Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 191 All Defeated

Chapter 191 All Defeated
And after Kongjing conceded defeat, Lu Xiaolou snatched the fifth jade card and fled, and Duan Liang and other six people were also killed by Yan Hongfei, only Zhang Jianyun and Zhao Fuhu were left to oppose Xia Li and the others. It's three against two.

Zhang Jianyun and Zhao Fuhu looked at each other, with a hint of unwillingness in their eyes, but also a sense of powerlessness. Before, they could barely draw even if they were two against one, but now they were two against three. There was no chance of winning.

Zhang Jianyun did not speak, put away his long sword, sucked the fourth jade card in the sky with his palm, and left after grabbing it. At this moment, he left the first three jade cards to Xia Li and the other three, and only went to grab the fourth jade card. It can be regarded as another meaning of admitting defeat.

Only Zhao Fuhu remained, his complexion also changed slightly, but he was too late to grab it, his speed was the slowest, and now it seems that Lu Xiaolou is the most ghostly, he was the first to see that something was wrong, turned around and grabbed it. He ran away after getting the fifth jade card, because at that time Xia Li and the other three were sure of the top three, and Zhang Jianyun and the others probably wanted to snatch the fourth jade card. He grabbed the fifth jade card, which was safe and didn't grab a lower ranking.

But Zhao Fuhu thought about it again, although he is in a bit of an embarrassing situation at the moment, isn't it much better than Kong Jing?Kong Jing was seriously injured by Xia Li's blow, and at this moment he has completely lost the strength to snatch the jade medal. In other words, although Kong Jing saved his life, he was eliminated in the second round.

Zhao Fuhu took a deep breath, looked at Xia Li and said: "I admit defeat this time, and I will compete with you in the future."

After all, Zhao Fuhu rushed to the sixth jade card, and there were still a few people fighting for it, but they were Zhao Fuhu's opponents, Zhao Fuhu killed several people with a hammer, won the sixth jade card and left.

Now Xia Li and the others are not thinking of killing them all, of course they don't have that ability. Although it seems that Xia Li and the other three are suppressing them now, but if they really fight for their lives, Xia Li and the others will also The consumption is not small, and some people are even going to be seriously injured, so it is better to force them back and win the jade medal by yourself.

From then on, all the warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm were defeated and surrendered!
Kong Jing, Zhang Jianyun and other four warriors at the peak of Qingwu Realm surrendered, and the others had no courage to move forward. They were all far away from Xia Li and the others, fighting for the lower-ranked jade cards alone.

Xia Li sucked the second and third jade tokens with his palm, threw them to Liu Chenbai and Yan Hongfei and said, "I'll take the first jade token, you can decide what to do with these two."

Neither Liu Chenbai nor Yan Hongfei had any doubts about Xia Li winning the first jade card. After all, it was Xia Li who showed his prowess and defeated his opponent to change the situation of the battle. Among the three of them, Xia Li was the strongest. There is nothing wrong with the first jade medal, and they have no intention of competing for it, and no matter what the purpose is or what, the relationship between the three of them is also good. Anyway, whoever gets the first jade medal is the honor of the Spike Guard, because one brand is troublesome. It's not worth it if you don't get caught quickly.

Yan Hongfei smiled, and then took out the seventh jade token he found in his arms and said with a smile: "I was planning to run away with this seventh jade token, but I didn't expect you to get this seventh jade token after you arrived. It's the top three jade cards."

Immediately, Yan Hongfei casually threw out the Seventh Jade Plaque, which once again caused a frenzy among the warriors present. At this moment, it was difficult to find a good piece of land in this small forest, and there were dozens of corpses on the ground. One, even some people have no bones left, which looks a bit tragic.

Xia Li glanced at the second and third jade tokens, and said with a smile, "You two share it, but don't fight over this broken one."

It was rare for Xia Li to crack a joke.

The current Xia Li's strength is basically the strongest among this group of people, so if there is no accident, it is very likely that the treasure will be taken by him, so Xia Li is also in a good mood.

Liu Chenbai shrugged and said, "I have no objection, the second and third are almost the same anyway."

What Liu Chenbai said was true. The privilege of being in the top ranks is to be able to choose their own opponents. If the three of them occupy the top three, it is equivalent to the Spike Guard winning the top three. It is impossible for them to find themselves People compete, so No.2 and No.3 are really similar.

Yan Hongfei smiled wryly, and said: "I'm still a little self-aware. If I didn't have this Tiantian Armor, I would be able to shock Duan Liang and the other six people with their counter-shock. It looks a lot worse, I should take the third jade medal."

As he spoke, Yan Hongfei reached out and grabbed the third jade tablet, putting it in his arms.

Seeing that Yan Hongfei won the third jade medal, Liu Chenbai naturally had no objection. He is a relatively casual person, except for those matters that have a particularly large impact, otherwise he is also a non-competitive person, especially with his own. teammate.

In this case, the ranking is considered to be determined. Xia Li, Liu Chen, Bai Yanhongfei and the three won the first jade card, the second jade card and the third jade card respectively. The fourth jade card fell into the hands of Zhang Jianyun and the fifth jade card. The card fell into the hands of Lu Xiaolou, the sixth jade card fell into the hands of Zhao Fuhu, and Kong Jing, who was originally at the peak of Qingwu Realm, powerful and favored by countless people, was unable to continue to compete for the jade card and was eliminated from the competition .

Xia Li said: "The night is long and there are many dreams. Let's go out as soon as possible. If these people want to rob, let them do it."

Both Liu Chenbai and Yan Hongfei nodded, and they also meant the same thing. The rules of the second round are basically about ranking among the corpses. It is a very cruel rule, so what is the plan of Feiyun Mansion? Also unknown.

So in this situation, even if they knew that Feiyun Mansion should not have the guts to do anything logically, and they were only suspicious of Feiyun Mansion's collaboration with the enemy, they still didn't dare to stay longer. For people like this, what they dare not fight the most is probability. What if Feiyun Mansion really wants to die?It is obviously impossible for them to be buried here too.

As for the others, in fact, the Wolf Fang Guards have always been relatively cold-blooded. To be honest, even if Zhang Jianyun, Kongjing and others all died in Feiyun Grottoes, the impact on the entire Dayan Dynasty would not be great or even be irrelevant. What waves, Xia Li and the others, all they have to do is protect themselves, and it doesn't matter to them if everyone else is dead.

What's more, these people who are fighting at this moment are exactly in response to that sentence. Human nature is greedy. Being famous after being promoted in Douzhong is also a symbol of one's own strength, and one can also get more resources in the sect. It is exactly that sentence, people make money and birds die for food!
(End of this chapter)

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