Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 132 Cause and Effect

Chapter 132 Cause and Effect
The dark red giant palm of zhenqi collided violently with Zhao Dian's giant palm of zhenqi.

Zhao Dian's giant palm of zhenqi was destroyed into nothingness by Xia Li's kamikaze hand in just an instant. The power of the kamikaze hand remained undiminished, and it rushed directly in front of Zhao Dian.

The many zhenqi giant thorns of the kamikaze hand merged with the zhenqi giant hand, and hit Zhao Dian instantly.


Zhao Dian's body was like a sandbag, with blood gushing out like a spring. His body flew hundreds of meters and landed on the ground covered in blood. If you didn't look carefully, it looked like a lump of fleshy mud. Obviously, you couldn't survive. up.

Xia Li also wanted to show his strength this time. In this battle, even if Xiao Xinyuan's bottom line was not to lose the face of the Spike Guard, Xia Li still wanted to show off his reputation. useful.

Moreover, Xia Li is also very interested in that knife. It is a treasure. Even if he has never used a knife, it is not a problem. He can go to the system to develop a sword technique, basically a two-star sword technique. , is enough for him to use the True Martial Realm.

Everyone looked at Zhao Dian who was killed by Xia Li's move, and they were speechless.

If it is shocking, it is indeed there, but it is already a little numb.

Because they basically guessed the result when Xia Li used the kamikaze hand, the power of Xia Li's kamikaze hand was enough to seriously injure the late stage Qingwu realm.

Xia Licai is only a martial artist at the early stage of Qingwu Realm!

What is he?Fight across two levels?
Liu Chenbai just now, with his strength in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, easily defeated Li Mu of the same level with two successes.

The current Xia Li, with his strength at the early stages of Qingwu Realm, easily defeated Zhao Dian at the middle stage of Qingwu Realm.

Are the warriors of the Wolf Fang Guard all such monsters?

The casual martial artist who said before that Chen Kaiyun, the Young Master of Feiyun Mansion, was comparable to the Wolf Fang Guards, felt his face was swollen at the moment.

Chen Kaiyun was fighting with a warrior who was one level higher than him, and the opponent was a warrior from Feiyun Mansion who couldn't use his full strength. Even so, Chen Kaiyun could barely survive the defeat.

But Xia Li, with his strength at the early stage of Qingwu Realm, against Zhao Dian at the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, Zhao Dian died with just one move!

Among this crowd, there are also warriors with discerning eyes. They can all tell that Xia Li didn't use his full strength at all in this move, and it might even be similar to Liu Chenbai, only using about two points. Just strength.

This made them a little bit broken, how did the wolf guard warriors practice?They are all under the same world, why can they be so heaven-defying, instantly killing the same level or even leapfrogging the level!

Everyone looked at Xia Li with complicated and frightened eyes.

Complicated is those warriors who participated in the competition. In their eyes, Xia Li is also the weakest of the Spike Guards, but they can see it clearly in this battle. The weakest of the bullshit, Xia Li and Liu Chenbai are strong and who is weak is unknown.

They thought about picking up the soft persimmons and pinching them, but they kicked the iron plate, which was really a headache.

Xia Li had no expression on his face, and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to go on stage? I'll follow along."

Xia Li's tone now is similar to Liu Chenbai's tone just now. They are both full of arrogance and look like they don't take everyone seriously.

And everyone's performance was similar to just now, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't go on stage with black faces, they couldn't beat them, and they just died when they went, just now Li Mu and Zhao Dian's fate was the same.

Li Mu was fine, he saved his life and was seriously injured, but Zhao Dian was beaten to a pulp by Xia Li's move, and he couldn't even think about dying.

"Amitabha, Lord Xia is too murderous, but he doesn't know that he owes karma to all living beings. I'm afraid that the karma will be repaid in the future, and his head is in a different place."

When Xia Li saw that no one was on stage, a monk in yellow robes suddenly jumped onto the stage. This monk was a late stage Qingwu-level monk, and Xia Li knew at a glance that this monk was Kong Jing's junior brother, Kong Wen.

Before Yan Hongfei talked about the fighters who were stronger than them, there were three people from Shaolin faction who were stronger than them, except for Kong Jing, they were his juniors, Kong Wen and Kong Jian, both of them were in the late stage of Qingwu Realm.

The biggest feature of Kongwen is that there is a small finger-sized scar on his left neck, which was injured when he hunted down bandits in the early days, so when Xia Li saw him, he knew he was Kongwen.

Xia Li smiled lightly and said: "Cause and effect? ​​That's what your Buddhist sect believes in, and I, Xia Li, don't believe in that. If it's true about cause and effect, the Demon Sect has done a lot of evil things. Why are you still alive and well?" of?"

Kong met with no expression on his face, clasped his hands together and said, "The people in the Demon Sect are cruel and heartless, and they will be punished by the gods. It is only a matter of time before the karma is repaid."

"A matter of time?" Xia Li sneered and said, "I only know that the Demon Sect has existed for thousands of years. You told me that I must be punished by God? Where is the curse?"

To be honest, Xia Li didn't care much about the so-called theory of cause and effect of the Buddhist sect. Among the warriors in the rivers and lakes, none of them had ever killed anyone. If there really was a theory of cause and effect, the world would have perished long ago.

Xia Li looked at Kong Jian and sneered and said: "And as far as I know, a hundred years ago, the abbot of your faction, Yi Lingran, did all the good things, but died in the hands of the Demon Sect. I don't know which karma is this repayment? "

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the Buddhist sect were not very good-looking, and even Kong Jing, who had always been calm, had a murderous look in his eyes.

As the saying goes, you don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you scold someone, but Xia Li just sprinkled salt on their wounds.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple a hundred years ago was amazingly talented and willing to help loose martial artists. His reputation was similar to that of Feiyun Mansion today. Seeking fame and fortune.

In addition, the abbot was extremely powerful, so Shaolin Temple was also the largest sect in the Jianghu at that time, and it was well-known and highly respected.

Just such a respected abbot was besieged to death in the battle between righteousness and evil. It was precisely because of the death of the abbot that the Shaolin Temple fell directly from the number one faction to the position of the third faction. Although the background is very deep, but After all, no abbot with too much talent appeared, so it was difficult to return to the peak for the time being.

The death of the abbot in battle has always been a pain in the Shaolin Temple. Even if other people mentioned this matter in front of the Shaolin Temple, they still looked regretful and heartbroken. Shaolin Temple.

Talking like this, not to mention the people in Shaolin Temple, those people in the world with a sense of justice, are also a little angry at Xia Li. The righteousness of the seniors, but Xia Li called it a karma retribution, it is so defiant to the extreme!

Now everyone in Shaolin Temple has one thought in their hearts: this Xia Li cannot stay, I am afraid he is also a warrior with a devilish heart, otherwise how could he say such rebellious words?

(End of this chapter)

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