Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 852 Make a deal with yourself

Chapter 852 Make a deal with yourself
At the same time, within the smoke capital.

"Looking at the clouds outside the ridge, do I mean it or not? Lang came to peek at the book, but he saw that he was affectionate and ruthless."

Accompanied by the Lang Langshi, a handsome figure stepped forward.

Then the door opened.

Guling Shiyan also came out.

"Why did Ao Shou come here today?"

Guling Shiyan asked directly.

"Help Yandu get rid of future troubles." Yishiqiu smiled and said firmly.


Guling Shiyan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of interest on his face.

"De-icing building!"

Isshiki looked solemn and said firmly.

Zheng Cong's words contained the sound of metal and iron clanging, cold and ruthless.

Hearing this, Guling Shiyan held his hands behind his back, turned around and said indifferently: "Your Excellency may have found the wrong person, Binglou and I are both members of the Four Wonders Alliance, you are asking me to kill my friend !"


Yishiqiu laughed and did not continue, "That's all for now, see you in Binglou!"

Watching Yishiqiu leave, Guling Siyan went to a mysterious place.


Outside of Wind Island, a huge storm isolated the inside and outside.

At this time, a haggard old man came.

"Death Venerable, the agent asked me to come and pass on the message."

Holding a wooden stick, the withered old man raised his head and said.

The wind howled.

There was no sound from the island.

The withered old man frowned, then snorted coldly, and spoke again, "The agent has decided that if you really don't want to return, then the death mark will re-select a new successor."

At this point, the withered old man turned and left.

He believed that Huo Fengxing heard it.

Because the wind here told him that the master of this place exists.

But at this moment, within the Wind Island, a tall and straight figure was holding a letter in his hand.

"Binglou asking for help? Do you suspect that even the smoke has destroyed the Zhanyun Realm?"

Du Wuyu frowned, and after a while, he stepped away from Fengdao.

"I want to see what the Great Master is doing!"


Frozen for thousands of miles.

The frightening cold air absorbs the warmth of all creatures who step into this place.

But today, a group of people came in mighty force.

Bian Xijun took Qian Xiyan, Wei Kanyu and hundreds of soldiers against the sea.

And Yishiqiu has been waiting for a long time.

He also bought killer mercenaries in the Jianghu.

"Is it just us? Where is Yandu?"

Bian Xijun frowned and asked in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, Yandu is already waiting for us."

Although he didn't get a reply from Guling Shiyan, but he wanted to ask for it with a determined face, believing that the great master would not miss this opportunity.

"Oh... hope!"

Bian Xijun shrugged, "This is to repay your kindness, I have no objection."

As the mighty people approached the ice building, a icy cold arrow pierced through the air.

The forest is colder than the surrounding air.

Under the strong pressure, Bian Xijun and others seemed to have their souls frozen.


Bian Xijun let out a cold snort, and suddenly raised the seal ring holding the six blessings, the powerful Yuan Gong was running, and the crystal blue ice arrow burst into pieces.

"Looking at the thousands of peaks in the rivers and lakes, I don't think Yunmeng is my chest. It's not a thing in the pool. Minghong looks forward to Huaxuanlong."

Following the Qinglang Poetry, a group of elegant-looking young men in fleece came slowly.

It is the owner of the ice building - Xuan Ming.

And behind him, there are Shuang Yan Yueke and Shulou Longsu.

"If you want to invade the ice building, you must be prepared to die!"

The Xuanming family, who had always been gentle and refined, became strict for the first time in the face of the danger of genocide.


Bian Xijun snorted coldly, "Today, the ice building will be destroyed!"

As soon as the words fell, the people behind had rushed out, and the two sides fought instantly.

"Fighting for no reason, you can't bear Xuanming's anger!"

Accompanied by a deep shout, the ice sword condensed in Xuanming's hand, "Frozen thousands of miles!"

Frost and cold sword energy filled the sky, covering thousands of miles of Fangyuan in an instant.

"The six poles of Yintian!"

The six seal rings in Bian Xijun's hand turned into a black long sword, and the sword slashed instantly, and the sword qi swung down.

The two sides quickly fought each other, and Yishiqiu also faced Shulou Longsu.

A scuffle broke out, accompanied by howls, bright red blood followed by crystal clear ice and snow.

Blood and snow formed a stark contrast.

The already lonely and cold world suddenly became more ruthless, cold and cruel.


at the same time.

Within the smoke capital.

Like a foreign world like ink and wash, a blue gust of wind swept across.

"Huh? Du Wuyu!"

Inside the door, the grand master's soft voice came out.

Du Wuyu, who was inside the storm, was a little surprised, and frowned secretly, "Guling Shiyan didn't leave Yandu."

"Is there anything you want to do when you come to smoke?"

With a mysterious smile on the corner of Gu Ling's mouth, he slowly put on his official hat, stood up and walked out.

"I heard that there was an accident in Zhanyun Realm, so I am going to go to Yandu and Binglou to ask."

As the storm disappeared, Du Wuyu's figure also appeared.

"So that's why you came here. I also know about the affairs of Zhanyun Realm. Fengzuo came here at the beginning, but unfortunately, not long after, for some unknown reason, Fengzuo also disappeared out of thin air. Yandu has been investigating this matter recently. It's a pity Still nothing."

After Gu Ling Shiyan nodded, he said with a gloomy face.

It seems that he really cares about the changes in Zhanyun Realm.

"is it?"

Du Wuyu frowned, half-believing in Gu Ling's words.

"What? Do you have doubts about me too?"

Guling Shiyan smiled slightly, looked at Du Wuyu and said.


Du Wuyu chuckled, "I heard that Grandmaster's sword is black, and his heart is even darker. A sword of wind emblem will not fall behind. I hope Grandmaster will do it well."

As soon as the words fell, Du Wuyu had turned into a crack and left Yandu directly.

If there is a word pointed out, Gu Ling Shiyan raised his brows slightly, and then his eyelids drooped slightly to hide the coldness in his eyes.

"Grandmaster, it seems that Du Wuyu has already noticed something."

Liang Shougong, who had a little cinnabar on each cheek, reminded him softly behind the ancient mausoleum.


A gleam of blood appeared in Gu Ling's eyes, and he let out a chuckle, and said indifferently, "He won't live long!"

"It turns out that the great master had already prepared it, and it was Shougong who was talking too much."

Liang Shougong lowered his brows and replied respectfully.


Within the demon world.

Yuan Wuji and Ji Wuxia stepped into the gloomy shrine again.

"You guys are here again!"

The faint voice echoed in the palace as if he hadn't woken up, "Let Ming guess, you must have something to ask for this time."

There was a hint of playfulness in the playful voice.

Yuan Wuji's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "That's right, I'm here today to make a deal with God of the Underworld."

"Speak up!"

The Master of the Six Paths leaned on his fist, squinted his eyes and said indifferently.

"I need you to contact the reincarnation order on my friend Mu Chengxue."

Yuan Wuji said directly, going straight to the point.


The Master of the Six Paths showed an interesting expression, "Once the order of reincarnation is bound, there is absolutely no chance of contact unless you die."

Yuan Wuji's expression was still calm, and he continued: "It's just that the price is not enough."

"In this way, do you have the price to impress Ming?"

 Thanks: Gao Da Throne, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, Wen Yuan Xing Shi and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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