Chapter 806 Infinite Horror

The pressure on the body, combined with the inducing voice, caused Tian Zhili's consciousness to diverge from himself.

And the suppressed Yi Qixing consciousness also began to move around.

Realizing this, Tian Zhili frowned, and after a long time suppressed his restless consciousness, he forced himself to speak, "It is absolutely impossible for Tian Zhili to surrender."

"Ming never overpowers others, chant my name at a critical moment, and Ming will give you rebirth!"

As the indifferent words fell, the giant door slowly opened, and a black mist surged, covering everything in front of him. After the black mist dissipated, the power of the sky had already appeared in Wuya Zhiya.

In front of him, the Profound Emperor of Prison Sky seemed to have been waiting for a long time, "You are very lucky to have God's attention."

Hetian Xuanhuang said plainly that he has long been completely overwhelmed by the power of the ruler of the six realms to subvert all things, and now the god of the underworld is the only true god in the entire demon world.


Tian Zhili's expression was gloomy, and he wanted to see who could threaten him and ask him to ask for help.

Seeing Tian Zhili's disappearing back, Prison Emperor Xuantian sneered, and whispered to himself: "No one has ever been able to reject God, and your end is already doomed."

Not long after Tian Zhili left the demon world, Guihuang Hell Transformation also returned again.

The Prison Emperor Xuanhuang glanced behind Guihuang, and he already understood, "It seems that you have failed again."

Plain words, but it made Guihuang Hell's face turn ugly.

She didn't complete any of the orders given by the God of Hades, which really embarrassed Hei Prison.

Even so, Guihuang Hell Transformation still bite the bullet and stood outside the temple, telling what happened.

The ruler of the six realms on the throne raised his mouth slightly, and whispered to himself, "It really is an old fox, but unfortunately we are standing at different heights..."

"Now it's time to start my game!"


Battle cloud world.

Chao Tianjiao picked up the food basket containing the baby and headed for Feima Mengqu.

Yuan Wuji knew that if he went to Sanyu Wumengsheng himself, he would definitely be suspicious of him, and even be manipulated by him to ask some secrets.

But if you go to Tianjiao, there is no problem, because Sanyu Wumengsheng has to save Yiqixing.

Even if he knew it was a trick, he still had to step in.

After leaving Battle Cloud Realm.

Lian Zhuang finally couldn't bear his curiosity, "How do you know so many things? What do you want to do when you go around the old world these days?"

"The secret cannot be leaked."

Yuan Wuji pretended to be mysterious, with the posture of a magic stick, and the angry Lianzhuang bared his teeth and claws behind his back.

The situation in the rivers and lakes is treacherous.

New changes are happening all the time.

Today, the door of the demon world shrine opened, and an order appeared.

Soon after, there was an uproar in the world.

Because people in the demon world put up notices everywhere, the death ban is over, and a new game is about to start.

And the game is named - Infinite Horror.

It is said that whoever wins this game will get the immortality bestowed by Hades.

In addition, there are countless exercises and secret books, rare treasures, even the treasure of the golden lion that everyone flocks to, and even the road to becoming a god, which can be said to be all-encompassing and have everything one expects to find.

These contents are enough to make the whole miserable world boil.

Those who participate in the game are called samsara players, and samsara players can form alliances with each other, receive reincarnation orders, and must not harm each other.

And the reincarnation players of different camps will kill each other and seize the reincarnation order in the hands of the other party, because this is the proof of the winner.

The more reincarnation tokens you have in hand, you can exchange for higher-level treasures, and even make your own appeals to the god of the underworld.

"Seven days later, at the former site of Panyin Shrine, on the stage of reincarnation, reincarnation orders will be issued to the forces or powerhouses present, and those who obtain the reincarnation orders are eligible to enter the reincarnation hall to see the true appearance of rare treasures and secret arts. "

Sanyu Wumengsheng slowly closed the invitation.

The same invitation has now spread to all the top forces and masters in the entire martial arts world.

Sanyu Wumengsheng had always understood that the Master of the Six Paths would never remain silent, but he did not expect him to come so fast and his actions to be so intense.

"Reincarnation Hall!"

Sanyu Wumengsheng chewed on this name, wondering what he was thinking.

Qu Shitu on the side also flipped through the invitation card, with a serious expression on his face, "This game is bigger than the game that death is forbidden to play, it will affect a wider area, and more people will die. I really don't know where the master of six realms is Think about something."

As he said that, Qu Shitu looked at Sanyu Wumengsheng again, "Wumengsheng, do you think the ruler of the six realms really has mastered the way to become a god? Isn't God born?"

Sanyu Wumengsheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he shook his head, "I don't know how a god was born, and I don't know if he really mastered the way to become a god, but there is one thing that can't be wrong, that is, this world will be another It was a bloodbath."

After finishing speaking, Sanyu Wumengsheng sighed quietly, and the appearance of the master of the Six Paths made this world even more treacherous.

He must rescue Yi Qixing as soon as possible to add strength to the righteous way.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to Shulou Longsu, revive the Buddha Sword as soon as possible, and prepare for future variables.

At this moment, the entire rivers and lakes are undercurrents.

In the funeral knife meeting, Qi Taizu looked at the night sky with his hands behind his back.

"The road to becoming a god?"

Qi Taizu murmured, becoming a god is his lifelong wish, but unfortunately even with his talent, he only created half of the moves to kill the gods, and there is no clue to the distance from the gods.

"But is it really possible?"

Qi Taizu was full of doubts in his heart, but regardless of whether it was true or not, he would not miss this opportunity.

Even if you become a pawn in someone else's game, you will not hesitate.

And only by going deep into the game can you figure out the intention of the person who designed the game.

As the founder of the ban on apoptosis, Qi Taizu is very clear about the rules of the game.

Competing for the Reincarnation Token is essentially the same as competing for the Golden Dragon Key. What is the difference will be revealed in seven days.

Besides these people,
Those who are in charge of the Desire Realm, Chaotianjiao in the Zhanyun Realm, and the already surrendered Bian Xijun, Binglou, Yandu, Sky Burial Thirteen Swords, Time City, Bu Xiangchen, Beigou, Xijiang Poison Empress, Shulou Longsu, etc. .

Regardless of whether it was on the surface or the forces still floating under the water, they all received invitations by coincidence.

For a while, the Hall of Reincarnation became a hot topic in the martial arts world, and all curiosity focused on Seven Days Later.


"Hmph! In front of the Demon Buddha, who dares to call himself a god?"

"If it wasn't for the Golden Lion Coin, Desire Realm wouldn't be bothered to participate in your game."

In the place occupied by the Desire Realm, the person in charge snorted coldly, his arrogance undiminished.

In the Youmeng Building at Spring Night, Bu Xiangchen listens to the language of flowers.

Shulou Longsu, who was going to the ice building, also frowned, because the letter said that among the game prizes, there will be a way to dispel or suppress the bloodthirsty physique.

Obviously, each invitation is slightly different in content, and will include what the other party needs or desires.

Only in this way can the greed of these strong men be truly aroused.

 The second is later!Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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