Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 771 Three Sides Siege [December Monthly Ticket 3]

Chapter 771 Three-party siege [December monthly ticket 12]

"Qingshuangtai, the person they are looking for is me. In fact, as long as I leave this place, you will be safe."

While descending the mountain, Yuan Wuji sat in a wheelchair and sighed to Mu Chengxue behind him.

"Mu Chengxue will not go back on what he promised. I have made arrangements for Qiuliang and my brother. They are now in the secret passage, and you also said that their goal is you. As long as we leave, they will be safe."

Although Mu Chengxue has a cold personality, she keeps her promise.

Just when the two of them left Mount Heng, Gu Shiyue was walking in the grove, and Sha Jie came again.

The two steel wires were thrown far away, Yuan Wuji turned his head slightly, the two steel wires were wrapped around the back of the wheelchair on the left and right, and the next moment, the steel wires were tense, trying to split the wheelchair in two.

Yuan Wuji slammed his palms on the wheelchair, and the wheelchair that was about to shatter instantly became one.


Sudden attack, Mu Chengxue swung his palms together and rushed out.

But before they came to the people behind the scenes, dozens of people with knives rushed out of the woods, swung their knives and slashed.

"Funeral Knife Club!"

Seeing the attires of these people, Mu Chengxue scolded coldly, without mercy, "The green plums are covered with snow!"

The quick palms were shot continuously, and at once, dozens of people had palms in their chests and flew out backwards.

"Mu Chengxue, since you have given up your qualification to chase after the Death Hunter, you shouldn't meddle in other people's business, because if you meddle in other people's business, you will die!"

Du Changchun, Duke Wei of the Burial Knife Club, flew out of the woods, and with a twist of two steel wires in his hands, he was about to remove the head from the wheelchair.

Yuan Wuji didn't do anything, but just pulled the mechanism on the wheelchair, two iron thorns stabbed out from below, actually blocked the steel wire ultimate move.

"Qingshuang unleashes the sword!"

When Mu Chengxue saw Yuan Wuji behind him in danger, the green sword suddenly fell into his palm, and stabbed at Du Changchun.

Being targeted by Mu Chengxue, Du Changchun has no time to pay attention to Yuan Wuji.

Seeing this, the remaining members of the Burial Knife Society charged again, but as soon as they got close to Yuan Wuji, they fell to the ground one by one, their faces turned blue, and they died of suffocation.


At this time, a cold voice sounded from behind.

Seeing that the Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation does not know when it will come, "I don't know if your poison can break through the ghostly body protection."

"The prey must have the consciousness of the prey."

Immediately afterwards, a deep voice sounded, and the six-headed cloud flood dragon appeared with Wu Xuanhuang, Mi Zaobai and others from the Dark Realm.

The Burial Knife Society and the Demon Realm both came to take Yuan Wuji's head and the golden dragon key. Mu Chengxue returned to Yuan Wuji's back and stared at the two parties solemnly. The three parties suddenly became tense.

"It seems that I am very popular. It is really a coincidence that the Demon Realm and the Burial Knife Society came as soon as the Buddha Land was sent away."


The eyes of the three people in the lead froze at the same time, because they knew that they all said that they had received Fetion, which meant that there was still a shadow of a force behind the scenes.

"Hmph! No matter what the reason is, no matter who is scheming, today, your life will be decided!"

The Ghost Desolate Hell Transformation where the three evil spirits gathered together became more and more arrogant and arrogant, especially after defeating the Fallen God Tower and regaining the position of the Lord of the Demon World, he did not take the heroes of the world seriously.

As soon as the words fell, Ghost Desolation Hell came to urge his life with fierce palms.

"Mount Lushan's smoke shines on the moon!"

Mu Chengxue stabbed back with his jade sword, blocking Guihuang Hell's killing palm.

"Can you stop so many of us by yourself?"

The six-headed cloud flood dragon waved his hand coldly, and the black and white came from behind him at the same time, while he himself stood in front of the Burial Knife Society, "This prey, the Eternal Dark Realm is about to be settled."

The three parties are competing for supremacy, and all of them are full of confidence.

It seems that Yuan Wuji's little life is like picking something out of a bag for them.

But Yuan Wuji sees it from the perspective of a god, and cooperates with these mortals to perform a play, so he is not in a hurry to show his power.

Otherwise the game will be over soon.

The life of God is so boring and tasteless.

If you don't have some fun for yourself in the process of slowly regaining strength, it will be really boring.

However, this does not mean that any demon horn is qualified to attack him.

Although they had been on guard for a long time, Mo Xuanhuang and Mi Zaobai even held their breath, but as soon as they approached Yuan Wuji's one foot away, they let out a miserable howl, and the next moment they were directly corroded.

The two of them died instantly before they even had time to send out a move.

Even Liushou Yunjiao was stunned, because even he didn't notice the slightest difference, and his subordinates were already dead.

"Six-headed Yunjiao, if you want to kill me, you can do it yourself. Are you humiliating me for such a demon horn?"


The eyes of the six cloud dragons were filled with anger, as the leader of the dark world, how could it be so underestimated.

Although he knew that the opponent's methods were weird, if he retreated today, wouldn't it make other people laugh at him.


The Yin-Yang road appeared in the hands of the six-headed cloud dragon. It was a scorpion-shaped two-pronged fork, exuding a bright red breath of death as a whole. The stabbing technique is the main one, and with the user's supreme demon power, it can penetrate any hard armor.

This is also the supreme artifact of the dark world.

Facing the menacing killing blade, Yuan Wuji turned his wheelchair and backed away, avoiding the first move. At this moment, the steel wire was tied to the wheelchair again, and he pulled hard, intending to drag Yuan Wuji to the side of the funeral knife meeting.

Both sides attacked Yuan Wuji with fierce killing moves at the same time, Mu Chengxue was anxious, and the sword in her hand became more and more fierce, but Guihuang Hell became super powerful, making her unable to help.

At this moment, a sword qi from outside the sky suddenly came out of the siege.

"There is no one in ancient times, who is lonely and friends with Lingyun. Gao Zhong smiled and lay down, and Ren Qixing in the Spring and Autumn Period."

Accompanied by the title of poetry, Yi Qixing suddenly appeared and stood in front of Yuan Wuji, one against two, one against the two heroes.

"Another life-defying enemy, just in time!"

Liushou Yunjiao let out a cold snort, and made another killer move, pouring thick monster power into the Yin-Yang Road, piercing the space with extreme sharpness.

At the same time, the life-threatening steel wire also struck again.

Yi Qixing's sword moves are fierce, one against two.

Just after everyone exposed Yuan Wuji to the unguarded state again.


"Myriad Profound Swallowing Vortex."

Xuan Ding, who has been going back and forth, reappeared, with a quiet vortex condensed in his palm, absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and directly attacking Yuan Wuji's back.

Obviously, this was a premeditated palm.

Although he was afraid of Yuan Wuji's poison, but because of this, he should be killed.

"Huh? So this is your plan."

Sensing the killing of the Buddha behind his back, Yuan Wuji suddenly raised his palm high, directly mobilizing the world and the like, "Ten palms of the cloud—the thunder is endless!"


With a pair of palms, there was a thunderstorm, and the sky also shouted for it, Xuan Ding flew upside down immediately in anger, as if being killed by thunder, lightning flashed all over his body.

[Recently, I started to save manuscripts, so as to ensure continuous updates during the Chinese New Year! 】

 The third update!Thanks: Qing Haichao, Dutianshensha Zhoutianxingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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