Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 784 Movie King vs. Movie King

Chapter 784 Movie King vs. Movie King

Watching Bu Xiangchen's bed go away under the movement of the grass spirit, Yuan Wuji also turned the wheelchair to leave again.

With the recovery of the demon world, Buddha Township and Zan Dao will suffer from him, and both parties understand that although this is just a cripple sitting in a wheelchair, his methods may not be weaker than those who were the most difficult people at that time.

Therefore, this time, Yuan Wuji was rarely at leisure, and no one came to provoke him. Of course, there may be another conspiracy.

People in a difficult situation, especially cults with crazy ideas, will not retreat so easily, and will only become crazier.

But soon, someone was still looking for it.

"It's not just that I am small, but I am talented; it's not that I have studied the past and present, and it's just the endowments; it's not that I look at the Kyushu, but it's macroscopic; the three are not crimes? No dream is the ultimate victory."

Accompanied by the Qingya Shihao, I saw a person approaching slowly.

The plain white robe is dotted with black patterns, just like the rebirth of a crouching dragon and phoenix, with wisdom from the past to the present.

A gentle smile makes it easy for people to let go of their guard.

"It turned out to be Mr. Sanyu. I wonder what you want from me?"

Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered slightly, but he spoke gently.

"Sanyu has nothing to do, just happened to meet the young master, why don't we sit down and drink tea?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng nodded slightly, the same meekness, like a gentleman, as humble as a jade.

"Ha! This is natural, but my body can only sit, but I want Mr. Sanyu to take care of himself."

Sanyu Wumengsheng smiled slightly, and with a flick of his hand, a set of stone tables and chairs appeared in front of the two of them.

After Sanyu Wumengsheng sat down, his nose suddenly sniffed slightly, and his eyes fell on Yuan Wuji, "The smell here seems to be..."

"Before I met you, the host happened to be passing by. Speaking of which, she was telling me that she missed you a little bit. I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. If the host is a little slower, maybe I can understand how I miss you, sir. .”

"Cough...cough cough!"

Hearing this, Sanyu Wumengsheng couldn't help coughing again and again, and a look of embarrassment rarely crossed his face.

Yuan Wuji didn't know anything about it, but instead looked concerned, "What? Is Mr. Sanyu sick? I happen to have some research in medicine, so I can diagnose and treat you.

Of course, if Mr. Sanyu wants to ask the landlord to take action, I can help you pass on the news. I believe that the landlord will be very happy to see Mr. Sanyu. "

Yuan Wuji was talking nonsense in a serious manner, and his heart was full of evil tastes. It was rare to see Su's embarrassing side, and it was really interesting.

"I'm fine, I just accidentally choked on the tea."

Sanyu Wumengsheng waved his hands again and again, if it was not necessary, he really didn't want to have too much involvement with Bu Xiangchen, it was really unavoidable to avoid going to Youmenglou, he had to make a good arrangement, and he was very vigilant, Because if you are careless, you may be taken advantage of.

Thinking of how he has kept his body like a jade for so many years, how could he be so casually treated lightly.

"It seems that Mr. Sanyu is also very concerned about the landlord."

But Yuan Wuji didn't let it go, and continued to tease him.

"Let's not mention this, actually, Sanyu came here today mainly to talk to Young Master about something."

Sanyu Wumengsheng quickly changed the subject, if the conversation continued like this, there might be something embarrassing about it.

In terms of intelligence, means and eloquence, Yuan Wuji is far from being able to compare with Sanyu Wumengsheng.

However, in addition to foresight, he is more importantly thick-skinned.

When talking about this kind of thing, whoever has a thin skin loses first.

Although Sanyu Wumengsheng's face is not thin, but Yuan Wuji's words are also direct, making it hard to resist.

Especially Sanyu Wumengsheng is not good at this kind of thing.


Yuan Wuji smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation, "Mr. Sanyu is free to ask, I will know everything."

"Thank you."

Sanyu Wumengsheng nodded slightly, showing full self-cultivation and politeness, and then the atmosphere between the two became formal.

"I don't know my son, can you know that apoptosis bans this game?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng's colleague, who was asking questions, kept watching the changes in Yuan Wuji's expression.


Yuan Wuji nodded, with a calm expression, "At the beginning, someone sent an invitation letter to Youmeng Tower, but the host didn't go to pick it up. I really like games, so I accepted it. A few days ago, I was also invited by Buddha Town, Demon Realm and Burial Sword. Will chase and kill, and finally get rid of the entanglement."

"It turns out that the young master also participated in it, which is very bad."

Sanyu Wumengsheng slapped his knees, as if something big had happened.

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Yuan Wuji asked pretending to be puzzled.

Quietly watching Sanyu Wumengsheng's performance.

He was very curious about the purpose of Sanyu Wumengsheng coming here today.

"I heard that not long ago, Emperor Qi Taizu of the Eastern Emperor was seriously injured by the Guihuang Hell Transformation. Now that his meridians have been disabled, he is unable to use force. Afterwards, Nanmian was also attacked and killed continuously and was seriously injured."

"Based on this calculation, I'm afraid the next time I target you, Young Master, it will be an even more extreme killing array."

Sanyu Wumeng looked worried for the king.

It seems sincere.

No wonder it can influence Fallen God Tower and countless people in the past and future.

"Oh, I didn't expect the situation to be so tense in just a few days."

Yuan Wuji was also taken aback, and slapped his thigh hard, with an 'annoyed' expression on his face, "It seems that I shouldn't have accepted the invitation back then."

Yuan Wuji showed a look of 'regret', as if he felt the seriousness of the situation.

After a long time, Yuan Wuji calmed down and asked "nervously", "What advice does Mr. Sanyu have?"

"I don't dare to give advice, I'm just worried about Young Master, that's why I came here to remind you, but with Young Master's wisdom and means, I'm sure I'll get through it safely."

The two actors and actresses are competing with each other at this moment.

Yuan Wuji is familiar with Su Huan's routine.

Although Sanyu Wumengsheng didn't know Yuan Wuji well, he also knew that the person in front of him was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Therefore, the expressions on the faces of the two are wonderful and rich, but the eyes in their hearts are looking at each other coldly.

Just when Sanyu Wumengsheng was exploring Yuan Wuji's old background.

The Eastern Emperor also sat cross-legged in the secret cave behind the Jianbingtai and calculated.

As the leader behind the ban on apoptosis, Donghuang is equally familiar with the current martial arts situation.

Such mysterious and powerful masters as Yuan Wuji and the Master of the Six Paths naturally attracted the attention of the Eastern Emperor.

"Time traveler!"

Qi Taizu murmured, his eyes flickering, "It seems that he has no martial arts and is still disabled, but in fact he hides his secrets, and he can kill Xuanding Nuhang with one move, which shows how powerful he can do."

"Even his disability is pretending to be like this, so as to dissuade the vigilance of others. This person's mind is really deep and cunning."

Qi Taizu directly put a cunning title on Yuan Wuji's head like a fox.

"As for the ruler of the six realms—the god of the underworld..."

At the mention of this name, Donghuang's expression became more serious.

 感谢:书友2018…… 075的千赏;感谢:书友2017…… 220、都天神煞周天星辰、书友2019402等道友的打赏以及道友们的生日祝福。谢谢……

(End of this chapter)

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