Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 174 Admiration

Chapter 174 Admiration
At this moment, the onlookers in Feiyun Mansion, including even Chen Daoxuan, were all shocked. Xia Li's move was even more horrifying than just repelling Li Jiankong and the others with his sword!
"Oh my God! How did Xia Li do it? Sword Qi is the Qi of killing, how can he bounce the sword Qi away?"

"Is this guy still a human being? Why is Xia Li's moves always different from others? Are all Spike Guards so terrifying?"

"Impossible! I have seen more than one Spike Guard warrior, but with such a terrifying method as Xia Li, I really can't find a second one."

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying! This Xia Li is simply a monster among warriors! I've never seen anyone who can bounce sword energy away!"

"Don't say you haven't seen it, I haven't seen it either, have everyone who didn't watch the audience been shocked by Xia Li's sword?"

"Let's not talk about our group of casual warriors. Didn't you look at Chen Daoxuan on the stone platform? Palace Master Chen is full of surprises? Xia Li's method has never been seen by Xia Li, even a suzerain-level martial artist who has experienced people like Palace Master Chen. The means, this Xia Li is really terrifying!"

"What? Sovereign Chen has never seen Xia Li's methods? My God, I thought we were ignorant, but I didn't expect that Sovereign Chen had never seen it. That means that Xia Li's methods are rooted in Jianghu. Didn't show up?"

"It's very possible. Mansion Master Chen has been wandering the rivers and lakes for decades. After establishing the Feiyun Mansion, he has dealt with all sects including the Spike Guard. If Xia Li's method really appeared in the arena, the Chen Mansion It makes no sense for the Lord to have never seen it before, so Xia Li's method has never been seen before, this guy is so strong that it is unbelievable!"

"A method that has never appeared before? Could it be that he created it himself? If it wasn't his own creation, I can't think of anything else. Even if this Xia Li is a disciple of Qianyuanlong, what he is using now is Qianyuan. Dragons are not good at it!"

"This Xia Li is so good at everything! His fists and kicks are amazing, his strength is incredible, and his fighting power is amazing. Now his swordsmanship is not inferior to Liu Chenbai. It is better than Li Jiankong and Su Chen, who have practiced swordsmanship since childhood. There are so many, this guy is simply a pervert!"

"I am convinced! I am convinced. I will not accept the Wolf Fang Guard in the future, but only Xia Li. With this ability, I guess I will at least be the Lord of the Wolf Fang Guard in the future."

"I think it's about the same. The previous generation of Wolf Fang Guard's palace master was amazingly talented, but when he was in his early 20s, his strength was not as good as this Xia Li's. At most, he was a little stronger than Yan Hongfei. Now Xia Li is blooming in many ways, whether it's fists or feet. Kungfu or swordsmanship and combat power, they are all standing at the top of the same level of warriors, and they may even surpass the third level to fight, it is strange that this kind of monster is not the master of the palace."

"Do you think Xia Li has the strength to compete with those four guys who are at the peak of Qingwu Realm and half-step into True Martial Realm?"

When this question came out, everyone was a little hesitant, or they were all silent.

When they were discussing who could get the first jade medal, they all agreed that it would be the four warriors who were at the peak of the Qingwu realm and who were half-steps into the real martial arts realm. It's terrifying, but it's only among the same level. When facing these four warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm, they all feel that it is difficult for Xia Li to win or even have no chance of winning.

But now Xia Li's method revealed in just a few moves, this made them feel a little shaken again, and there was a feeling that they wanted to change their minds. After all, Xia Li's move was too perverted, so strong that it made people feel incomparably strong. His face was so moved that it made people feel that whether the peak Qingwu realm could win against Xia Li was a problem.

Everyone was silent for a while, and one person spoke slowly.

"If Xia Li's method can deflect the enemy's attack without spending much energy, then I'm afraid that the four warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm may not necessarily be Xia Li's opponent."

This sentence can be said to be very pertinent. Although what he said was not necessarily Xia Li's opponent, but not Xia Li's ability to resist, it already meant the same thing in everyone's minds.

"I think it's the same. This Xia Li's strength is a bit terrifying. It is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Treating this kind of person cannot be compared with the realm. Although Xia Li is only in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm, he may not be able to defeat Qingwu. A martial artist at the pinnacle of martial arts."

"Yeah, this election fight, I thought it was a place for martial artists at the peak of the Qingwu realm to show off their supernatural powers, but I didn't expect such a reasonable monster like Xia Li to appear. It seems that the Spike Guard is still Spike Guards, although they haven't shown their majesty for many years, their strength is still there. We people in the Jianghu can't catch up. Trick, invincible."

"This is a bit of nonsense. If the Spike Guards are not capable, what will they use to lead the entire dynasty? You know, the Dragon Shadow Army guards the border, and the internal affairs are handled by the Spike Guards, so the Spike Guards don't care. It’s just that they are powerful, and they are all masters in scheming, which is not comparable to the children of the Jianghu.”

"Yeah, even though the children of the Jianghu are powerful, some warriors are strong, but they are very brainless, and the warriors in the Spike Guard, no matter how bad they are, are still smart. Flowers are comparable."

Everyone's tone was a little helpless, but more of admiration. The wolf tooth guard is the wolf tooth guard, and the warriors of the wolf tooth guard are also the warriors of the wolf tooth guard. They are not easily surpassed by people in the world. They just say that Xia Li, Liu Chenbai and Of the three of Yan Hongfei, which one is half a point behind?
Needless to say Xia Li's strength, now everyone thinks that Xia Li has the ability to defeat the peak warriors of Qingwu Realm, which is naturally very amazing. As for Liu Chenbai, his swordsmanship is far superior to warriors of the same level, and he can even not use martial arts. Defeating the enemy with absolute swordsmanship, his strength is terrifying, and he will be one of the best swordsmen in the world in the future.

Although Yan Hongfei's performance was a little mediocre, it was also a little mediocre compared with Xia Liliu Chenbai. Yan Hongfei had never experienced a single defeat since he fought. Yan Hongfei has defeated him before, even if he is not as talented as Xia Li and Liu Chenbai, but he is still a genius in the same level, enough to crush Jianghu warriors, it is by no means comparable to Jianghu warriors!
From this point of view, although the Wolf Fang Guards have not shown their fangs for a long time, in fact their strength has not been weakened by half, and they are even stronger than before. I can see it!
There are also some knowledgeable warriors who know that the three of Xia Li are not the strongest young warriors of the Spike Guard, which makes them even more convinced. They are not the strongest Spike Guard warriors, but they have the strength to make the younger generation of the Jianghu The strongest warrior dismounted, which perfectly reflected the strength of the Spike Guard.

(End of this chapter)

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