Chapter 857

[Modification: The end of the world is dead, changed to hell change]

Ya Shimii, Yiseqiu, Bian Xijun, Prison Heaven Xuanhuang, Ghost Desolation Hell Transformation.

Chang Yingluo, Yan Wushang, Du Wuyu...

All of a sudden, six reincarnation orders gathered in the Buddha Town.

The boiling fighting spirit rendered the entire sky red.

Immediately, fighting broke out.

In order to avenge the enmity of being imprisoned by the seal, Prison Emperor Xuanhuang mercilessly resorted to moves.

And Ya Shimie is the prestige of the Long Desire Realm, facing the sworn enemy Foxiang, he is also ruthless.

Blood splattered.

The once holy place was once again stained with blood.

People from the world of desire collided with people from the Buddhist land.

It turned into the most cruel and bloody scene.

The sound of shouting and killing came one after another.

There were waves of moaning and howling.

On the other side, Yuan Wuji and Ji Wuxia, who had heard the news, came halfway, but saw a mad figure blocking the front.

"I am depressed about the scene. Lovesickness, sickness. Who is interested, who is unlucky. Dou Dun, less joy and more anger. Close down and ask through sound transmission. I have you, you have no part. It is like acacia peach pit , It's really hateful. There are two people in my heart."

Accompanied by Yin Yin's poem, the man suddenly turned around, his seemingly handsome face carried an arrogance and evil spirit, his long light blue hair was scattered, and the hair ornaments on his head formed a semicircle like spikes. In his hands, holding With a scythe.

"Heart Slave of the Storm!"

Yuan Wuji's eyes flickered slightly, and at the same time, another feminine chant came from behind, blocking the retreat.

"Red tents, shy of spring and cold, fragrant mist and clouds, and shadows of copper sparrows. Looking at the crystal bottle sideways, the butterfly clothes flow Dan, and you can cross the Yang Pass. And the tea is burned out, the whole body is warm with smoke, and the painted screen reflects the clothes and crowns."

"With a murderous look, it looks like an enemy!"

Ji Wuxia unsheathed the Mount Taiyue sword in her hand, and there was a cold air between her delicate brows.

Yuan Wuji also smiled slightly, "It seems that Yan wants to stop us!"

"It's just that I don't know whether the grand master is waiting for the opportunity to hurt both sides, or if he is sincerely forming an alliance with them."

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you will die here today!"

Rainstorm Xinnu licked the corner of his lips, and there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Rainstorm Heart Slave was born in the Fierce Sword Sect, a young hero, and even has a dream of being a hero, but unfortunately he was defeated by the sword god Jiuqiansheng as soon as he entered the world.

However, Rainstorm Xinnu didn't feel resentful or jealous because of this, instead he told Jiuqiansheng the origin of his martial arts.

He disappeared later, and when he reappeared, he had become a Zoroastrian dance director, and changed to a war sickle because Jiuqiansheng said that he was not suitable for practicing swords.

I hope to get the approval of Jiuqiansheng and sit in the first place with Jiuqiansheng. This is the second dream of Rainstorm Xinnu's life.But the appearance of the most oppressive time shattered his dream again, and the jealousy, envy, and dissatisfaction in his heart had already made him lose his mind.

He thinks he is made of the tears of God whenever it rains.He will think that God is crying for him, and what he is crying is that he has not done evil enough.

In the end, a poisonous plan was set up to frame Zuo Guang.And set up eighteen hell formations to encircle and kill nine thousand victories and the best time in one fell swoop.

Shortly after Jiuqiansheng and the best time were rescued by Du Wuyu, the rainstorm Xinnu was imprisoned in the Quanyu Well by Du Wuyu and the great master of Yandu, Guling Shiyan.

Now, he was liberated by Gu Ling Shiyan.

A long-term seal will only make Rainstorm Xinnu's character more extreme and dangerous.

Facing the duo, Yuan Wuji and Ji Wuxia could only stop.

On the other side of Foxiang, the two sides have already played the dog's head.

Even if the Buddha is sympathetic, but for the sake of the common people in the world, there is only one way to fight to the death.

Just when the situation in Foxiang was in danger, the most brilliant and Qi Luosheng suddenly rushed into the battlefield, turning the tide of the battle in an instant.

However, just when the Foxiang was about to repel the Desire Realm.


A berserk figure suddenly rushed into the Buddhist village, and immediately fell to the ground with countless stumps.

"Huh? Is it the Buddhist sword? How come?"

Chang Yingluo was surprised to see the person coming, she was stunned, she didn't expect that the Buddha Sword would appear and help the Desire Realm.

At this moment, not to mention the side of Buddha Town, even the side of Desire Realm is full of surprises.

Apparently even they didn't expect this outcome.

However, everyone will not let go of this rare opportunity, and the killing moves are repeated.

With the joining of the violent silver monk, the situation has tilted again.

But soon, a sword energy came from outside the sky, and Shulou Longsu also rushed over.

Today's top experts in the world have a scuffle, and the world suddenly collapses.

But just when the murderous intentions of both sides were burning, suddenly,

"Xuan Ge dances in waves, the truth is true in the fantasy, and the world of mortals is too far away."

With the impact of a huge air current, the battle between the two sides was immediately shaken.

Immediately, a figure with a heavenly list on his back descended from the sky, and said at the same time: "Everyone fights life and death, but you don't think that you are just pawns in the opponent's game. Even if you can win, you can't control your fate, and you can't escape control."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Ya Shimie slowly withdrew his hand, but the dark power accumulated in his palm, he asked in a cold voice.

"Your Excellency, there is no need to be wary of me. In today's world, if the magic Buddha and the one-page book disappear, it is very likely that they have fallen into the hands of the ruler of the six realms. Therefore, the strongest in the world today is the ruler of the six realms, but you all follow the rules of the game to provide People have fun, and even if they win in the end, it is unknown whether they can get what they need, so it is not advisable to waste life in vain.”

"What? Where did you get the news that the Demon Buddha will be captured by the Master of the Six Paths!"

Ya Shimi stared and asked sharply.

The words were full of doubt and disbelief, because with the strength of Mo Buddha, no one can fight against even three points.

"Who are you? How dare you slander the Underworld God?"

The prison sky Xuanhuang was furious and sternly reprimanded.

"I am Danhua Baoyi, Yinzi, currently living in Luofu Mountain, Lique Peak, Jiuding Huihuan Taiji Terrace. When you were killed for the order of reincarnation, I have been investigating the origin and purpose of the ruler of the Six Paths."

"Then what did you find out?"

At this time, Yishiqiu also asked with slightly squinted eyes, because he never thought of obtaining what he needed through formal means, and now it was just a trick. If he could unite the entire martial arts world to fight against the master of the Six Paths, he would be very happy.

And most of the time, when someone proposes to deal with the Master of the Six Paths, he is even more happy to watch the excitement.

Because he also wanted to deal with the Master of the Six Paths and solve this trouble for Time City.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Yin Zi.

Yinzi looked around for a week, and then said solemnly: "I have detected that the corpses of all the strong men who came into the rivers and lakes and encountered accidents mysteriously disappeared, and all the clues point to the master of the Six Paths!"


Everyone's face changed, and their eyes showed surprise.

"That's right, Zhong Madness Buchao disappeared in the rivers and lakes in a blink of an eye. Afterwards, Lord Chao Yi and Qi Taizu both died in battle and disappeared. In addition, I went to Binglou before and learned from Shuang Yanyueke that , Xuanming’s corpse was also taken away by the Master of the Six Paths, because he said he could help Xuanming’s resurrection.”

"Therefore, I have reason to believe that the real purpose of the Lord of the Six Paths in holding this reincarnation game is to complete his ulterior purpose by collecting the corpse of the strong man."

"Therefore, there is only one winner in this game, and that is—the Master of the Six Paths!"

"And all the participants will be reduced to corpses, and they will be used by him to achieve his goals."


"How is this possible?"

In an instant, the complexions of all the strong people present changed drastically, and their eyes flashed wildly.

Obviously thinking about the truth of what Yinzi said.

After all, this is a big matter, and it is related to one's own interests and even life, so one has to be cautious.

 There is only one update for now.

(End of this chapter)

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