Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 797 The Battle of the Golden Lion Grotto

Chapter 797 The Battle of the Golden Lion Grotto
On the other side, Yi Yi Chan also returned to Feima Mengqu, but he did not find Mu Chengxue, nor did he know the whereabouts of Master Chao Yi.

Sanyu Wumengsheng also told Lu Chan the news he got from Bu Xiangchen.

After learning about it all the way, Zen quickly identified a few more places.


Mu Chengxue stared at the bloody beach in the sea of ​​flowers in a daze.

She slowly stretched out her hand, and the fluttering petals fell on her palm.

"Master Chaoyi, where did you go?"

At this moment, Mu Chengxue already had bad associations in his heart, and his heart was full of self-blame and regret, "Maybe I came out to chase you that day and explained it clearly to you, and nothing will happen."

But time did not come back.

Just when Mu Chengxue fell into deep pain, Lu Chan finally arrived.

This is the second time he came here. When he came, Mu Chengxue didn't know about Chao Yi's change, but after Mu Chengxue knew about it, Lu Chan went to other places to search, which led to the two meeting.

"All the way Zen, what happened to Lord Chaoyi?"

Seeing Lu Chan, Mu Chengxue asked anxiously.

Although Mu Chengxue's heart was broken last time Master Chao Yi refused to save him, but Mu Chengxue still couldn't help being worried when he learned that Master Chao Yi was in danger.

Although she has an intimate relationship with Yuan Wuji now, if she doesn't see the safety of Master Chao Yi, she can't feel at ease.

"I don't know. I was looking for big brother to do something, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I only saw traces of fighting and blood stains outside the secret cave of Jianbingtai. In the end, I tracked it all the way here, but I completely lost the clue."

All the way Chan told what happened.

"In this way, Yulongtian should have returned to Jianbingtai after leaving there and was attacked, and finally fought in the secret cave. Afterwards, Yulongtian fled and came all the way to the path of love."

Speaking of this, Mu Chengxue's face was full of complexity.

The path of love is the symbolic place of his vague relationship with Lord Chaoyi.

At the last moment, Master Chao Yi had no other place to ask for help, but came here.

How could Mu Chengxue not feel the emotion contained in it.

After all, I missed it.

After a while, Mu Chengxue came back to his senses, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that someone must have taken Chao Yizhu away. I will go with you to find Yulongtian, and I will also ask for help."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, but I have already informed Wu Mengsheng of this matter, presumably he should be able to find some clues with his wisdom."

"Then I will go to Feimamengqu with you."


Golden Lion Grotto.

Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation and Desolate Beginning Banshe appeared together.

"Old dog, hand over the golden lion coin and spare your life."

Ghost Wild Hell becomes as direct and hot as ever.

Opening the mouth set off a war.

"Spare me? Uh ha ha ha ha..."

Zhi Guang held the animal bone knife in his hand, looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard some big joke.

So far, there was only one person who could make him feel the strong pressure and think that he was invincible. Now, a little monster dared to be so rampant in front of him.

Undoubtedly aroused the most rage.

"If you want my life, you have to show your due strength!"

As soon as the words fell, the last moment flew by, and the beast bone knife was as fast as a gust of wind cutting through the moon, slashing fiercely at the back of Guihuang Hell Transformation.

"Ghost words body protection."

But Ghost Desolation and Hell Transformation didn't dodge or evade, and the mysterious ghost words flashed around him, which actually blocked the fastest, fastest and most ruthless knife.

"Thousand evil palms!"

At the same time, Guihuang Hell became condensed with thousands of evil spirits and palms, and turned back with a palm, and the hands of ghosts struck with terrifying evil spirits.

Dangdang Dangdang!
At the last moment, the sword slashed repeatedly, and the ghosts and hells turned into two palms. The surging power shook the entire Golden Lion Grotto, and the two fought and retreated, and came to the wilderness.

On the other side, Qi Luosheng also met the legend of the dark world-the forbidden pardon of the early days.

However, the two just fell into a stalemate, and the real result still depends on the battle between the most time and the ghost.

Yuan Wuji's avatar, the Master of the Six Paths, claims to be the god of the underworld, and naturally controls the corresponding power.

He had already comprehended the power of Yan Luo Ghost Prison and the ghost clan, so it was easy to help Guihuang Hell to improve the abilities of demons and ghosts, making their power even stronger.

Coupled with the power of the three evil spirits, the transformation of ghosts and hells is actually related to the battle of the most time.


Zuo Guang squinted his eyes slightly, he had fought against Guihuang Hell Transformation before, but the current Guihuang Hell Transformation was much stronger than last time, which surprised Zuo Guang.

"Old dog, offer the golden lion coins to the god of the underworld. The god of the underworld may covet your gift. If you continue to be stubborn, you will only invite death."

During the battle, Ghost Desolation and Hell Transformation spoke threats at the same time.

And when he heard the name of the Master of the Six Paths, Zuo Guang was even more furious, "So you are his people."

Back then when the ruler of the six realms came, he suppressed the five of them with a single flip of his hand. In the eyes of the most time, this was the greatest shame.

The other party's ignorance is even more unbearable.

Now, Guihuang Hell Transformation is actually running an errand for the other party. At the last moment, his eyes turned cold, and he raised the knife again, "Tengu swallows the moon!"

"Hell against the flood!"

The beast knife and ghost claws clashed, shooting out dazzling sparks.

The battle between the two became fierce again.

The constant clashing of knives and claws made the ground around the two of them devastated.

Just when the fierce battle was reaching its extreme point, another group of people arrived suddenly.

"The Golden Lion Grotto will belong to the Desire Realm from now on."

"The golden lion coin must also be handed over."

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, and then people from the Desire Realm suddenly appeared, headed by the second day master of the Desire Realm—Xu Mi Ti Shi.

Because the road to open the sky to welcome the coming of the Demon Buddha is just behind the Golden Lion Grotto.

Therefore, the realm of desire is bound to be obtained.

"The Desire Realm feels that the tiger's mouth is snatching food, and it really doesn't know how to live or die."

Now Guihuang Hell Transformation relies on the Six Paths to rule this mountain, and has no fear of people in the Desire Realm.

Most Guang also regards the Golden Lion Grotto as his territory, how can he allow the world of desire to run wild, and the two of them attack the people of the world of desire at the same time with one move.


Immediately there was a roar, and countless monsters from the Desire Realm died.

Even Xumi Tishi, who was full of confidence, was traumatized, Chihui Cihang and Wujie Beihang were also shaken back.

A three-way melee broke out immediately.

The entire wasteland was beaten to pieces, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.


And in the battle cloud world.

Yi Qixing's consciousness suffered an accident.

Tian Zhili appeared again, wanting to control the troll god.

And Chao Tianjiao, who didn't care at first, finally realized what Yuan Wuji said at the beginning turned out to be true.

Chao Tianjiao felt sorry for his younger brother and didn't dare to kill him, so Tian Zhili, who had occupied the body of the peerless Tianjiao, escaped from Zhanyun Realm.

"Since he knows about this, he must have a way to help me get rid of the consciousness of the power of heaven, and let the peerless genius recover himself."

Soon, Chao Tianjiao had a goal.

Although Yuan Wuji said before that he could not help for the time being, since the other party knew the reason, he must know other ways.

 In my hometown, the Internet is sometimes not available.

(End of this chapter)

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