Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 814 The Disaster of the Ice Tower in Zhanyun Realm

Chapter 814 The Disaster of the Ice Tower in Zhanyun Realm

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Two auroras, one red and one blue, streaked across the sky.

Finally rushed into a small forest.

"You can't escape!"

Yuyu Tianjiao shouted loudly, like a thunderclap, cutting off the way forward, "There is no age without conquest, and no battle is invincible; hold the black yellow; Yuyu is the only one, the proud hero of the sky."

"Can you directly enter Zhanyun Realm, who are you?"

Yuyu Tianjiao fixed his eyes on the back in front of him.

Immediately, his eyes fell from the red robe on his body to the big red eunuch hat on his head.

Seeing this, Yuyu Tianjiao frowned immediately, his eyes were serious, "What is the relationship between you and Yan?"

As one of the four wonders, Yuyu Tianjiao naturally knows the characteristics of Yandu.

I understand that most of the people in Yandu like to wear such official hats.

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to hell to cast your own way!"

As the bewitching voice came out, the man also turned around slowly, with a coquettish face, draped around his face, indistinguishable between male and female, and there was a drop of blood and tears at the end of his right eye as a mole.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Hongjian suddenly came out of the red scabbard.

Red clothes, red tears, red scabbard, red sword.

Everything is red.

Everywhere is red.

With a sword, it looks like a red dragon sweeping the world, forming a red storm.

Yuyu Tianjiao was astonished at the same time, and at the same time, the extreme move was instantly released, "Seven forms of heaven's death, blood thunder piercing the sun!"

Yuyu Tianjiao opened his arms slightly, and the red thunder light condensed in the palms, and as the palms converged, they turned into red-eyed thunderballs.

At the same moment, the blood-red sword tip had already arrived, and the angry dragon rushed to destroy Yuyu Tianjiao's protective cloud, and the sword edge even penetrated Yuyu Tianjiao's palm and directly stabbed in the heart.

But Yuyu Tianjiao's Lei Jin didn't hurt the opponent at all, it seemed that it collapsed silently when it landed on the opponent.

Smoke overcomes cloud.

Yuyu Tianjiao looked unwilling, and he spit out the strength in his body, and the surging air wave repelled Gong Wuhou, "I must tell Sister Wang about this, and let him beware of Yandu."

Yuyu Tianjiao knew that he was no match for the other party, no matter in terms of strength or physical restraint. Now that he was fatally injured, his only thought was not to let Tianjiao's leader be calculated by Yan behind his back.

"Xieyun is uncertain!"

Yuyu Tianjiao suddenly changed his tactics, no longer using the mighty Lei Jin, but turned into misty clouds.

This was originally one of the gifts Yuan Wuji gave to Zhanyunjie, the No.11 style in Paiyun's palm.

Yuyu Tianjiao also tried to merge, so he also practiced.

The original intention is to place the enemy in the cloud, unfathomable. The cloud can make the opponent hallucinate and see the scene that he fears the most.

But now, it has become a way for Yuyu Tianjiao to escape.

"A disgusting sight!"

Gong Wuhou has eyes of blood and tears, how can mere illusions confuse him, but these illusions brought back his unbearable memories, which only made him more crazy and cruel.

Following a rainbow light, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on the neck of Yu Yu Tianjiao, who was running away at high speed.

The staggering body rushed forward a few steps, and then fell to the ground with a bang. The bright red blood instantly stained the ground, making this scene even more miserable.

"Red tents, shy of spring and cold, fragrant mist and clouds, and shadows of copper sparrows. Looking at the crystal bottle sideways, the butterfly clothes flow Dan, and you can cross the Yang Pass. And the tea is burned out, the whole body is warm with smoke, and the painted screen reflects the clothes and crowns."

As the gorgeous red shadow gradually faded away.

The look in Yuyu Tianjiao's eyes finally dissipated.

It doesn't matter whether you are unwilling or reluctant.

Everything ends here.

Originally, because of the variable Yuan Wuji, Yuyu Tianjiao avoided a catastrophe, but unexpectedly ended in another catastrophe.

Perhaps, this is also why he blocked a catastrophe for Sister Wang.


On the other side, the Princess of the Ice Tower, Shuang Yan Yueke, and the deputy landlord, Lou Bingshi, are about to return to the Ice Tower.

It was dusk, and it was halfway.

Jingle Bell……

With the sound of the copper bell, the surrounding land turned into yellow sand, and an isolated barren tower stood in front of it.


Lou Bing's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly stood in front of Shuang Yan Yueke, while palming Xuan Bing.

"There is no speech when the tower bell rings, but the wind kills people."

Xuan Bing did not become a support, and as the wind passed by, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on Lou Bing's neck.

"Lu Bingshi!"

Shuang Yueyue's face changed greatly, but the person in her mouth was silent.

"Who are you?"

Shuang Yan Yueke was vigilant and guarded, and couldn't help shouting.

But there was only the sound of wind and copper bells around.

At the moment when the copper bell rang, Shuang Yanyueke only felt a trance in front of her eyes.

At the moment of life and death, a burst of sword energy suddenly broke through the mysterious barrier, and the yellow sand and barren tower disappeared instantly.

The sky turned dark again before his eyes.

"At the beginning of Huayang, Hongmen was red, and the sparse buildings were changed. Longlin did not lose his style; Zijinxiao, Baiyuqin, palace lanterns were bright at night, and Tanhua was flourishing, and they shared a leisurely life."

Accompanied by the Qinglang poem, a gorgeous figure in a purple Confucian robe came gently shaking a purple fan.

"What danger did the girl encounter?"

Shulou Longsu asked with a gentle face. When he saw the corpse not far away, he couldn't help but sigh slightly, "It seems that I'm still a step too late."

"Hey, the sons and daughters of the Jianghu, life and death are inevitable, but I didn't expect that Lou Bing would die here. I will definitely find out who is dealing with my ice building."

Speaking of this, Shuang Yueke clenched her fists hard, showing her inner unrest.

"Binglou? Is the girl from Binglou?"

Shulou Longsu's face was both surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Because he has been rushing about the resurrection of the Buddha Sword recently, and happened to want Binglou's 'Dou Shuang Mu Xue Duo Xing Jue' to reshape the body of the Buddha Sword.

That's why he's here.

It's just that he didn't expect to meet a person from Binglou on the way, and he could tell from his clothes that he was definitely a noble person from Binglou.

"Yes, this princess is Princess Binglou."

Shuang Yueke was originally in a state of deep sleep because the ice building was sealed back then, and because she was a member of Wang Mai, the ice was too deep to be unblocked by herself.

But not long ago, after her brother returned, a mysterious force untied her seal, which allowed her to move freely and come to participate in the reincarnation game for her brother.

Unexpectedly, such a big change happened in just one mission, resulting in the immediate death of Lou Bingshi.

And she didn't even know who her opponent was.

"Don't know the son's name yet?"

Suppressing the grief and resentment in her heart, Shuang Yueke had time to look at Shulou Longsu.

It was a shock to see this.

Her greatest interest is collecting and appreciating rare treasures from all over the world. At first, she won the title of Linlangyan Asian Seat with Binghaihualu beads, so her ability to distinguish treasures is naturally extraordinary.

Therefore, at a glance, you can see the seemingly simple attire of the other party, from the materials to the embellishments, everything is rare.

Before Shulou Longsu could speak, a name blurted out, "Could it be that you are Shulou Longsu?"

"Uh..." Shulou Longsu was stunned, and then smiled, "I didn't expect the princess to hear my name."

"Then do you know about 'Lin Lang Yan'?"

Shuang Yueke asked again, Lin Lang Banquet is a banquet to show off wealth, but what they show off is not yellow and white things, but all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth.

Hearing the familiar name, Shulou Longsu took a closer look at Shuang Yan Yueke, and unconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly.

"At the beginning, you used the 'Seven Silk Clouds' to seize the crown of this princess, but because you saved me, I don't care about it. I'm going back to the ice building now, how about you?"

Shuang Yanyueke simply said that Lou Bingshi had just died, and she needed to go back and tell her brother about it. If the time and scene were changed, she would be happy to have a good chat with Shulou Longsu.

"I happen to have something to do in Xunbinglou, so I will escort the princess along the way!"

Shulou Longsu also knew that this change would definitely bring a lot of shock to Binglou, so he said hastily.

If it can help, the matter of saving Buddha Sword will be easier.

[Thanks for the 2 rewards for 'In order to watch the martial arts break into the Thunderbolt'] Start making updates.

(End of this chapter)

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