Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 873 The Divine Emperor's Arrival [Countdown to Completion: 8]

Chapter 873 The Divine Emperor's Arrival [Countdown to Completion: 8]

"Because I am—the Emperor of Gods!"

As soon as the word "Emperor of All Gods" fell, the universe was in turmoil for a while, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, rain fell from the sky, and the golden holy light directly pierced through the black clouds of the bloodthirsty imperial power and shone down.

"Consider the universe, look down on the heavens, and bow down all the way!"

Accompanied by the poem, Yuan Wuji's body burst into bright light, and he changed his clothes in a second.

I saw him wearing a golden holy robe, and the stars in the sky gathered again, looming.

The terrifying power erupted, and the land of misery was in turmoil. Numerous cracks spread from the soles of Yuan Wuji's feet. It was obviously difficult to bear God's presence.

But soon the power of Time City spread, resisting this pressure for the plight.

Otherwise, the land of misery is likely to fall apart directly.

At this moment, Yuan Wuji's real outburst caused Yan Da and Mi Da below to kneel down on one knee, unable to bear the power.

The shock in my heart is even more unparalleled.

Obviously, he did not expect that he would meet such a terrifying opponent this time in this world.

And the Sizhi Wutong, Zuo Guangguang, Bu Xiangchen and others in the outside world also looked shocked.

"I hope the city lord can complete the goal!"

Sizhi Wutong said in a low voice, if even the Lord of Time can't suppress it, he really doesn't know who else in this world can resist.

"I didn't expect his real power to be so terrifying!"

Bu Xiangchen also had lingering fears on his face, thinking about how he was not targeted when he flirted with the other party, he couldn't help but feel lucky.

Thinking of the ambiguity between himself and his incarnation before, Bu Xiangchen couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth, a little distracted, but the only pity was that he still didn't eat it.

"Your outburst will only intensify the time for your return!"

Time City Lord said in a deep voice.He pressed down with both hands, and the power of the entire time city was controlled by him, and no one could be invincible in the world.

Unfortunately, Yuan Wuji is not a human being, but a human god.

Between the heavens and the earth, the number one in all ages - the god of man.


Yuan Wuji spoke indifferently, "This time is enough for me to beat you to death!"

He didn't care about returning to Yuan Wuji, because it was time for him to go back and settle the unfinished business.

"But it's enough for me to destroy your time foundation."

Time City Lord is equally strong.

Because at this moment, he has to be strong.

"is it?"

Yuan Wuji held the time city with one hand, and at the same time, the supreme power erupted, seeming to completely destroy the time city.

For a moment, countless timepieces trembled.

The power of time is integrated into the time city, strengthening the power of the time city.

At this moment, the huge time city became a battlefield for the two to wrestle.

Countless clocks are shaking.

The huge city even made a sound of collapse.

At this moment, the world is boundless.

Sound and light have all disappeared.

The will of Yuan Wuji and Time City Lord manifested.

The crusade began on the top of Aoli City.

Yuan Wuji's punches and kicks all contained terrifying power.

And the time city lord traverses the past, the present, and the future, wandering in the long river of time, it is difficult to distinguish between reality and reality, and the rules are strange.

One blow can shake Yuan Wuji's will, the power of time is so terrifying.

Because Yuan Wuji also holds part of the law of time.

Therefore, it is restrained by those who have a stronger time law.

The battle of legal standards depends on who has the strongest or more legal standards to determine the outcome.

Especially the same kind of dharma, which involves the struggle for enlightenment.

Only you die and I live.

When the two wills were fighting, the Lord of Time City also mobilized the power of the entire Time City to suppress Yuan Wuji's time law.

Yuan Wuji held the Time City in one hand and the Yin-Yang Token in the other, and the black and white vortex needed to swallow the entire Time City.

"City Lord of Time, you are only Taixi Shenzhao's pony after all, even if you have the treasure of Time City, you cannot be my opponent."

Yuan Wuji shouted, the Yin-Yang Token disappeared at this moment, turned into a vortex, and the vortex became bigger and bigger.

"I won't let you succeed."

The Lord of Time City also let out a low shout, slowly raised his arms, and the timepiece of the entire Time City began to shake.

"Time City holds the time of countless creatures in adversity, and I will not let it fall into your hands."

As soon as the words fell, the City Lord of Time suddenly closed his hands, and the time in countless timepieces was extracted.

Each of these dense timepieces represents a living being.

With the extraction of the time city lord, time after time gathered together and turned into a long torrential river, running through the past and present.

Yuan Wuji raised his fist and blasted, the majestic force pierced through the ancient giant city, and then he rushed in, directly stepping onto the top of the time city.

The will of the two returned, and then their real bodies collided.

Even though the time city master controls the power of the time law, he is not a true god after all. The only reason he can use the power of time is because of the convenience brought by his special position.

But Yuan Wuji is different, he has a powerful body and strong divine power, and his moves are so powerful that they can shake the sky.

The two paired their palms together, and the time and space rioted directly.

"Reversing Chaos Time and Space!"

Yuan Wuji held the time in his left hand and the space in his right hand. With both palms together, time and space suddenly became chaotic, and then he slammed his palm on the chest of the city lord of time.


Time City advocated a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"City Master Time, you still don't understand me after all!"

Yuan Wuji didn't even use the divine weapon, his powerful divine body made him indestructible, and the time and space were directly disordered between the sliding of his palms and fingers.

In just an instant, hundreds of moves were passed, the corners of Shicheng's mouth were bleeding, and the clothes on his chest were stained red with blood.

However, Yuan Wuji's whole body was shimmering with stars, which actually resisted all the power. Even if the remaining power bombarded him, he could not break through the defense of his divine body.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being feared by the gods."

The City Lord of Time murmured, and then his eyes turned hard. He glanced at the long river of time condensed by the power of time extracted from countless timepieces.

At this moment, the long river of time has left the city of time, and has directly disappeared into the entire suffering situation, becoming invisible.

This means that even if Time City is destroyed, it will not affect the time and destiny of countless living beings in adversity.

"Even if I destroy Time City with my own hands today, I won't let you get everything!"

The time city lord shouted angrily, he had taken time to leave the time city before, just for this moment.

As the time city lord detonated the time city, a force that would destroy the world suddenly exploded, just like the big bang of the universe. At this moment, the boundless space that the time city came out of was directly vaporized.

Fortunately, when this moment was decided, the people in Time City, including Su Huanzhen, had already left early.

Otherwise, under this blow, even a close god would not be able to resist it.

The stars condensed around Yuan Wuji began to flicker, disappearing one by one, and the small universe was also torn apart by this terrifying force.

The destruction of time is enough to obliterate everything.

"Time City Lord, decisive enough, unfortunately..."

With the destruction of the universe in his palm, Yuan Wuji's protective energy was also exhausted, and bloodstains appeared on his indestructible body. Obviously, every air flow of this majestic power is comparable to the ultimate move of a god.

But even so, Yuan Wuji did not show any fear or panic, and he was still full of confidence.

Looking at the Lord of Time, who was like a dying candle, the corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a mysterious smile.


 Thanks: Liuquan Xiaolong, Yao Zhimeng, Yu, and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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