Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 146 Familiar Scenes

Chapter 146 Familiar Scenes

Xia Li looked at Li Jiankong with a solemn look that had never appeared before.

This Li Jiankong is very strong, and even Xia Li suspects that although Li Jiankong only has the strength of the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, his real combat power is probably no worse than that of Kongwen of the late Qingwu Realm of Shaolin Temple.

Before Xia Li was able to defeat Kong Wen, it was due to his domineering fist, and Kong Wen was too underestimating the enemy at that time. If Xia Li and Kong Wen really fought, it would be difficult to tell the winner without dozens of moves.

Although Xia Li was regarded as very high by everyone, in fact, if he fought with Shaolin warriors at two levels, although he was sure of victory, he would also consume a lot of physical strength, and the fight would be a fierce battle.

So now against Li Jiankong, who is similar to Kongwen, this battle is probably going to be a fierce fight!
With the explosion of Li Jiankong's momentum, a whirlwind of true energy seemed to appear around Li Jiankong, and the oppressive feeling of true energy spread across hundreds of meters, which shocked the onlookers.

"The warriors of the Xiaoyao faction really deserve their reputation."

Xia Li looked at Li Jiankong and murmured in his heart, the Xiaoyao Sect and the Shaolin Temple belong to the same three factions, but the quality of the fighters of the Xiaoyao Sect has surpassed the Shaolin Temple, and can rival the Spike Guard.

"Seal the Devil's Palm!"

The majestic aura shot straight into the sky, and Li Jiankong's eyes had been sharpened from the previous unrestrained edge. This kind of aura is not much better than Liu Chenbai, who was selected in the Southwest Road at the time and used the ten thousand swords to return to the sect.

Li Jiankong reached out with both hands, and a dark purple palm of true energy formed in the air, and a powerful force of true energy swept wildly, which is probably a skill above the mid-level spiritual level.

This 'Sealing Devil's Palm' was researched by the warriors of the Xiaoyao Sect during several battles between righteousness and demons. It is a technique that specifically restrains the demon sect. It has a certain restraint effect on the magic technique, and it is a high-grade spiritual technique. , very powerful, if not for Li Jiankong being one of the most valued disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, he would not be qualified to learn this palm technique at all.

Now that Li Jiankong is fighting against Xia Li, he also knows Xia Li's strength, so he didn't dare to push his strength, and directly used a high-grade spirit-level kung fu. Even if this is not his strongest kung fu, it can still rank up to him. The top three who can master the exercises, this time he is also going to be real with Xia Li!

The Demon Sealing Palm in the air swept away like a turbulent sea, and its aura was extremely tyrannical. The crowd of casual martial artists and Jianghu wind media all felt that the movement of true energy and internal force in their bodies was suppressed. It can be seen that the suppression of the power of this Demon Sealing Palm How big!

Li Jiankong jumped up violently, and he didn't know what kind of skill he had used. He was able to step on the void, like a great god. Coupled with that demon palm and his own tyrannical aura, people couldn't help but feel The feeling of wanting to worship.


In Li Jiankong's eyes, crazy fighting spirit surged, and the huge mountain-like Demon Sealing Palm ruthlessly smashed towards Xia Li below!


When the Sealing Demon Palm fell, the arena was shaken constantly, and several cracks even appeared. Before, Yan Hongfei said that Xia Li's domineering fist could destroy this material at most, but now Li Jiankong's Sealing Demon Palm But it shook the ring out of the cracks, which shows how powerful it is!

"Good come!"

Xia Li raised his head, with a cold expression on his face. He looked at the Demon Sealing Palm that was thrown like a mountain, but his expression remained unchanged. The figure of Li Jiankong suddenly turned into an afterimage, and Li Jiankong's terrifying palm directly hit the ring, blasting the ring with cracks, and the smoke billowed!

"What about people?"

Everyone on the scene swept their gazes back and forth, terrified in their hearts. Except for a few warriors of the same level as Chen Daoxuan who saw the subtlety, everyone else looked at the ring with a face full of obsession. Look for Xia Li's figure.

"Could it be?"

Li Jiankong's palm was so easily dodged by Xia Li, and no one saw it hit Xia Li's afterimage. This familiar situation reminded Yan Hongfei of the election of Wudou in the Southwest Road. When confronting Xia Li, it was such a strenuous blow, it hit Xia Li's afterimage directly, and Xia Li easily dodged it, causing the audience to be horrified.

Later, Yan Hongfei and Xia Li got acquainted, and asked him about the subtleties of Xia Li's exercises back then. Xia Li pretended not to say anything, but told him the name of the exercises.

This technique is called Divine Action Variations.

Now Li Jiankong's situation is similar to his, and it reminded Yan Hongfei, and then he turned his gaze to the arena behind Li Jiankong, only to see a figure in a black robe standing leaning against him after the gunpowder smoke cleared. who?

For the first time, Li Jiankong's indifferent face showed a trace of horror, and he said, "How did you escape?"

At this moment, not only him, but other onlookers are also looking at Xia Li with horror on their faces. How could it be possible to change positions suddenly? Can you control the space?
Li Jiankong is most aware of the power of his magic sealing palm, and the powerful pressure of true pressure swept away, basically locking all the dodging methods, and there is no other choice but to fight head-on, but now it is broken by Xia Li Breaking the limit, he fled to the back to escape the palm, which made Li Jiankong terrified.

Does Xia Li really have the ability to control space?
Otherwise, how could he avoid more of his attacks?
Of all the people present at the moment, only Chen Daoxuan and a few people could see clearly that Xia Li had performed a kung fu technique, a very wonderful kung fu technique, and the function of this kung fu technique was very strange. At the moment, Xia Li's figure flickered slightly, this slight flicker escaped everyone's eyes, but it did not escape the eyes of Chen Daoxuan, a warrior in the late stage of Tianwu Realm.

Xia Li's figure became a little illusory after that slight flash, but surprisingly, he could not see other shadows except for the afterimage. At that time, Chen Daoxuan was still doubting whether it was true or not, thinking that he had misread it. , but when Li Jiankong's Demon Sealing Palm passed through Xia Li and hit the ring, Chen Daoxuan figured it out clearly, Xia Li used a very mysterious martial arts, and escaped Li Jiankong's blow.

Moreover, he dodged before Li Jiankong struck to block the retreat, but the speed was too fast, so he couldn't see the afterimage clearly, and Li Jiankong's palm was too fast, so Xia Li took advantage of the loophole in an instant and escaped. This palm.

But Chen Daoxuan saw the mystery, and others didn't see it. In the eyes of others, Xia Li's figure suddenly disappeared from the ring, and the one who was hit was Xia Li's afterimage. His figure suddenly appeared on the ring behind Li Jiankong as if tearing apart the space. This scene was simply weird!
(End of this chapter)

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