Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 150 Collision

Chapter 150 Collision

(PS: Add an update for the reader boss 'Mo Sen's White Qizhi Yang Tian'!)

The true energy between the heavens and the earth boiled crazily, and directly formed a huge vortex of true energy within tens of meters beside Xia Li, frantically devouring the energy between the heavens and the earth, and transformed it into Xia Li's body with the transfer of three lives. Pure zhenqi, injected into the giant fist of zhenqi!

At this moment, no matter whether it is Xia Li or Li Jiankong, their fighting spirit has reached the extreme level. Their faces are as white as paper at this moment, and all the true energy in their bodies is poured into their full blow!
At this moment, the vortex of zhenqi behind Xia Li suddenly turned into a beam of zhenqi light, rushing straight to the sky, and the terrifying momentum erupted during this period, even Zhang Jianyun, Kongjing and others who were at the peak of Qingwu Realm and half-step True Martial Realm, could feel it A little terrified.

"Overbearing Kuangquan: Madness soaring to the sky!"

Xia Li let out a low growl in his mouth. At this moment, the concentration of the Domineering Kuangquan has reached the extreme. This madness is the first move of the Domineering Kuangquan. Before Xia Li didn't have enough internal strength or true energy to activate this move, but now It's different, with the three-life circulation skill, he already has enough true energy to activate the first move of this domineering mad fist!
The Domineering Fist has five moves in total. After a systematic introduction, in this world, no warrior of the same level can catch the five moves of the Domineering Fist. It's a pity that Xia Li couldn't perform one move before.

The Domineering Fist that Xia Li drew before was three and a half moves, but he could only grasp some punches, but he couldn't even use a neat move. Even if he used it now, it was quite reluctant, but even if he was reluctant The power displayed is already enough to easily defeat Li Jiankong!
"What a terrifying martial art!"

Countless eyes stared at Xia Li's punch in horror. Li Jiankong's sword had already amazed them, but compared with Xia Li's punch now, it was far behind.

Li Jiankong's expression was ugly at the moment. He could feel the terrifying energy in Xia Li's zhenqi giant fist, but he was not allowed to think too much now, and he had already used all his strength to fight Xia Li. If he can't match Xia Li's Heavenly Dao swordsmanship, then what awaits him is defeat, and he may even be killed by Xia Li's punch because of the disparity in combat power!

Thinking of this, a trace of obstinate madness flashed across Li Jiankong's eyes. At this moment, he was already doing his best, and he had no other means. If he wins, he will succeed, and if he loses, he will suffer. Instead of fearing Xia Li's giant fist of true energy, it is better to go all out One hit, maybe there is still a chance of victory!

Li Jiankong roared, and stabbed out with a giant sword of true qi, and a wave of terrifying true qi swept away. Seeing this, Xia Li was not to be outdone, and slammed out his domineering fist, directly shattering the ring and the ground under his feet !

Bang bang bang!
Before Tiandao swordsmanship and domineering mad fist collided, the clothes of Xia Li and Li Jiankong were already thumped by the terrifying air waves, and the energy was splashed everywhere crazily. The scene was very shocking!


The Heavenly Dao swordsmanship and the domineering mad fist collided fiercely, and the world seemed to tremble at this moment. At this moment, the surrounding area for several miles seemed to have turned into a frying pan. Power is like boiling hot oil, crazy riots, such a scene, it is a sight that makes people die.

In the entire Feiyun Mansion, everything was quiet at this moment. The eyes of the onlookers were nothing but horror. Under such a terrifying vision of heaven and earth, it was the first time for them to feel that they were half as weak as ants. A martial artist who is at the peak of the Green Martial Realm and half a step into the True Martial Realm also has an unprecedented solemn expression on his face.

They couldn't figure it out even if they were beaten to death. How could a warrior at the early stage of Qingwu Realm and a warrior at the middle stage of Qingwu Realm burst out with such terrifying and destructive power above that of a true martial artist?Are these two guys still human? !
At the position on the stone platform, whether it is Chen Daoxuan, Yan Hongfei, Liu Chenbai and others, looking at the strange image in the sky at this moment, they can't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts. None of them can imagine that it was originally The two people who are optimistic about each other are fighting so horribly at this moment, basically exceeding everyone's expectations!
Even the disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, who were full of confidence in Li Jiankong before, are already trembling at this moment. In their hearts, Li Jiankong, who has never experienced a defeat in the same rank, is like a god of war, but the god of war in their hearts, Now they are being forced by Xia Li to use all their trump cards, and they are about to lose. With such terrifying strength, they don't even have the confidence to resist it at all. All they can do is the instinctive awe of the weak!

Zhang Jianyun clasped his hands and looked at the sky with a very solemn expression. He has no idea in his heart now. If Li Jiankong used his Heavenly Dao swordsmanship desperately, it would be a question whether he could defeat Li Jiankong, let alone someone who is stronger than Li Jiankong's Heavenly Dao swordsmanship now Domineering and punching.

Now Zhang Jianyun can't see through the two attacks in the sky at all, but what he knows is that these two attacks are powerful and outrageous, even if he gets involved, he will at least suffer serious injuries fate.

At this moment, the zhenqi in the sky became more and more violent, and the attacks of the two were also biting crazily. The aftermath of the zhenqi erupted destroyed the ground below so badly that I couldn't bear to look directly at it!
An elder of the Feiyun Mansion said anxiously: "Mansion Master, stop it, if these two violent attacks continue to explode, I'm afraid that half of our Feiyun Mansion will be blown up, and it might happen. It's shocking, it's not good for our Feiyun Mansion's reputation!"

Hearing the words, Chen Daoxuan also had a trace of hesitation in his eyes, but then his figure got bigger and bigger!

Chen Daoxuan's Heaven Martial Realm breath exploded violently, instantly suppressing Xia Li's and Li Jiankong's berserk attacks, and the boiling world instantly calmed down, as if these two terrifying attacks were forcibly suppressed at this moment!
"Palace Master Chen!"

Feeling the peace of the surrounding heaven and earth, everyone saw that Chen Daoxuan flew into the sky, blasted out with a palm, and rushed into the collision of the domineering fist and the sword of heaven.

After receiving the external force attack, the collision of Domineering Kuangquan and Tiandao Swordsmanship was instantly scattered by Chen Daoxuan, and turned into nothing!
"call out!"

With a wave of Chen Daoxuan's sleeve, a tyrannical zhenqi swung out, sweeping around, calming down the violent zhenqi around Xia Li and Li Jiankong, and then returned to Chen Daoxuan's body.

Chen Daoxuan's sudden attack also made the onlookers heave a sigh of relief. If the situation continues to be as violent as before, I am afraid that many weak people present will be shocked to death. The out-of-control situation was directly pacified.

 PS: Add an update for the reader boss 'Mo Sen's White Qizhi Yang Tian'!
(End of this chapter)

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