Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 167 A Hole

Chapter 167 Thousands of Holes

on the ring.

Liu Chenbai's frightening sword collided with Huang Ziyan's Taixu palm in an instant, and the two streams of zhenqi exploded instantly, and the aftermath of zhenqi swept across the field like a stormy sea.


A gust of strong wind rushed towards his face, making Huang Ziyan growl uncontrollably. He knew it just when Liu Chenbai drew his sword. Liu Chenbai shattered the vortex of true energy. I'm afraid that he will be defeated, but he has no way out, all he has to do is confront Liu Chenbai head-on!

Huang Ziyan only felt that his internal organs were displaced by the shock, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out. The true energy of Taixu Palm was completely shaken by Liu Chenbai's sword energy when Huang Ziyan spit out blood and retreated. nothingness!
Huang Ziyan's Taixu palm was shaken into nothingness, but Liu Chenbai's sword energy did not dissipate. Thousands of golden killing sword energy directly passed through Huang Ziyan's body, stabbing Huang Ziyan thousands of times. Hole, immediately covered in blood, staring, fell to the ground, apparently unable to survive.

Liu Chenbai's unrestrained blow was powerful enough to easily kill ordinary warriors at the late stage of Qingwu Realm. Even though Huang Ziyan's fighting power was very strong, he was still far behind Liu Chenbai.

In fact, all of this has something to do with Huang Ziyan's own death. If he hadn't thought about defeating Liu Chenbai by means, he would not have been beaten into such a miserable state. When the palm hit came, he had no choice but to do it with all his strength, killing Huang Ziyan in an instant!

The end of a battle caused an uproar, because warriors who have reached this level can basically control the level of their true energy. If someone is really dead, there is only one possibility, and that is Liu Chenbai's intentional attack. .

After all, the moment the vortex of true energy was shattered by Liu Chenbai, he quickly killed Huang Ziyan with his sword. Not many people saw it clearly, so more people believed that Liu Chenbai killed Huang Ziyan with his sword on purpose.

Especially the disciples of the Void Villa, all of them looked at Liu Chenbai as if they were looking at killing their father and enemy. After all, their brothers were tortured and killed by Liu Chenbai in such a way that thousands of holes were poked out of their whole bodies. Clicked.

"Liu Chenbai! Why did you kill my brother!"

"Arrogant! Liu Chenbai, you actually killed my disciple of Void Villa in public!"

"The Spike Guards are too deceitful, so deceitful!"

"Liu Chenbai, you and my senior brother have no grievances or enmities, why did you do this? Are you Wolf Fang Guards deceiving me that there is no one in Void Villa?!"

The disciples of the Void Villa all pointed at Liu Chenbai and yelled at him. Some of them wanted to go up and fight Liu Chenbai. Before, the disciples of the Void Villa were all the limelight. Even if they were defeated, their opponents admired them, but they never died. It's so miserable, and the election has reached the current level, basically serious injuries are considered accidents, and there are no deaths at all. Now that Huang Ziyan died at the hands of Liu Chenbai, they think Liu Chenbai killed Huang Ziyan on purpose.

Liu Chenbai, who was just about to step down, heard the shouts from the disciples of the Void Villa, turned his head and sneered, "You guessed it right, I really thought that there was no one in your Void Villa, I think there is no one in your Void Villa from top to bottom. Yes, if you don’t accept it, you can ask your seniors to come to Wolf Fang Guards to ask me for justice, by the way, if you dare to insult me ​​again, I will kill you.”

Before Jiangnan Dao Spike Guard came out, Liu Chenbai's master told them that if outsiders provoke the majesty of the Spike Guard, they can fight back, and they don't need to save them any face. Wei Qiang, Liu Chenbai and the others came to Feiyun Mansion to participate in this election battle, representing the face of Spike Guard, how can outsiders be allowed to provoke?
Although this Void Villa is powerful, it is not as good as Shaolin Temple. At the beginning, Shaolin Temple provoked the Wolf Fang Guard, and the master of the Wolf Fang Guard beat him to the Shaolin Temple. Tens of thousands of Shaolin Temple disciples trembled after the beating. Zhao Zhen was injured and was forced to close the mountain for a year. This incident was also an important battle for the Spike Guard to establish its majesty in the world.

Now that the strength of the Void Villa is not as good as Shaolin Temple, why should Liu Chenbai be afraid? You must know that Liu Chenbai's master is no worse than the master of the Wolf Fang Guard. With Liu Chenbai's master protecting him, the Void Villa Absolutely dare not even fart.

Hearing Liu Chenbai's words, all the disciples of the Void Villa were furious, but no one dared to say anything. Let alone the gap between the Void Villa and the Spike Guard, the strongest disciples of the Void Villa are only It's only the late stage of the Qingwu Realm, and he has no confidence in Liu Chenbai at all, and he can't do anything if he goes up, and he may even make the Wolf Fang Guard anger him at the Void Villa, which will do all harm but no benefit.

Seeing that the disciples at the Kongkong Villa were dumbfounded, Liu Chenbai sneered and jumped onto the stone platform without saying anything.

To be honest, this battle was a bit beyond his expectation. It was also because Liu Chenbai underestimated the enemy, so Huang Ziyan took advantage of the loophole to create a vortex of true energy. Attacking, even if it is an ordinary Late Qingwu Realm fighter, he will be in big trouble if he is recruited. Unfortunately, Huang Ziyan's opponent is not an ordinary Late Qingwu Realm warrior, but Liu Chenbai.

For Liu Chenbai, Huang Ziyan's methods are indeed a bit tricky, but they are also the result of Liu Chenbai's negligence of the enemy. As long as Liu Chenbai adjusts his mentality and disperses all these with absolute strength, then all Huang Ziyan's methods will melt away. There is nothing, and in the face of absolute power, all means are vain.

In the fight just now, Liu Chenbai once again erupted with his amazing swordsmanship talent and swordsmanship ability, which directly shattered Huang Ziyan's true energy vortex, and completely obliterated Huang Ziyan with a sword energy. This is the absolute power gap. No matter how many methods Huang Ziyue has, they can still hurt Liu Chenbai at most, and they are still slightly injured. He is absolutely invincible to defeat Liu Chenbai.

Afterwards, Liu Chenbai's provocation to the Void Villa also made those Jianghu wind media feel a little bit of a big event. They came here to investigate the strength of the younger generation in the Jianghu, and secondly, to fight against each other among the various sects. When conflicts arise, the conflicts between big sects can often bring great benefits to these quack media. After all, these things are said by those quack people after dinner.

Although the Spike Guard is not considered a Jianghu force, it is an official force. The official force and the Jianghu forces are hostile, but it is a more attractive title than the two Jianghu forces. This matter spread out exaggeratedly.

(End of this chapter)

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