Chapter 823

The end of the law opened the catastrophe, and the galaxy cleared the way.

A long-lost figure, with the lament of heaven and earth, brings a tragic song of destruction to the common people.

The dissipated power formed waves that spread in all directions one after another.

The masters present all used extreme moves to respond, even so, they still couldn't stop retreating.

On the peak, the ruler of the six realms leans on the throne, facing the waves and ripples, motionless.

Just when Prison Emperor Xuanhuang, Feng Shimo and others were about to attack, they saw that the terrifying energy caused by the crowding had dissipated out of thin air when they were three feet away from the ruler of the Six Paths.

On the other side, with the step of the time traveler, the invisible sword aura rose from the ground, forming a body-protecting sword aura, which directly cut off the surging energy.

Demonstrated extraordinary roots.

"Nebula Power!"

The first move to break the seal, the magic Buddha's six arms are united, condensing the power of the nebula, and the locked target is the demon world!
Or to be more precise - the ruler of the six realms!
Although he is in the seal of Xingyun River, Bo Xun can still give orders to believers in adversity, and naturally knows everything that happened in adversity.

Moreover, he has already sensed the unique aura of the ruler of the Six Paths for the first time.


The Ruler of the Six Paths didn't make a move, and the Profound Emperor of Hetian and Feng Shimo, who were guarding beside him, made a joint move to resist.

The surging power directly overturned the two of them.

Followed closely by the Holy Infant Master Yan Wushang.

Because he wants to prove himself.

Yan Wushang's eyes were firm and full of fighting spirit. The successive failures frustrated his confidence, but it was also an encouragement to him.

Bear kids are not so easy to defeat.

Bo Xun's palm strength continued, and Yan Wushang held the divine weapon on top, but was photographed again.

Everyone in the demon world was wounded one after another, blood spattering from their mouths.

"It seems that I don't need to lead."

On the distant peak, Sanyu Wumengsheng murmured, watching the situation closely.

It is what he likes to see Bo Xun face the mysterious ruler of the Six Paths. If both of them suffer losses, it will be the best ending.

"Six rulers?"

Bo Xun rotated in three directions, and finally fixed on a ferocious face.

A deep voice came out, carrying unparalleled pressure.

"Mofo Boxun—not bad!"

The ruler of the six realms on the throne of God stood up slowly, and his arms were slightly opened, standing proudly on the top of the sky as if he was flying.

"I am the only one in the three realms and six realms, and I am the master of the boundless heaven and earth."

As the arms of the master of the six realms were slowly raised, the space in all directions seemed to be squeezed by force, as if an invisible giant hand was grabbing at Bo Xun fiercely, intending to crush him directly.

Bo Xun's physical body suddenly burst into golden light, and the real immortal golden body showed its divine power for the first time.


Amidst the sound of the explosion, Fang Yuan's hundreds of miles of clouds and sky were roaring, but Bo Xun, who was in the center of the explosion, remained motionless.

"The might of God!"

With just one probing move, Bo Xun had a clear understanding of the strength of the ruler of the Six Paths.

As one of the most well-known BOSS in Distress, he is also a rare existence that can exert close combat power.

Naturally, there is a certain understanding of the divine realm.

"But are you really qualified to be in charge of the Six Paths?"

Bo Xun gave a cold shout, and raised his momentum again. The power accumulated for countless years erupted in an instant, shaking the entire sky.

The world of reincarnation of all living beings is divided into six kinds, also known as the six realms of reincarnation, and the world of heaven is divided into three kinds: desire realm, form realm, and formless realm.

All living beings in the Desire Realm have various desires, among which there are six heavens, and the god of the sixth heaven is Bo Xun, a demon who cuts off people's good roots.

Therefore, to some extent, Bo Xun is also a part of the six realms.

"The indestructible golden body of the trio has reached the level of a preliminary god body, which is a bit interesting."

Behind the Lord of the Six Paths, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes, "It's a pity that the fusion of the power of the three of you has barely reached the level of near gods. Even though the body, mind and soul have the characteristics of immortality, they also have fatal flaws. physical reasons."

"The so-called unity of success and unity of failure, if you can truly merge into one, you will be able to achieve the ultimate near god, or be qualified to touch the barriers of the gods."

The Master of the Six Paths seemed to see through Bo Xun's essence at a glance, and revealed the direct difference between him and the gods in one word.

This made Bo Xun's expression change slightly, but immediately, Bo Xun snorted coldly and said with disdain: "You have good eyesight, but do you have the strength?"

The next moment, Bo Xun reappeared the supreme killing power, and the most extreme power erupted loudly, "The madman screams!"

The six arms stretched out, palms facing the sky, and they all suppressed the ruler of the six realms.

The violent energy turned into invisible demon heads in the sky, directly surrounding the rulers of the six realms, as if they were about to devour them.


The Master of the Six Paths punched out, and the six vortexes condensed in front of the fist, swallowing the surrounding invisible erotic demons in an instant.

"Infinite rebirth!"

After swallowing the invisible demon, the fist prints continued to strike, and they clashed with Bo Xun.

Under the collision of the two fists, terrifying energy erupted instantly, and in an instant, Fang Yuan was razed to the ground for hundreds of miles.

Those who watched the battle continued to retreat, avoiding the battlefields of both sides.

"The master of the six realms, Demon Buddha Bo Xun, is indeed worthy of the name of a god!"

Bu Xiangchen was amazed, and then patted his chest lightly, with a look of fear on his face, he replied shyly to Yuan Wuji: "Young master will protect the slave family, right?"

The corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth twitched slightly. After Ce Menghou's sex change, he really changed fundamentally from body to soul and personality.

After making a joke, Bu Xiangchen didn't push forward any more, but said thoughtfully, "Who do you think wins?"

"It's not the end, the outcome is still uncertain."

Yuan Wuji said calmly, without revealing the slightest tone.

"Hehehe..." Bu Xiangchen chuckled lightly, his eyes twinkled, "Young Master's words are really cautious and endearing!"

On the other side, Sanyu Wumengsheng kept counting the time, frowning together, as if waiting for something.

"it is good!"


After clapping palms several times, Bo Xun's fighting spirit became more and more high, and his killing intent became stronger and stronger.

In several times of rebirth, he has never met an opponent who can really fight. Every time, he was tricked by others, which already made him feel depressed.

Now that he met a close opponent for the first time, the excitement on Bo Xun's face was beyond words.

And the Master of the Six Paths also raised his fighting spirit.

Ever since the battle with the Flame God, he has never met an opponent who allows him to use all his strength.

Today, Bo Xun is just right.

The fighting spirit of the two finally erupted into extreme form.

"Across the three worlds, I am the only one!"

Bo Xun yelled angrily, circled on three sides, stretched his six arms together, and the terrifying aura instantly made the whole miserable situation tremble.

In the face of the ultimate move, the master of the six realms moves with both palms, showing his divine power for the first time.

"Bo Xun, today I will let you try the power of being close to the gods."

As soon as the words fell, the huge vortex in front of the Ruler of the Six Paths suddenly reversed. In an instant, it seemed that the heaven and the earth were reversed, and the positive and negative yin and yang were reversed, and the order was chaotic.

The reversing vortex condensed and turned into a huge roulette, and with the push of the six masters, it suddenly rushed out.

this moment,
Bo Xun and the Ruler of the Six Paths rushed towards each other as if they had turned into two shooting stars.

Just as they were about to collide, the sky suddenly shook again.

 The small world is full of fun and it is very beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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