Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 170 Feiyun Cave

Chapter 170 Feiyun Cave
Although Xia Li has always wanted to do things with certainty, many times he is not absolutely sure. For example, this time, no one knows the real purpose of Feiyun Mansion. Although the rules seem bloody, the rewards are also very generous , Which of the people in the rivers and lakes has not licked blood on the tip of a knife?They believe that high rewards are based on high risks.

So now Xia Li can't do anything, they can only follow the rules, but they are not afraid of anything, even if they don't know what Feiyun Mansion is going to do, they are sure that Feiyun Mansion will not dare to go too far this time , at least with their identities as Spike Guards, Feiyun Mansion would never dare to let them have an accident, otherwise the next moment would be the end of Feiyun Mansion.

The three of them decided what to do next, and they continued to watch what Qiu Hua said in the arena.

Qiuhua said: "Now, one hundred people enter from the front and back of Feiyun Grotto, and the ten jade tablets are in different places. When all ten jade tablets show up, the second round is over. I announce From now on, start the second round!"

After Qiuhua finished speaking, Chen Daoxuan stood up and said, "Everyone, please come to the ring. I will use my true energy to send you to the front and back mountains of Feiyun Grotto."

When everyone entered the arena, they saw Chen Daoxuan wave his sleeves, and a very strong zhenqi erupted from Chen Daoxuan's body, and it swept away in an instant. For a while, there was a gust of wind in the venue, and the zhenqi turned into a whirlwind, directly blowing away all the people in the venue. Hundreds of people rolled to the back mountain of Feiyun Mansion.

Chen Daoxuan's move can be said to be stunned by the other onlookers present. Chen Daoxuan was able to instantly send a hundred people to the back mountain of Feiyun Mansion several miles away with absolute true energy. His strength is simply abnormal. Is this the level that martial artists at the Heavenly Martial Realm can do?It's also a little too scary.

In fact, other martial artists at the Heavenly Martial Realm, even Xiao Xinyuan, who is stronger than Chen Daoxuan, may not be able to do this move. This move is actually a martial skill Chen Daoxuan learned in his early years, and was later improved by him. Walking a lot of things, even a house Chen Daoxuan can be swept away directly, the attack power is not great, but the effect is very amazing, the bluffing effect is first-rate.

Xia Li only felt a burst of true energy in front of him, and then he appeared at the back mountain gate, and there were several people beside him, including Liu Chenbai, but not Yan Hongfei.

Apparently, Feiyun Grotto was specially changed by Feiyun Mansion. The current Feiyun Grotto was probably specially prepared for the second round of the election. Everyone looked at each other. Xia Li and Liu Chenbai nodded and left. went in.

Inside the Feiyun Grottoes, it basically looks like a mountain range, with mountains and water, but unlike the natural mountains, the mountains in the Feiyun Grottoes are all blackened and look extremely hard. If you want to come to Feiyun The building materials in the prefecture were obtained here.

Anyway, no matter what, many people must die in this mountain range.

After the second round of people were sent to the back mountain, the rest of the field were the other big faction warriors who had not advanced and the onlookers. Seeing that no one was there, the onlookers wanted to leave, but Chen Daoxuan They didn't speak, and the fight wasn't over yet. If they left, it would look a little bad, so they could only stay here a bit boring.

Glancing at the somewhat discouraged onlookers in the venue, Chen Daoxuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone. I have a treasure in Feiyun Mansion called the Sky Peeping Mirror. Now they are leaving temporarily. The Sky Peeping Mirror just moved to the stone platform. With the Sky Mirror, you can clearly see their every move in the Feiyun Grotto."

"Okay! It's still Palace Master Chen's thoughtfulness!"

"Palace Master Chen couldn't bear to see us bored here, and actually showed us the treasures in the mansion, it's really benevolent and righteous!"

"That's right, Palace Master Chen is thoughtful, he is indeed the Lord of a Palace!"

The onlookers who were watching the casual martial artists, as well as the martial artists from the Jianghu sect who failed to participate in the second round, were immediately overjoyed. When Chen Daoxuan moved out the huge mirror several feet high and placed it on the stone platform, a burst of true energy flew into it. The giant mirror instantly showed the scene that Xia Li and the others had just entered Feiyun Grotto.

When this scene appeared, the onlookers at the scene became excited again, looking at the Feiyun Grotto, chattering and discussing.

"You say, who can get the ten spots in the second round?"

"Needless to say anything else, those four warriors who are at the peak of the Green Martial Realm and half-step into the True Martial Realm will definitely get it."

"This is nonsense. If the four of them can't get the jade medal, wouldn't it be a joke? What I want to know is, among the four of them, who can get the first place."

"It should be Kong Jing from the Shaolin School. Kong Jing's physical body is extremely high. In this kind of chaotic battle, he must have the greatest advantage."

"I don't think so. Kong Wen of the Shaolin School was defeated by Xia Li with a single punch. I think the warriors of the Shaolin School are no more than that."

"The performance of the free and unfettered fighters is really good. I think Zhang Jianyun of the free and unfettered faction may also get the first place. Zhang Jianyun's swordsmanship has already reached a certain level."

"Sword practice? When it comes to sword practice, which contestant is better than Liu Chenbai? Although Liu Chenbai's realm is not high, his sword practice is invincible!"

"Lv Xiaolou in Xuehu Mountain Villa is not simple. Lu Xiaolou is called the new generation of Snow Fox and is famous for his superhuman speed. The competition in this second round may not necessarily be strength. If you are fast, you can win this first If a jade card runs out directly, Lu Xiaolou will be promoted."

"If you want to put it this way, Zhao Fuhu of the Beast Heart Sect is also at the peak of Qingwu Realm. Even if he doesn't bring a wild beast, he is in the name of being brave. If Zhao Fuhu is determined to snatch it, I don't think Kong Jing and Zhang Jianyun may be able to stop him. As for Lu Xiaolou, in a melee of a hundred people, I think he has little hope of grabbing the jade card and running away, and in battle, Lu Xiaolou is definitely not as good as the other three warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm."

"Doesn't any of you think that the three Wolf Fang Guards have hope? Xia Li and Liu Chenbai are not amazingly talented. Even Yan Hongfei, who is a little mediocre, has the potential to defeat warriors in the late stage of Qingwu Realm of."

"Spike Guard? They are sure of the top ten, number one? Don't even think about it."

"Although Xia Li's combat power is formidable, their realm is limited. The first place is sure to hang, but the top ten should be no problem."

Everyone was talking about it, but when it came to the Wolf Fang Guards, none of them thought that the Wolf Fang Guards were capable of getting the first jade medal, at most they could get the top ten positions, and the first or top four, most people I still think it's the food of the four Qingwu Realm peaks and half-step True Martial Realm warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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