Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 880 The Strength of the Mother of Light on Earth [Countdown to Completion: 5]

Chapter 880 The Strength of the Mother of Light on Earth [Countdown to Completion: 5]

"My identity..."

There was a sense of melancholy in Tai Xi Shenzhao's words.

But soon, the strangeness in Taixi God's words disappeared, "If you have the opportunity to go to the six-day realm, maybe you can know."


Yuan Wuji chuckled, "Even if I haven't gone up yet, I know your identity."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Wuji raised his palm, intending to break the circle of light and reveal the true face of Taixi God.

But seeing that the circle of light was only rippled, Yuan Wuji's palm seemed to land on the empty space.

This is unimaginable.

Yuan Wuji masters the power of time and space, can lock the target, and there is absolutely no possibility of deviation.

But now, it happened.

"Time and space law is accurate!"

Yuan Wuji murmured, with a look of seriousness in his eyes.

Taixi Shenzhao relied on her own power to make the four gods of the God of Death, Baqi Cthulhu, Wujianyan, and Sin God have to abide by the rules of the game she made, which shows her strength.

Although she is a goddess, her strength may not be a match for any of the four true gods alone.

However, in this way, Yuan Wuji will feel a greater desire to pursue.

"Here, you will not be my opponent."

Tai Xi Shenzhao's calm voice came from within the aperture, his words were soft but full of strong self-confidence.

In terms of understanding and control of time and space, who else in the world can compare with her?
Even if Yuan Wuji stole part of her power by some means, he might be able to deal with the time city master, but compared with her, the gap is too big.

Especially in this place, which will be her home field.

Even if she hasn't arrived in person, she can still mobilize most of her power.

"The light of the sun!"

Accompanied by the cold voice, a soft light shone out from the aperture, directly covering Yuan Wuji.

This seemingly soft light contains the power of various laws, like a rope that seems to bind Yuan Wuji.

"Multure disc!"

Yuan Wujiu let out a shout, and pushed with both palms, a six-color roulette appeared, as if the entire world was about to be wiped out and reincarnated as it turned.

At this moment, the entire space-time tunnel was in turmoil.

It even affects different time and space.

"Taixi, are you really going to fight me here? If our power erupts, although we can't destroy the passage, I'm afraid that these things in different time and space will change."

"rest assured!"

Tai Xi said indifferently, and then a veil of light spread, wrapping the two of them.


Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes showed confusion, and with the snap of his fingers, a burst of extreme sword energy shot out.

But this sword, which was enough to pierce the void, fell on the golden veil, and disappeared without a trace like water entering the sea.

"Taixi Shenzhao is indeed worthy of being the mother of the earth's light. These methods are indeed inferior to Baqi and Shinigami."

Speaking of this, Yuan Wuji suddenly sneered, "But if that's all you want to trap me, then Taixi will look down on me too much."

As soon as the words were finished, Yuan Wuji snorted coldly, and the invisible sword energy spontaneously came out.

The sword qi contained various powers of laws, which turned into blades of laws, cut off the divine light of Taixi on his body, and restored his freedom.

At the same time, the blades of the law condensed together and turned into a heavenly knife, which slashed the divine light of the sun.

But seeing within the circle of light, the white and slender jade hand stretched out and pressed lightly towards the void, and suddenly the huge light palm was suspended above the sky like a mountain, and pressed down towards Yuan Wuji.

The huge light palm directly vaporized the surrounding power, the resplendent sky knife shattered in an instant, and the entire city of time and space began to vibrate.

"Sunshine from Taixi, since you want to start the decisive battle ahead of time, then I—— allow you!"

Yuan Wuji shouted, and then the huge city of time and space suddenly burst into strong light, and the chains of time and space were stirred up.

The sound of "哗啦啦" continued to come, as if traveling through the past, the present, and the future.

Immediately, Yuan Wuji and Taixi Shenzhao disappeared in the space-time tunnel, but appeared in a strange space.

Or can't say space.

But in the cracks of infinite space-time fragments.

Treacherous and mysterious.

A place that even the gods cannot easily touch.

At this moment, a huge circle of light shone, and gradually condensed into a human-shaped figure that seemed to be composed of rays of light. She couldn't see her face clearly, but she had wings on her back, as if she could contain everything in the world.

With the flick of the sleeves of Taixi Shenzhao, a vast ocean composed of rays of light rushed towards
Everything in front of it was completely melted by the sea of ​​light.

It seems that all the laws of the world have been digested.

"As the first human god in a difficult situation, I don't want to be your enemy, as long as you are willing..."

Before Taixi Shenzhao finished speaking, Yuan Wuji snorted coldly and said directly: "I have never been threatened."


Tai Xi Shenzhao sighed quietly, "Why are you always so obsessed!"

"Then why do you insist on stopping me?"

Yuan Wuji flipped his palms over, one palm ended and the other started, reproducing the ultimate magic move, "The end of time and space, the beginning of the universe—all dharmas come to an end!"

The majestic power exploded in an instant.

There seems to be a starting point between Yuan Wuji's palms. It is the destruction of the Big Bang, and it is also a new life. Everything will be turned into nothingness.

The terrifying power directly shattered time and space, covering the entire space in an instant, "Tai Xi, your power is meaningless before this."

Yuan Wuji sneered coldly, the powerful and invisible force devoured countless time and space fragments, which were worlds that were not in the same time and space.

The light and shadow formed by the divine photo of the sun is also gradually distorted by this force, but,

"Why do we have to go this far!"

Taixi Shenzhao sighed again, his words were full of unknown meaning, as if the two were familiar with each other.

But having said that, Taixi Shenzhao also started to fight back.

In the battle between gods and gods, moves have become auxiliary, and they can change the world with a single thought.

I saw Taixi Shenzhao lightly raised her plain hand, and the whole world seemed to be under her control, suppressing the sweeping power.

But Yuan Wuji's ultimate move is equally powerful, the space is cracked inch by inch, and nothingness is gradually swallowed up.

"No one can stop my return!"

Yuan Wuji yelled again, and the divine energy was activated again. At this moment, Yuan Wuji's body swelled, as if he had turned into a giant, holding a ten thousand zhang sword, sweeping across the ages and destroying all worlds.

Countless time and space fragments burst like bubbles under this knife, completely destroyed, and there is no future to speak of.

There seemed to be emotional fluctuations on the face of Taixi God who couldn't see clearly, but it disappeared soon, but his words became more determined, "Even if Taixi fights to get rid of this incarnation, it will delay your steps."

"Come on then!"

In an instant, the war broke out again, and the light body of Taixi Shenzhao also swelled up, holding the Taixi Divine Sword cast by the first ray of light born between heaven and earth, and collided with the Heavenly Sword.

A terrible big bang happened, and even the gods could not touch it. An unprecedented storm of destruction was produced in a strange place beyond human comprehension.

The power of a sword is like a ray of divine light, shining through the ages, penetrating the past and the present, gathering together at this moment, and shooting straight at Yuan Wuji.

The shoulders of Yuan Wuji's huge divine body were pierced suddenly, and golden blood was scattered all over the ground. The moment the blood fell, even the void was instantly burned.

But Yuan Wuji's fighting spirit became more and more high-spirited.

Because he has already felt the crisis in the original time and space.

So he has to rush back.

 Recommend a big guy's new book "Invincible by Accident"


(End of this chapter)

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