Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 861 Shake people if you can't beat them [Part 3, 1053]

Chapter 861 Shake people if you can't beat them [third update, 1053]

"Are you really not going to intervene?"

Jail Greed turned his head slightly, looked at the shadow in the darkness and said.

The black shadow's robe swelled, and a moment later, a cold voice came from the darkness, "No need."

The word indifference, I don't know if it's because I don't want to care about it, or because of self-confidence.

And at this moment,

"Son, you leave quickly, you are not his opponent."

As the Heavenly Sword turned into a pendant, Ji Xuangu's remnants merged into it again, and Mu Lingfeng also came to his senses, suppressing the grief in his heart and speaking to the short figure standing in front of him.

"Don't worry, my little Tianjiao will act all his life and never take half a step back!"

The young man snorted, and said arrogantly, as for the thing that was repelled just now, he automatically ignored it, that's how thick-skinned he is.

"Since you won't retreat, stay forever!"

Zi Yangzi uses both palms to move the envoy, transforms the universe, creates the infinite, and destroys the world with one palm.

Facing the majestic power, Xiao Tianjiao let out a cold shout, pointing his hands together like swords, and the Ziying sword suspended in front of him spun rapidly, like a lightning strike.

The extreme sharpness lingered around the blade, and it actually tore apart the strength of Pang Majestic's palm, pointing directly at Zi Yangzi.


Anger flashed in Ziyangzi's eyes, and then he stepped on his footsteps, majestic and majestic devilish energy came out, and the flying Zidian was submerged in the devilish atmosphere for a moment, and at the same time, powerful power overflowed, Xiao Tianjiao and the child holding the child Mu Lingfeng was pushed away directly, and the house behind them was instantly reduced to ruins.

"Not good!"

Xiao Tianjiao exclaimed, then suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Sister, help!"

As soon as the words fell, a cold hum suddenly came from above the sky.

Immediately, a bolt of green electricity pierced the air, blocking Ziyangzi's killer move.

Immediately after, a girl in a long blue and white dress walked down from the clouds, "A thousand mountains and birds fly away, and thousands of trails and people disappear. A lone boat and hat, fishing alone in the cold river and snow."

Following the girl's move, the green sword fell into her palm.

The girl and Xiao Tianjiao stood together, although they seemed to be about the same age, but they were a head taller than Xiao Tianjiao. Compared with Xiao Tianjiao's escape, the girl was more mature and cold.

"Sister, why do you have a poem number, why don't I have one?"

Xiao Tianjiao scratched his head suddenly, and asked angrily.

"Who told you not to study, you know that it is terrible to be uneducated!"

The girl held her head up, she would not tell Xiao Tianjiao how many poems she had searched in order to find an appearance poem before finding a suitable one.

Otherwise, it would damage her sister's dignity.

After losing his majesty, how can he beat his younger brother in the future?
"Thank you for your help, I don't know who you are?"

At this time, Mu Lingfeng couldn't help asking curiously.

Because she felt the extraordinary aura and good foundation from the two of them.

To be able to possess such strength at such an age must have come from extraordinary backgrounds.

Just as Xiao Tianjiao was about to speak, he saw the almond-eyed girl beside him, and quickly lowered his head and stuck out his tongue, not daring to speak.

Afterwards, the girl said to Mu Lingfeng: "My name is Mu Jiangxue, but I just draw my sword to help when the road is uneven, so don't worry about it, madam."

"Baby, you can block my tricks. You have extraordinary backgrounds. Now you get away and leave. I don't blame the past. If not, I can only let your adults come to collect the corpse."

At this time, Ziyangzi came back to his senses, and was blocked repeatedly, which made Ziyangzi's heart boil with anger, but for the sake of the big plan, he didn't want to cause more disputes.

He could also see that for such strength at such a young age, the background must not be simple.

Although he is not afraid, delaying his time and delaying his return is a big deal.

"Our sister and brother will take care of this business."

Before Mu Jiangxue opened his mouth, Xiao Tianjiao spoke loudly, looking eager to try.

Hearing these words, Zi Yangzi's face became gloomy again, "Toast, don't eat fine wine!"

"Sister, hate him, I have long wanted to feel the combined power of Ziqing's two swords!"

Little Tianjiao showed excitement.

The Ziying sword in his hand is shining with lightning all over his body, the tip of the sword is full of light, and the hilt of the sword is like a dragon's head.

On the other hand, Mu Jiangxue held a green snake on the hilt of the Qingsuo sword, tangled like a rope, and the body of the sword was like a flash of blue lightning.

Evil spirit, murderous spirit and stellar spirit fill the sword body, possessing the prestige of invulnerability to all evils.

"court death!"

After being repeatedly humiliated, Zi Yangzi finally broke out, and his first move was the ultimate move, "All demons will be destroyed!"

At this moment, Ziyangzi's palms were filled with unparalleled purple evil energy, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and the terrifying devil clouds piled up, as if the end was approaching.

"Big move, beat him to death!"

Xiao Tianjiao was not afraid of being overjoyed, and shouted loudly, while Mu Jiangxue shook his head helplessly, and then urged the Qingsuo sword.

Two divine swords, one blue and one purple, shot out, and the discs of the swords were entangled together, rushing into the sky like a drill.

The blue and purple double thunder erupted above the clouds and turned into a dense thunder net. The evil spirit of the thunderbolt swept away the evil energy for a moment, and then stabbed at Ziyangzi like a heavenly sword.

Accompanied by a huge roar, the whole world trembled.

"The magic flame burns the world and burns the nine suns!"

Ziyangzi roared angrily, and the demon flames all over his body shot up violently, rushing towards him with the force of burning the sky.

puff puff...

Following two mouthfuls of bright red spray, Mu Jiangxue and Xiao Tianjiao flew out backwards.

Fortunately, Mu Lingfeng reached out behind him and caught the two with his own strength, which weakened a lot of the impact.

"What a powerful demon."

Xiao Tianjiao wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face was slightly dignified.

"Miss Mu, help me take the child away, and let me block him!"

Mu Lingfeng stood in front of the two of them, wanting to hand over the baby in his arms to Mu Jiangxue.

No matter what, she couldn't tolerate her children being taken away, but she couldn't bear others to sacrifice for herself, especially two thirteen or fourteen-year-old children.

"No, you haven't dared to hit me yet?"

Xiao Tianjiao's face was tense, and then he seemed to feel something, and quickly turned his head, only to see that Mu Jiangxue turned his head and stared at him at some point, and the corners of his mouth were upturned, a smile that was not a smile.

Xiao Tianjiao couldn't help but panicked, and quickly changed his words, "No one can hit me except my beautiful and generous sister, watch me continue to shake people!"

After speaking, Xiao Tianjiao took out a bamboo tube from his waist, and the next moment, a huge firework bloomed in the sky.

"One cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other."

Xiao Tianjiao complained to himself, and immediately opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Uncle, help! Someone is going to kill your cute and invincible nephew!"

"No one who comes here today can save you!"

With Ziyangzi's footsteps, the fatal palm has struck, and the terrifying pressure directly caused ripples in the entire space.

"is it?"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and then a terrifying sword energy descended, and Ziyangzi was repelled with a single sword.

"In ancient times, there was no one who traveled thousands of miles to discuss the spring and autumn; the mountains and the moon smiled and lay, and a sword rested outside the dust."

With the sound of the poem, Wan Jian paved the way, and then a transcendent figure stood in front of Zi Yangzi.

"Yiqi go!"

Zi Yangzi narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were somewhat cautious.

Because he knew that Yi Qixing had the ability to kill God with one blow.

If he was in his heyday, he would naturally have no fear, but with Zi Yangzi's body, he might not be able to bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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