Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 181 The First Jade Card

Chapter 181 The Seventh Jade Card
After discussing with each other, Xia Li and Liu Chenbai got up and went to the forest ahead.

This forest doesn't look very big, but in fact the density of trees is not high, the sunlight can basically shine on it, and the area is not too small, and there are many stones taller than people in it, it is estimated that people from Feiyun Mansion are here The obstacles set up are also for the convenience of these warriors fighting.

In the woods, it seems that there is nothing unusual. There are about seventy or eighty people walking scattered here, but at the entrance of the woods, there are seven or eight corpses lying there. It is estimated that there has just been a conflict. Contradictory warriors fought here, resulting in the death of people. Most of the other people have no traces of battle, which means that other people did not participate in this battle. It is estimated that it was a small-scale battle with less than [-] people. .

Among so many people, Yan Hongfei was a little flustered. After all, he was not a disciple of the Jianghu sect, so he was not considered one with the disciples of those Jianghu sects. It is estimated that those who want to do something will take him first. There is no fight now, probably because they haven't found the jade token yet. If the jade token appears, it is estimated that a scuffle will be inevitable, and he will definitely be involved in it by then.

Moreover, he is not a member of the Jianghu, so he must be solved first by other martial artists in the Jianghu. After all, in the eyes of those martial artists, their fight is completely a family matter, but it seems uncomfortable to have an outsider like Yan Hongfei mixed in.

But fortunately, he has Zhentian Armor on his body, unless the four warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm besieged him together, it would not be so easy to injure him.

The crowd dispersed, and there was something strange in the woods. There were not many trees, but there were a lot of bamboos, and the most were hundreds of large stones that were taller than a person. What was even more strange was that these stones Basically, they are all about the same size, as if someone carved them and put them here.

Yan Hongfei stretched out his hand. Out of caution, he wrapped his hand with zhenqi and touched the stone. Just as he touched it, the zhenqi in his hand disappeared instantly. This discovery was a slight frown of his eyebrows. Others didn't know this. The material of the stone, but he has heard that there are books in the royal family that record the types of stones in the world, many of which are hard enough to be used as weapons, and this stone is no exception. What is the name of this stone is not described in the tree. But it has a magical function, that is, if it is broken, it can be repaired with true energy.

Moreover, this kind of stone can also be expanded with true energy. As long as there is enough true energy, one piece of this kind of stone can be made into a mountain, but the size has changed, but the weight has not changed. It is a very magical stone. Before Yan Hongfei When I was in the royal family, I saw this kind of stone introduced. The basic feature is that it can absorb people's true energy, so Yan Hongfei guessed something tricky when he touched the stone and found that the true energy was sucked away just now.

"Could it be that this stone was specially hidden by the Feiyun Mansion after the jade tablet was obtained? Crush the stone first, then mix the jade tablet with the powder and restore it with true energy, and the jade tablet will be wrapped in the stone .”

As soon as Yan Hongfei rolled his eyes, he thought a little bit. It was also because he had lived in the royal family since he was a child and was relatively well-informed. Other warriors, even the four warriors at the peak of the Qingwu realm, did not have this kind of knowledge. of.

Thinking of this, Yan Hongfei wrapped his fist with true energy, and punched a stone in front of him fiercely!

The stone was smashed into pieces in an instant, causing the other people nearby to be slightly taken aback. They looked at Yan Hongfei, and saw a shining jade tablet floating out of the stone crushed by Yan Hongfei. , with the word 'seven' engraved on it.

"Sure enough!" Yan Hongfei was startled, grabbed the jade token instantly, and then flew back. Now that he has got a jade token, he doesn't want to covet other jade tokens. Now that there are so many people, it's better to save his life important!
But this action instantly attracted the attention of others, and one of them pointed at Yan Hongfei and shouted, "Yan Hongfei of the Spike Guard has got the seventh jade medal! Grab him!"

This man's shout was filled with genuine energy, so basically everyone in the forest heard the shout, and the few warriors who were close to Yan Hongfei shot out instantly, and the palm wind smashed the bamboo around them into pieces. Go straight to Yan Hongfei!

"Kamikaze hand!"

Yan Hongfei put away the jade tablet, let out a low shout, and bent his right hand into a claw. An extremely strong zhenqi instantly condensed in his hand, blasted out, and directly blasted together with those palm winds, the powerful zhenqi It swept away like a wave in an instant, shaking the nearby bamboo and rocks to pieces!

Those few people only felt an extremely strong force rushing toward their faces, and they couldn't help but retreated dozens of steps, their arms were a little numb from the shock.

A few people were knocked back with one blow, Yan Hongfei rushed to the outside without looking back, but the other warriors had already rushed over at this moment, how could Yan Hongfei escape, maybe the four peak Qingwu realm Warriors disdain to ask for the No. 7 jade card, but other people are different. They can't compete with those four, so they can only put the jade card in the lower ranking. At the moment, Yan Hongfei's jade card is also ranked well. Whoever wins it will have a chance to be famous in the world!

All of a sudden, more than a dozen warriors attacked Yan Hongfei from all directions. Yan Hongfei only felt a strong coercion rushing towards his face. None of the warriors who could enter the second round They are simple people, and they are all elite fighters of the same level. If Yan Hongfei faces so many people, it will be very dangerous.

"Level [-] Kaishan Seal!"

As soon as Yan Hongfei's handprint changed, the seal of true energy instantly condensed into eight huge blood-red handprints, with the sound of oppressing the wind and the sound of explosions tearing the air, they immediately faced the warriors who attacked him!

The zhenqi gushing out gathered like long water, and Yan Hongfei's eighth-level mountain opening seal rushed in front of these warriors in just an instant, colliding with their attacks!
Previously, Yan Hongfei's eighth-level mountain-opening seal was extremely powerful, able to force experts such as Guo Yuan to retreat, but now there are so many people, and there are several warriors who are not weaker than Guo Yuan. Touch, I am afraid that Yan Hongfei will also suffer a loss, but now Yan Hongfei has no way to retreat, not to mention that Yan Hongfei has the body armor of the sky-shattering armor, and he is not afraid that the aftermath of a head-on confrontation with them will hurt him. Break out of the encirclement by head-to-head!

The sound of an explosion of zhenqi swept across hundreds of meters in this radius, and the terrifying wave of zhenqi shattered all the bamboo, rocks and trees into powder. A radiant jade plaque with the inscription 'three' on it.

(End of this chapter)

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