Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 804 Qi Taizu's Attitude

Chapter 804 Qi Taizu's Attitude

A look of joy flashed across Chao Tianjiao's eyes, and he asked directly.

Yuan Wuji turned his head, and behind him Lianzhuang brought out a vegetable basket.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Chao Tianjiao looked at the baby in the basket with a puzzled expression.

"He is the key person to save Xiaoqi."

Yuan Wuji shrugged his shoulders and said.

"What? Chao Tianjiao turned pale with shock, his expression was in disbelief, then he looked serious and said: "This joke is not funny. "

It's about the peerless arrogance, and the arrogance of the emperor should not be trifling with.

Such a baby can save the peerless Tianjiao, don't say she doesn't believe it, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

"This is not a joke, the identity of this little guy is not simple."

"Oh? What's the difference?"

Chao Tianjiao also feels that the other party has no possibility of playing with him, so he wants to know the following.

"He is the King of the Demon Realm, the Holy Infant Lord Yan Wushang. Back then, the giant demon god of the Zhanyun Realm fell outside the Baiyao Road, and the three kings of the demon world fought against him. The emperor was captured by the lurking Tianfo Yuanxiang, and the Holy Infant Lord became what he is now because of an accident.

As long as he recovers, he can use his unique flame of consciousness to kill Tian Zhili in Xiao Qi's sea of ​​consciousness. "

"It turns out that he is from the demon world."

Chao Tianjiao looked stunned, but soon became worried again, "He has enmity with Zhanyunjie, even if he recovers, will he save Peerless Tianjiao?"

"Don't worry, I have everything."

Yuan Wuji's expression was calm and reassuring.


On the other side, Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation also found Donghuang again.

When meeting Ghost Desolation and Hell Change again, Donghuang let out a powerful aura and snorted coldly, "I didn't expect you to find this place, but you came here alone on the way to death. The last time I was hurt by you was just a joke , do you really think that you are the opponent of this deity?"

Qi Taizu sneered with a haughty expression.

Thinking that he is the emperor of the martial arts and famous in the Seven Islands, how could he be easily defeated.

If he hadn't wanted to kill Master Chaoyi, the Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation wouldn't have hurt him.

"is it?"

Guihuang Hell became equally conceited, "If I can hurt you once, I can hurt you a second time. This time, you won't be as lucky as last time."

As soon as the words fell, Guihuang Hell became fierce and the killing claws had already attacked.

"Ghost Burning Yellow Springs!"

Ghost Desolation Hell's transformation is a killer move, and the raging ghost flames are like burning the underworld, burning the soul.

"The wind and rain are turning the river!"

Qi Taizu snorted coldly, and moved his palms together, the surging palms collapsed, like a river flowing backwards, with majestic momentum.


With a shocking explosion, Fang Yuan's land collapsed immediately, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

But the palm gestures of both sides became more and more extreme.

"Ghost Desolation Slaughter God Slash!"

Guihuang Hell changed his hands like the claws of a ghost, and he tore off towards Qi Taizu fiercely, as if he wanted to tear Qi Taizu into pieces.

"Three strikes!"

Qi Taizu turned his palm into a fist, and bombarded three punches in a row. The three punches were superimposed, and the fist was strong and fierce.

The intertwined figures, the colliding fists and claws, rubbed bright sparks.

Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation possesses ghost words to protect the body, and even resisted most of the punches.

But Qi Taizu, as the founder of Qixiu, to a certain extent, Yi Qixing and Qi Luosheng are his disciples.

His martial arts attainments are far beyond ordinary people.

"Seven Cultivators Combined Moves Six Huan Shenyu!"

The battle between the two reached extremes in an instant.

Qi Taizu used the extreme style, and the seven martial arts were accommodated and unified, reproducing the supreme move.

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and the world was in turmoil.

The ground under the two of them cracked, and the cracks spread all over Fangyuan, which was extremely terrifying.

Facing the ultimate ultimate move, Guihuang Hell's expression became concentrated, and he also felt strong pressure. His claws slowly interlaced, condensing the majestic ghost energy, "Ghost Desolation Endless Hell Extinction!"

Two huge light spheres, one purple and one green, collided suddenly, splitting the ground three thousand feet apart.
The universe exploded, and the sky and the earth split.

The pervasive dust covered dozens of miles, and the two blurred figures intersected at the fastest speed, and the overflowing power caused the entire land to roar continuously.

Facing the fierce killing claws and the unbreakable ghost body, Qi Taizu unsheathed his swords.

The Tianwan double rainbow is like a golden crescent, cutting space with unparalleled sharpness.

The ghost words shining all over the body of Guihuang Hell Transformation also kept flickering under the two swords.

Even though it blocked the sharp edge, the heavy force also made Guihuang Hell's blood boil.

"I didn't expect Donghuang's strength to reach such a level. It seems that last time he really showed weakness on purpose."

Guihuanghell changed his mind and thought to himself, his face became more and more gloomy. If his ghost power had not been improved with the help of the Master of the Six Paths, the ghost words at this moment might not be so easy to resist the power of the two fronts.

The Ghost Wild Hell Transformation in the original play is for Yi Qixing, Qi Luosheng, and Feng Xue to break through the ghost body protection together, and Yi Qixing and Qi Luosheng are both descendants of Qi Taizu. Although Qi Taizu is not the god of death, he can't find People who are not strong, but also proficient in the seven martial arts, naturally can also achieve a certain degree of restraint.

The golden lion twin swords are integrated with the martial arts of the seven masters, and the ghosts and hells can't be defeated for a while.

This battle lasted for several hours, until neither side could do anything to the other, and then gradually stopped fighting.

"Why, are you finally going to say something?"

Qi Taizu laughed loudly, slowly retracted the two swords into their scabbards, and said loudly.

All the people in the demon world have taken refuge in the Ruler of the Six Paths, so it is natural that they cannot hide it from him.

And the last time the Epilepsy Society suddenly attacked the Qiyao Dingzun Society, there was also a hand behind it.

In the past few days, Qi Taizu has locked his target on the Master of the Six Paths.

Because only he has the strength to take down Insanity without making a sound.

As the elder brother, Qi Taizu is very clear about the strength of his younger brother.

"Your strength has been recognized by me, and you are qualified to meet the god of the underworld!"

Guihuang Hell changed his hands back to normal, and said coldly, but when he mentioned 'God of the Underworld', he would look in awe.

After all, under the power of the gods, the mere ghost-word body protection can be broken with a flick of a finger, and even the forged ghost Wuque clothes in the world cannot fully bear it.

"God of the Underworld!"

Qi Taizu murmured, "It really is him."

"It's a pity that I have only completed half of my move to kill the gods, otherwise I can take a while."

Thinking of this, Qi Taizu suddenly smiled, his expression became gentle, and he could not see that he was still fighting for life and death, "Actually, I also want to see the power of God, but I am inconvenient recently, and I need to change the time."

Although Qi Taizu really wanted to verify the conjecture of the god of the underworld, he also cherished his life. It was impossible to put himself in a desperate situation like this, because he knew very well the gap between gods and humans.

Therefore, if you are not prepared, you will not meet the ruler of the six realms.


Guihuang Hell Transformation naturally knew Qi Taizu's thoughts, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, saying: "It is a great gift from the gods to see you, if you refuse this time, next time, you will never have such a chance again."

Qi Taizu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said after a while: "Since you want to meet the god, you can't be unprepared, so the Eastern Emperor has no manners, don't worry, this deity will bring suitable gifts for the god of the underworld, and the god of the underworld will not blame."

"Be smart."

Behind the hands of Guihuang Hell Bian, a cold look appeared in his eyes, "How can a mortal be able to guess what a god thinks, Donghuang, please do it!"

As soon as the words fell, Guihuang Hell Transformation suddenly turned and left.

[The second update is being written, but it will be later]

 [Thanks: 2000 and a half points, [-]+ rewards for drawing love love love love love love; thanks: Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xingchen for the reward! 】

(End of this chapter)

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