Chapter 164
What made Chen Daoxuan even more horrified was that just now, Xia Li didn't release a trace of true energy at all, and didn't release any energy at all. Just relying on the broken bamboo stick in his hand, he bounced Zhou Ziyuan's violent sword away!
What means is this?
Chen Daoxuan, who has always asked himself that he is well-informed in the Jianghu, feels a little inferior at the moment. The super talent of swordsmanship that Liu Chenbai showed before is not much weaker than him, which makes Chen Daoxuan a little bit shocked, but after all Liu Chenbai didn't surpass him, he just sighed that there were too many talented warriors in the Wolf Fang Guard, and he didn't think too much about it.

But now when Xia Li came out, he completely made him suspicious of his life. Xia Li could easily deflect Zhou Ziyuan's violent sword without exposing a little energy. What method did he rely on?
According to Chen Daoxuan, Xia Li should have used an extremely mysterious martial skill, which is not even comparable to his current strongest martial skill, but he couldn't feel Xia Li's true energy, it was because Xia Li deliberately Make him unable to sense it?That's impossible. With Xia Li's strength in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, how could he be able to stop his investigation?

But it is clear that all martial arts, no matter how strong or weak they are, need to use their true energy!Why doesn't Xia Li use his true energy to use this mysterious swordsmanship!What kind of magical sword technique is this? !
Chen Daoxuan's eyes finally became restless. Now he can't wait to cut Xia Li in half, study how Xia Li cultivates, and how many secrets are hidden in Xia Li?
A long-lost, greedy look that hadn't appeared in more than ten years appeared in Chen Daoxuan's eyes. Xia Li's magical swordsmanship was too terrifying. He could feel that what he had learned all his life was probably not as powerful as Xia Li's swordsmanship, so Chen Daoxuan, who has always kept Gujing Wubo, can't be calm anymore. If Xia Li's swordsmanship can be owned by him, then his strength may soon enter the Martial Martial Realm and become a famous overlord in the world!
At that time, with the strength of respecting martial arts, he can definitely be ranked as one of the big figures and suzerains in the Jianghu. Coupled with the popularity and righteous deeds that Feiyun Mansion has accumulated in the Jianghu for so many years, he can definitely enter the ranking of the Jianghu big faction In the middle, by then, his Feiyun Mansion will also be a powerful sect that has been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years, so Chen Daoxuan will not have lived this life in vain!
Thinking of this, Chen Daoxuan put his gaze into the ring, and narrowed his eyes slightly at Xia Li, not knowing what he was thinking.

inside the field.

Zhou Ziyuan barely stabilized his figure, his eyes had changed from fury to shock.

Just now he clearly sensed that Xia Li didn't let out any real energy, but he was easily blown away by Xia Li, which made Zhou Ziyuan a little surprised. How did Xia Li fly away without using real energy? his?
But he is not allowed to think too much because Xia Li has already made a move suddenly!
Xia Li's zhenqi erupted, much stronger than Zhou Ziyuan's aura before, and it swept the entire field in an instant, making countless casual warriors amazed. Xia Li, let alone this aura of zhenqi, probably It has surpassed most of the people in the field!

As soon as his footsteps were stepped, Xia Li held the bamboo stick in his hand, turned his palm slightly, and just rushed towards Zhou Ziyuan. No one could see what move Xia Li was going to make, and everyone who watched was confused.

There is no trick to win!
This is one of the main cores of Dugu Nine Swords. There is no move to win and there is a move, which is mainly reflected in the understanding and understanding of kendo, as much as you can do, and Dugu Nine Swords is mainly attacking, only attacking but not defending, and Basically cracking all the weapons in the world, this week Ziyuan can only be said to let Xia Li practice his sword.

Zhou Ziyuan saw Xia Li rushing over with astonishing momentum, the wave of true energy almost knocked him back, he was startled at the moment, swung his long sword and slashed over, without using any martial skills, nor Time to perform any martial arts.

But I don't know why, under Xia Li's kendo momentum, Zhou Ziyuan's true energy has been blocked a lot. It seems that his previous strength can only exert less than half of it, and not only Zhou Ziyuan, but also everyone present Everyone felt that their zhenqi was a little blocked, even Chen Daoxuan, who was the strongest, felt a little bit like this. Although it was not very strong, it also affected a lot of his combat effectiveness.

Now Xia Li didn't deliberately suppress him, but the aftermath had the same effect. Zhou Ziyuan, who was completely suppressed, basically couldn't even display his usual fighting strength. Isn't this battle inevitable?

This discovery made Chen Daoxuan covet Xia Li's swordsmanship even more. The miraculous move before, and now the terrifying artistic conception that can restrain the enemy's strength, all told him that if he could get this swordsmanship, he would basically be able to stand firm. Invincible at the same level!
Before Zhou Ziyuan's giant sword fell, the bamboo stick in Xia Li's hand suddenly swept Zhou Ziyuan, and a powerful qi was thrown directly at Zhou Ziyuan's body. He was thrown flying out, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and he was unconscious.

Standing on the ring with a bamboo stick in his hand, Xia Li didn't expect that Zhou Ziyuan could not help fighting so much. Previously, he had no moves to win, but now he is anticipating the enemy's opportunity first, and then strikes first. Zhou Ziyuan's sword strikes He didn't draw the sword before, but when Zhou Ziyuan drew the sword, he drew the sword faster!

It's just that I didn't expect that with this move, Zhou Ziyuan was beaten unconscious. It is estimated that if there is another move, Zhou Ziyuan's life will be lost. Now that he is seriously injured and unconscious, it is logical to admit defeat, which is also cheap for him.

Qiu Hua also took a deep look at Xia Li at this moment, and said, "This battle is over, Spike Guard Xia Li wins!"

This battle was faster than everyone expected. In the previous battle between Xia Li and Li Jiankong, hundreds of moves were fought before the winner was determined. Although everyone thought that Xia Li had won, the final result was a draw.

But in this battle, to be honest, although Zhou Ziyuan's strength is not as good as Li Jiankong, he is still a relatively powerful warrior in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm. After all, he was trained by the Zhou family as a treasure, and they want him to be the person selected to revitalize the Zhou family. .

As a result, Zhou Ziyuan, who was not weak, felt like he was easily defeated by Xia Li with two moves, almost in a way of practicing swords.

To put it bluntly, Xia Li didn't go the way he did before, even though everyone knew that Xia Li's strength was much stronger than Zhou Ziyuan's, and Xia Li had broken through to the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, so his strength was even stronger. Strong, but no one thought that Xia Li could defeat Zhou Ziyuan in such a dramatic way, which was also the main reason why everyone was unexpected.

Everyone felt that Zhou Ziyuan seemed to be played by Xia Li. The first move Xia Li irritated him and easily bounced him away. The second move Xia Li shot him directly defeated him easily. This battle was so simple that it couldn't be more simple. easy.

(End of this chapter)

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