire universe, crushing with the general trend, dignified and upright.

At this moment, all conspiracies and calculations were smashed under the force of the fist.

Emperor Yan and Yuan Wuji fought fiercely, and the terrifying energy dissipated between the two swept across, even Jail Greed was surprised by it, "So this is his real strength."

Inside the huge vortex, a pair of icy eyes were hidden under the wide hood, making it difficult to see his appearance, but his eyes kept falling on Yuan Wuji.

Cold, heartless and...

"The Phoenix is ​​invincible!"

Yuan Wuji performed the final ultimate move of the Nine Heavens Divine Emperor Jue, and slashed down with a single sword, like a huge fire phoenix burning the universe, rushing straight down.

Pieces of Akabane shot like arrows, directly piercing the universe.

The two hit the deepest part of the universe, and pieces of stars were shattered.

The battle between Xue Kunpeng and Sword Banxian can still leave a trace of the battlefield outside the universe, but the battle between Yuan Wuji and Emperor Yan, wherever it passes, the stars are directly vaporized, the void is torn apart, and cosmic storms sweep through the cracks , leaving no trace of shape at all.

The terrifying power gradually became uncontrollable and restricted, and began to seep into the affliction. The violent turmoil opened the apocalypse to the adversity.

The sky has changed and the earth has cracked.

The war of gods, the war of doomsday broke out.


In the realm of the six heavens, the Sun God closed his eyes and remained silent.

In another quiet shrine, a golden sun ball appeared for a moment, rushing directly into the palace.

In the plain white palace, high above the divine throne, a solemn figure with its eyes closed remains motionless, like a stone sculpture that is eternal.

Even if the sun god appeared, the burly figure on the god's seat didn't bother to raise his eyelids.

In the entire Six Heavens Realm, there is only one who dares to treat the Sun God like this.

That is the number one Martial God in the heavens - Emperor Qitian.

After a long silence, a spot of light suddenly appeared in the sun's light sphere, and then an image appeared in front of the two of them, which was the scene of Yuan Wuji's battle with Emperor Yan.

It wasn't until then that the Sun God's peaceful voice came out from the light sphere, "Although I don't want to, but the conspiracy will float within six days, I can only ask you to take action."

If it was just a human god fighting against the power of the Six Heavens, the Sun God would not be doing much, but now that Emperor Yan was involved, and he had other plans, the Sun God naturally understood that this matter had another purpose.

After all, He is the ruler of the six days. As long as He is willing to investigate, he can always find some unusual information.

It is also because of this that the sun god will take the initiative to ask the emperor to abandon him.

Although this may not be the most correct decision, but it is the best decision so far.

The temple was still silent, and after a long time, Emperor Qitian slowly opened his closed eyes.

In his eyes, it seems to show the scene of opening the sky and creating the world, everyone is doing good, peace and tranquility, which directly shakes the soul.

"You don't need Tai Xi, do you really want to ask me to help?"

The plain voice contained supreme majesty.

The sun god's ball of light swirled and seemed to shake his head, "There are still conspirators lurking in this accident, and the sun is not enough to clean everything up."

He never thought about it, but there are still gods of death in the lower realm, Taixi is not prepared enough, and he can't do it with all his strength.

"Ha!" Emperor Qitian chuckled lightly, and said playfully, "You have to understand that if I take action, it means that our agreement is void. Do you really want to make such a decision?"

"Until now, have you still not changed your mind?"

The Sun God sighed faintly, the former comrades-in-arms are now separated, which is really regrettable.

"Why did I change?"

Emperor Qitian is noncommittal, and what he believes will not change because of other people's words. If so, then he is no longer Emperor Qitian.

The sun god was silent, while Qitiandi glanced at Yuan Wuji and Yandi lightly, and finally his eyes fell on Baqi evil god, and he saw through its origin at a glance, "The world~~ is filthy again!"


Infinite hell.

The God of Death slowly got up from the throne, the hood hanging down to the tip of his nose still couldn't cover his gaze, the battle outside the sky made the God of Death interested.

Just when the god of death was about to leave, suddenly, a crystal light ball with a hundred angles criss-crossed broke through the sky. Outside the light ball, there were golden and red light waves flashing, and the dark hell instantly turned into a clear sky, bright and peaceful.

At the same time, a soft female voice came from inside the prismatic crystal, "Reaper, don't forget the agreement between you and me."

"Ha!" The God of Death's breath moved slightly, and his fighting spirit surged, "Mother of the Earth's Light, can you finally bear it?"

"This battle has nothing to do with the god of death, why should the god of death intervene? Do you really think that the realm of the six heavens will be nothing more than that?"

The soft voice of Taixi Shenzhao came to my ears, seemingly soft, but full of firmness, "This is just the beginning, the real decisive battle has not yet come, so why worry about death!"

The god of death was silent for a while, and suddenly chuckled after a while, "I don't know how the six-day world will respond, but you will stay here and wait for the end!"


Taixi Shenzhao pondered slightly, and then the light waves all over his body shone slightly, "As you said."

Taixi Shenzhao's decision meant that she would no longer interfere.

However, the attitude of the god of death was in her expectation, and in this battle, stronger existences would naturally intervene, so she was not worried.

 Thanks to: Liuquan Xiaolong, Su Huanzhen really cursed the seniors, book friends 2019... 246, all Dao abilities of Perak are under my control, Dutianshensha Zhoutianxingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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