Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 123 Black Killing Fist

Chapter 123 Black Killing Fist

"The strength of casual warriors is really incomparable to that of famous martial artists. They are both in the early stage of Qingwu, and they are defeated so easily!"

"The warriors in Feiyun Mansion are all benevolent and righteous. If it were me, even a casual warrior dared to challenge my majesty. I would definitely destroy him."

"Bah! Do you think that the warriors of Feiyun Mansion are the same as you? Mansion Master Chen has said it before, this election fight is mainly about learning from each other. Those who can hone their martial arts in battle."

"Martial arts should naturally focus on fighting, but many people can't hold back their hands in fighting, and wounding and killing people is inevitable. I see that Gu Hong can use the means of retraction freely, and he is also a rare talent."

"It's up to you to say, there is no mediocrity in Feiyun Mansion. This Gu Hong is just the tip of the iceberg. You don't know the strength of the young mansion master Chen Kaiyun. The warrior did not fall behind, and even defeated three of them after fighting hundreds of moves, I think the rumored wolf-toothed warrior may not be stronger than Young Palace Master Chen Kaiyun!"

"Hehe, that's your stupidity. The method of the Wolf Fang Guard was reflected in the previous battle of the dynasty. The warriors of the Wolf Fang Guard can basically easily kill two people of the same level within a hundred moves. Martial artist, and there is still room for strength, although Chen Kaiyun has good talent, but compared with the Spike Guards, he is far behind."

"Brother, as far as I know, the three fighters of the same level that Chen Kaiyun is fighting seem to be fighters from the Feiyun Mansion, right? How dare the fighters from the Feiyun Mansion hurt their young master? There must be someone who let the water go, and the Spike Guard back then The battles in this battle are real guns and real battles, killing people with their hands, how do you compare Chen Kaiyun with the Spike Guards? What's your brain?"

"Fuck your grandma! I'm not right? There are three Spike Guard warriors present, and I don't think it's unusual for them. If these three Spike Guard warriors can beat the crowd, I will be convinced!"

"Then you bastard, just keep your eyes open for me to take a good look, so that you don't have to go out and talk nonsense and lose the face of Sanxiu!"

The people present were all kinds of people, some said that the people in Feiyun Mansion were benevolent, some said that the people in Feiyun Mansion were generous, some said that Chen Daoxuan taught well, and some even scolded them. Anyway, it was extremely lively. This first scene The war has started and the whole place has been set ablaze.

Qiuhua said expressionlessly, "Feiyunfu Guhong won the first battle, who else will fight next?"

This battle is a turn-based battle. For example, when Gu Hong and Li Yuan are fighting, after Gu Hong defeats Li Yuan, he will leave the field to rest, and after another round, it will be his turn after the bye. If he can survive to the end, Gu Hong will also fight the most times warrior.

This is similar to the meaning of hitting the first bird with a gun. It is a good thing to fight early, but you have to fight the most times. If you don't have enough time to recover your true energy, you will basically lose, and even the unlucky ones will be killed.

A rough warrior with a big sword jumped onto the ring, cupped his fists and said, "Below is Zhou Zhou's sword from the Northeast Dao Zhou family, with the strength at the early stage of Qingwu realm, please enlighten me!"

"I come!"

As soon as Zhou Yi Dao's voice fell, a warrior jumped out to fight. This man was a disciple of Qianshan Sect.

Qianshan Sect is one of the five major sects in Jianghu. It is as famous as Beast Heart Sect, Black Buddha Sect, Wuliang Sect, and Zhanyue Sect. It is much stronger than Feiyun Mansion and other forces.

It's just that this disciple is just a relatively ordinary member of the Qianshan Sect, so he wanted to take the lead in the battle, and also thought that he could use this to hone his martial arts.

The disciple of Qianshan Sect clasped his fists and said: "I have learned the lesson from Baizhi of Xiaqianshan Sect, at the early stage of Qingwu Realm."

After the superficial etiquette, the two opened up their posture, ready to fight.

Although Zhou Yidao is also a child of the family, but he knows that the strength of his Zhou family is comparable to that of Qianshanzong, which is the gap between Yinghuo and Haoyue, and the two are not at the same level at all.

So even though he is the young master of the Zhou family and Bai Zhi is an ordinary disciple of the Qianshan Sect, his chances of winning are slim.

But his thinking is also the same as that of Li Yuan. The purpose of coming here to fight and participate in the battle is to hone his martial arts, so he is not afraid of failure, he is afraid of not gaining anything.

Zhou Yidao swung the long knife that was taller than a person, roared, and rushed towards Baizhi with a sharp reel. While the sword was being swung, the sound of air explosion came, and the momentum was quite extraordinary!
Zhou Yidao's swordsmanship has always been the kind that can break ten times with one force. Skills and the like will only lower his strength. At this moment, he wants to go head-to-head with Bai Zhi for a few rounds.

The big black knife slashed at Bai Zhi's head, and Bai Zhi didn't intend to underestimate Zhou Zhou's knife. This knife seemed so powerful that even he didn't dare to underestimate it. Since Bai Zhi's body gushed out!

The disciples of the Qianshan Sect are similar to the disciples of the Buddha Sect, and they mainly focus on cultivating the physical body, so they basically don't have weapons, or similar to Xia Li, the weapons are double fists.

Therefore, this head-to-head method also made Bai Zhi quite satisfied. This way of fighting was fun, and the winner could be determined faster!
Bai Zhi's zhenqi wrapped his fist, and his fist suddenly became dark and seemed to be shining brightly. This is not a big fist, and it looks like it can't break anything!
"Black Killing Fist!"

This fist is at a disadvantage in itself against the weapon, so Bai Zhi didn't dare to be careless, and used his martial arts to resist on the spot!


Bai Zhi's fist collided with Zhou Yidao's broadsword, and the powerful zhenqi burst out violently, and there was a crisp sound of metal colliding. People under the ring felt the floor nearby tremble slightly. How powerful is the touch!

Zhou Yidao's footsteps retreated repeatedly, but he stabilized his figure with his tyrannical body, but the tiger's mouth was already cracked and bleeding.

Bai Zhi wasn't much better either, his fists were cracking, obviously a minor injury from the shock.

"This fist is really powerful."

On the stone platform, Xia Li, who was watching the battle, smiled lightly. Baizhi's boxing method reminded him of his first fight after coming to this world. Boom, this kind of battle is also relatively fun.

It's just that the confrontation between Bai Zhi and Zhou Yidao was countless times more ferocious than he was back then, and even Xia Li could feel how strong the two of them collided.

At least this kind of confrontation is not much weaker than his kamikaze hand. If Xia Li is allowed to do it himself, the two of them will not be afraid to join forces, but it is impossible to defeat them without any consumption. A pervert whose strength exceeds that of a warrior of the same level has a very strong combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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