Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 834 Kuaixue Shiqing Killed the Demon Realm

Chapter 834 Kuaixue Shiqing Killed the Demon Realm

The time city lord pondered slightly, and said after a while: "It is indeed possible to fight against the community Bo Xun and lose the tribe."

"It's a pity that time and space are now showing signs of instability. I can't free up my hands to deal with him. I can only passively wait for him to come to Time City."

"Will he come?"


The Time City Lord was extremely sure.

Because the future self has plotted against the other party, with that kind of personality, how could he not seek revenge from him.

Moreover, he controls the time city, and the other party can travel through time and space, which shows that the same master of the time law, even for the uniqueness of the time law, will not let the time city go.

Seeing that the city lord of time was so sure, Sanyu Wumengsheng didn't say much, knowing in his heart that the city lord of time must know a lot that he didn't know.


On the other side, Yuan Wuji retrieved the troll god, subdued the troll god with his powerful strength, and then directly pieced together the broken Zhanyun Realm with his floating hands.

It made Zhanyun Realm rise into the sky again.

In addition, a large formation was also set up. In addition to defense, it also made Zhanyun Realm hide directly; this time, the Eight Calendar Card has no effect, and Sanyu Wumengsheng can't even think about entering.

After all, this is his old lair now, how could a big man like Sanyu Wumengsheng break in at will.

Putting Chao Tianjiao, who was seriously injured and comatose, behind the crystal coffin, Yuan Wuji was not in a hurry to rescue Chao Tianjiao, but left the Zhanyun Realm where Yunyun was hidden.


"We can't even deal with a space-time traveler. It's probably just a joke to try to calculate the ruler of the six realms now, unless there is some possibility of the reappearance of Mofo Boxun."

At the peak, Bian Xijun was outspoken.

On the opposite side, Isshiki looked solemn, and after a flash of eyes, "It seems that my thinking is too simple. Since I can't count the masters of the six realms, I can only play according to the rules of the game. Among the eighteen reincarnations, find a single The target kills it to obtain the order of reincarnation, and we can also obtain what we need."

"But one person only has one reincarnation order, but we have two people, how should we distribute it?"

Bian Xijun asked directly.

Combining cause and interest, it is natural to distinguish interests.

"How does the Holy Inquisitor want to distribute it?"

Isshiki's eyes fell on Ben Xi-kun's face.

Ben Xijun's eyes flickered slightly, "I want bloodthirsty imperial power!"

The bloodthirsty imperial power will help Nihai Chongfan's plan to open the dark night of the world. In addition, it can also perform miracles and gain more believers.

Although he already believed in the god of the underworld, he still had to show his own value. Since the god of the underworld wanted to play a game, he naturally had to cooperate with all his strength to make everything more intense and extreme.

"The holy judge really has a big appetite."

Isshiki looked cold.

"Going first is Ao Shou, you come to ask me, not me asking you for help. Even if there is no Ao Shou, I, Ni Hai Chongfan, still have enough strength to do it. On the contrary, if Ao Shou agrees to help, I will get my Ni Hai Chongfan." Chongfan's help."

"Then you are not afraid that I will destroy your plan?"

Yishiqiu sneered, "You know, Nihai Chongfan is not yet alive!"


Bian Xijun sneered, without any fear, "Ao Shou can give it a try."

After saying that, Xijun flicked his sleeve robe, turned around and left.

Only Isshiki, whose face gradually became gloomy, remained in place.

"Ben Xi-jun is so confident, is there any other unknown card?"

Isshiki murmured.


Inside the Temple of the Underworld.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the pool of six paths of reincarnation, and then familiar figures reappeared.

Eastern Emperor Qi Taizu, Nanmian Chaoyi Lord, Zhong Madness Buluan, and Yandu Great Master.

As the vortex continued to rotate, another beautiful figure appeared.

People who should have died reappear, and this is the real purpose of the reincarnation game.

As more and more people die, the power of the Reincarnation Hall will become stronger and stronger.

"The current game is too flat."

The Master of the Six Paths lightly clasped the armrest, and then his eyes fell on Guling Shiyan, "Guling Shiyan, liberated the slaves of the rainstorm, and killed the best time and Qi Luosheng."

"Follow the order of the God of the Underworld!"

Guling Shiyan lowered his head and said, and then disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Soon, the Master of the Six Paths looked at Master Chao Yi again, his eyes turned slightly cold, "Since Mu Chengxue still has feelings for you, then you go and kill her and let her give up completely!"


A glint of light flashed in Chao Yi's eyes. After going through reincarnation, he was no longer himself. The past will become the most hated past for the newborn.

Therefore, Chao Yi, who has always been gentle, will bid farewell to the past.

"very good!"

The ruler of the six realms was playful, and he was looking forward to Mu Chengxue's grief-stricken look. Only in this way, could she finally understand with all her heart, who will treat her well, and from then on, she will wholeheartedly care for her husband and teach her children.


Ji Wuxia roams the rivers and lakes alone, fighting for justice along the way.

As her earlobe trembled slightly, a burst of words came into her ears.

"What a sin!"

"What kind of reincarnation game started by the Master of the Six Paths has caused chaos in the martial arts world. Countless people want to exchange for treasures, causing massacres and robberies, and the people are in dire straits."

"Huh? Reincarnation game?"

Ji Wuxia narrowed her eyes slightly and murmured.

"Yeah, I heard that some chivalrous men went to the demon world to stop the master of the six realms from terminating the game, but I don't know what the result will be."

"Is it the demon world?"

When Ji Wuxia heard this, she turned around and rushed to Wuyazhiya.

As soon as they approached, they heard a few howls.

"Just because you want to see the god of the underworld? You are really overwhelmed."

Feng Shimo stayed outside the demon world, casually killing a few guys who didn't know where he was.

"We just want to dissuade you from killing Big Brother and the others so cruelly, the righteous way of martial arts will definitely not let you go!"

Among the remaining people, someone said tremblingly.

"I don't know how to advance or retreat, kill them!"

Feng Shimo waved his hand and said lightly.

Just as the subordinates of the demon world rushed over behind him, a burst of sword energy suddenly struck, killing the men and horses of the demon world in an instant.

Immediately, amidst the sky full of white, a figure that made the sun and the moon pale, slowly stepped onto the boundless end.

"In the evening full of frost and snowman alone, how many months are the world of mortals bright? Smile and drink, get used to the new sunshine, and the thousand mountains have passed through the wind and cloud."

Accompanied by Qing Leng Shi Hao, an outstanding figure came through the wind and snow.

The slim dress in aqua blue tone outlines the slender figure of the future woman, and the white feather shawl and high-tipped hair further support her glamorous face.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted the attention of everyone present.

"What a nice view!"

After an unknown amount of time, a voice broke the silence.

It is the human race who came here to speak.

"Start the killing game, what you have done is very evil, you should be punished!"

Behind Ji Wuxia, the Taiyue Mountain Sword was unsheathed silently, and the heavy giant sword slashed like a huge mountain.

Feeling the terrifying power, Feng Shimo's face changed slightly, with the magic weapon in his hand, he raised his arm to block.


At the beginning, Feng Shimo spurted blood and was severely injured, and the heavy force directly injured Feng Shimo's internal organs.

"How could this be?"

Feng Shimo was full of unwillingness, he did not expect such a thin woman to possess such strange power, causing him to be hit hard with one blow.

 Thanks: Lingfeiyu, Heyu, Gundam Throne, Dutianshensha Zhoutian Xingchen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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