Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 889 The End of 6 Days [Countdown to Completion: 0]

Chapter 889 The End of Six Days (0) [Countdown to Completion: [-]]

[200 words! 】

There is nothing around the temple, and there are no angels guarding it, so it is full of loneliness.

The lonely god seemed to have turned into a statue, standing on the throne forever, without any movement.

The god on the throne is wearing a large white robe, white hair shawl, a light wheel behind his head, and a pair of wings on both sides of the top of the light wheel.

Taixi Shenzhao stepped into the plain palace, looked up at the lonely figure on the throne, his face was full of complexities.

Although she had already left the Realm of Six Heavens, she still met Emperor Qitian after she left.

That is, the time when the Emperor Abandoned Heaven descended to earth.

But at the beginning, Taixi Shenzhao only watched from a distance in Yuntianyu, and did not show up to meet each other.

Because she doesn't want to abandon the Emperor of Heaven.

After a long time, Tai Xi Shenzhao spoke softly, "I, I'm back."

The voice fell, and after a while, the person who looked like a stone sculpture slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the entire six-day world seemed to be a little brighter.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Taixi Shenzhao in front of him.

There was no emotion on his face, only indifference.

Even in the face of the old man, there is still no fluctuation.

Qitiandi, the god of destruction and regeneration, the number one martial god in the heavens, and one of the oldest creation gods.

Its strength should be the first in six days.

The most important thing is that it is unfathomable. No one or God has ever seen the true limit of Emperor Qitian.

When Yuan Ling descended to the lower realm, the holy demon embryo could only support him with three successes.

Even so, it is also an invincible hand in the world.

"My agreement with him has been terminated. From then on, he has no right to order me anymore."

Emperor Qitian spoke indifferently, with calm words, but there was no doubt about it.

"Could it be that as a younger sister, can't I come to visit my brother?"

Tai Xi Shenzhao secretly sighed, but said so on the surface.

As an ancient god, they were conceived and raised innately, so it is okay to say that they are brothers and sisters.

Emperor Qitian didn't answer this question, but said again: "This place has been quiet for too long, and finally there is excitement."

"The excitement is the excitement, but it's a pity that every move here will affect the poor people."

"It's full of selfish desires and filthy eyes."

"Brother, the only reason why the world is colorful is because they have different ideas that create a lot of wonderful things. If everyone looks the same, there will be no life, and it will be no different from a dead thing."

"At the beginning, I just sat and watched my brother descend to the realm, hoping that my brother would feel it for himself. Didn't my brother witness it with his own eyes in the end?"

"is it?"

Emperor Qitian snorted coldly, seemingly disdainful, "Yes! Under the light, it is the hand of darkness. Back then, the sun god broke the agreement to help them, did you think I really didn't know?"

"But if you lose, you lose. I promise not to interfere with the affairs of the lower realms. Now that the affairs of the lower realms come to you, what does it have to do with me?"

"The last time I made a move, I was already free, and I have no other affiliation with the Realm of the Six Heavens. Taixi, if you come to me to catch up with the past, that's all. If you ask me to make a move, then leave!"

Emperor Qitian waved his hand indifferently, and leaned on the throne, as if he was taking a nap.

"Tai Xi came here today not for this purpose."

Tai Xi Shenzhao's expression remained unchanged, he just shook his head and said calmly.


Emperor Qitian responded indifferently.

"After today, the pattern of the Six Heavens Realm will change. Do you really want to sit and watch? My brother has been fighting for thousands of years to clear away the evil spirits. Now the evil spirits have already infiltrated the Six Heavens Sanctuary with the intention of causing chaos. Could it be that my brother tolerates this filth?"

Taixi Shenzhao knew the character of Emperor Qitian.

Emperor Qitian has never been a warlike person.

But he is a perfectionist with serious cleanliness.

There is no room for filth in the eyes, otherwise I would not be prepared to clean up all spirits and rebuild the world.

Like nothingness, Baqi evil gods and the like, if they appear in front of Emperor Qitian, they are all rubbish that should be cleared.

Because nothingness is a mass of waste gas, and the evil god Baqi has gathered all kinds of evil thoughts and desires of human beings, which is what Emperor Qitian wanted to eliminate most.

The Grim Reaper is different. The Grim Reaper is also a congenitally born pure life form, which cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth.

So he got the approval of Emperor Qitian.

As for Yuan Wuji...



Misty clouds and air swelled in all directions, and two figures that were beyond the reach of heaven and earth stepped into the void, blooming with supreme divine power.

The sun god is like a big sun, with dazzling brilliance, it is difficult to look directly at it.

At this moment Yuan Wuji was different.

He is wearing a white robe and has a seven-color light wheel behind his head, representing the desire of all beings.

There is also a disk of reincarnation in it, reciprocating endlessly.

"My purpose?"

Yuan Wuji sighed quietly, "I don't have any purpose, I just want to take revenge. Anyone who plots against me will have to pay the price instead. Maybe we can talk about it by handing over the photo of Taixi."

"Taixi is responsible for maintaining the order in the lower realm. She has always been fair and selfless. This reason is not enough!"

"I want revenge, do I still need to abide by your rules?"

Yuan Wuji sneered, "Sun God, you have been in the position of God for a long time, and you have forgotten the affairs of Jianghu. If you don't hand over someone, I will come and take it myself! Anyone who hinders me is my enemy!"


The Sun God sighed slightly, "After all, the mistakes I made, I have to make up for myself. Since you want to fight, I will allow you!"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere between the two became tense for a moment.

"I've long wanted to experience the power of the Sun God!"

Yuan Wuji's eyes erupted with fighting intent, and as he raised his hand high, the sky and the earth swirled backwards, and a black storm surged up from his feet, gradually piercing into the sky.

woohoo hoo...

Suddenly, a black storm enveloped the entire Six Heavens Realm. The once holy and peaceful place was like a demon realm.

The Realm of the Six Heavens is an illusory world.

He is not illusory in that sense.

Rather than belonging to the same dimension.

If the lower realm is three-dimensional, then the realm of the six heavens is four-dimensional or above.

And the god among them is an independent individual detached from three dimensions.

So they don't exist on the timeline.

In the eyes of three-dimensional creatures, it is an illusion.

It is so illusory that it can cross the past, present and future.

At this moment, the God Realm fell.

The black storm swept across, as if reappearing the situation of six days of birth, surrounded by chaotic energy, which could destroy this light at any time.

"Light of God!"

The sun god spread his hands, and the palms showed light, and the bright rays of light pierced the storm.

The power of one blow is like the opening of heaven and earth, shocking the nine heavens.

Yuan Wuji danced wildly with his white hair all over his head. He put his two fingers together in front of his forehead, and above his fingertips, there was a bit of sword energy, "Sword Killing God!"

Kongjian, Sujian, Tianjian, Shijian, Wujian.

The five swords swirled and condensed on the top of the head. Following Yuan Wuji's pointing, they condensed into one and appeared in front of the Sun God in an instant.

A sword distorts time and space, and reverses yin and yang.


The sun shines between the eyebrows of the sun god, and then a beam of light shines on the sword in front of him, instantly dissolving the sword of killing gods that turned the world upside down.

The calm and breezy posture makes people dignified.

The sun god who never makes a shot can be equally terrifying.

[The ending is so difficult to write, it's crazy! 】

 A new book has been released - "My Demon Prince"

(End of this chapter)

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