Chapter 178
Well, this result is acceptable, after all, his own attack is not as good as others, so Xia Liken agreed to a tie, which is considered as a face for him.

When Li Jiankong returned to the Xiaoyao faction to recuperate, he changed his goal from Zhang Jianyun to Xia Li. This is why, when he entered here just now, those warriors said they wanted to kill Xia Li, Liu Chenbai, and he hesitated. The reason why I agreed in a moment.

Essence told him that Xia Li gave him a face, and he was avenging his kindness by doing so, but another voice in his heart told him that now is also a good opportunity to defeat and kill Xia Li, without Xia Li as a blocker, he It is easier to get the ranking today.

So he agreed to this matter, and joined forces with Su Chen to deal with Xia Li, and the other three held Liu Chenbai, and waited for him and Su Chen to quickly kill Xia Li before going to help them, Xia Li and Liu Chenbai Both of them must die.

Well, this is a good fighting strategy. After all, in Li Jiankong's impression, Xia Li is just a guy who is good at boxing. As long as he is not given a chance to use boxing, it should not be difficult to kill him quickly.

So, he and Su Chen fought with Xia Li.

This battle was beyond everyone's expectations. Xia Li's strength made them feel something called despair. Xia Li's strength was too terrifying. Using his fingers to transform into sword energy, he actually directly forced them to die. Fleeing everywhere, until now he has no choice but to perform the blood sacrifice technique of self-destructing the future. He thought that he could kill Xia Li by smashing the pot, but he didn't want to. He was directly suppressed by Xia Li's overbearing fist, and even said to his face that he was an ant !

shame!What a shame!

Ants?Of course he, Li Jiankong, is unwilling to admit it, but in this battle, he has used all the abilities in his body, even using the blood sacrifice, which is almost suicidal, but he can only slightly shake Xia Li's figure , but it couldn't hurt Xia Li at all. He could even feel that Xia Li still had at least 70.00% of his true energy in his body. Dust was easily defeated!

Such a terrifying disparity, such a unilateral crush, they don't even have a chance to fight back, what is this?
The same is true for Su Chen, who was born in Tianjian Villa since he was a child, and began to practice swords at the age of four. Martial arts mainly focus on swords. You know, he also investigated Xia Li's information, Xia Li is a casual cultivator!A casual cultivator's attainments in the way of swords actually surpassed him by so much!

This made Su Chen very shocked. He has been the most talented and powerful fighter in Tianjian Villa since he was a child, and he became the leader of the younger generation of Tianjian Villa when he grew up. , Su Chen is also considered to be the No. 1 swordsmanship of the younger generation, and he is also worthy of this value. Compared with the attainments in kendo, many people in the Xiaoyao Sect use swords, but even Zhang Jianyun is not as good as him in kendo, at most It's because of his stronger fighting power than him, so Su Chen has always been proud of it.

But unexpectedly, in the arena, he saw two people who far surpassed him in swordsmanship and even dumped him by a thousand miles. These two people's understanding of swordsmanship was stronger than the other. One of them was named Liu Chenbai, and the other It's Xia Li.

Liu Chenbai's pure killing and cutting sword energy has no skill at all. It is completely relying on his understanding of the way of the sword to create the sword. The powerful coercion of the way of the sword directly blocks the enemy's back, making him unable to retreat. He can only block This sword technique can't be stopped, and the final result can only be defeated or even killed by this sword energy. This kind of attainment has surpassed Su Chen by a lot. At least he, Su Chen, is far from being able to do it. to this point.

As for Xia Li, it is even more frightening. He can actually transform sword energy with his fingers. It can be said that all plants, trees, bamboos and stones can be used as swords. , It can also crack their sword skills, such as bouncing their sword energy and dissolving their sword energy into nothingness. Anyway, Xia Li didn't consume much true energy, but they were exhausted.

This Xia Li is the real terror!This perverted martial skill directly drove him and Li Jiankong to a dead end. Su Chen, who has always been known as the No. 1 kendo of the younger generation, was forced to flee in embarrassment by Xia Li's kendo this time, and was almost killed. Now that Xia Li blocked the back road, they didn't hesitate at all, because they were also bloody.

To confront Xia Li head-on, he simply resorted to a suicide-like blood sacrifice technique. The purpose was to kill one thousand enemies and harm eight hundred, and to completely defeat or even kill Xia Li. , directly crushed the sword of blood sacrifice they had made with all their might, and said that they were ants, and they could only wait to die in front of Xia Li!
This sentence was extremely harsh. Compared to Li Jiankong, Su Chen felt that he had been humiliated too much, because he was known as the No. 1 swordsman of the younger generation, but he was defeated or even killed by Xia Li with swordsmanship. Ironic enough already.

Are he and Li Jiankong ants?It doesn't count, but it is aimed at other people. In front of Xia Li, they have no power to fight back. What is it if they are not ants?
At this moment, the original pride of Su Chen and Li Jiankong was instantly shattered into pieces by Xia Li's words. Their pride, their self-confidence, and their sense of fighting are dissipating and disappearing!
Xia Li in the sky looked at the expressions of the two, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, his handprints suddenly changed, and a strong zhenqi came out of Xia Li's body again, sweeping away, the coercion almost blocked Li Jiankong With all the escape routes behind Su Chen, the terrifying domineering fists were suppressed again.

"It's time to end. The annihilation of fighting consciousness means your demise. Remember the next life, don't wait until that day!"

Xia Li murmured softly, and then the golden domineering fist completely destroyed the dark red Blood Sacrifice Sword in an instant, and fell down fiercely, with no way to retreat. Li Jiankong and Su Chen looked at it quickly The domineering and violent fist, unexpectedly did not move, he spat out in one breath, with a relieved expression on his face.


There was an earth-shattering explosion, and Xia Li's domineering fist directly blasted within a range of tens of feet from Li Jiankong and Su Chen. Li Jiankong and Su Chen were in the center of it, and a deafening sound passed Afterwards, a burst of gunpowder smoke dissipated, the ground was beaten into a mess, and a large pit appeared, and the nearby vegetation was completely shattered and covered the ground. At this moment, there was no one in the pit!
(End of this chapter)

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