Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 193 Round 3

Chapter 193 The third round

Outside the Feiyun Grottoes.

Xia Li and the other three returned to Feiyun Mansion, and found that Zhang Jianyun, Lu Xiaolou and others had returned, recovering their true qi at their respective positions, probably preparing for the third battle.

As for the warriors from the Shaolin Temple, the atmosphere is a bit downcast. Although none of the warriors from the Shaolin Temple died this time, Kong Jing was eliminated. This is no different from being eliminated from the Shaolin Temple. Other Shaolin warriors who advanced to the second round also withdrew.

Because with their strength, even if they grab the jade card, they still can't compete with the top-ranked fighters in the third round, and they might die. Anyway, they have already lost, so it's better to withdraw all of them, so as not to return There are disciples who want to fight with others, and they may even kill people.

The appearance of Xia Li and the other three directly attracted everyone's attention. Everyone was different, and most of the warriors watching were in awe and admiration. That was for those whose strength far surpassed them, and they would never be able to catch up in their lifetime. Looking up from the heart.

On the side of Tianjian Villa, they all gritted their teeth with hatred, but they didn't dare to say anything. The strongest group of disciples in their Tianjian Villa were all in the hands of Xia Li and Yan Hongfei. Those who came down were basically middle-stage Qingwu Realm warriors, and there were even a few disciples brought by the early stage of Qingwu Realm to see the world. How could they dare to confront Xia Li and the others, so Tianjian Villa dared not speak out now.

As for the Xiaoyao faction, I don't know what Zhang Jianyun said, but they all looked calm, especially Zhang Jianyun, it seemed that Xia Li was not the murderer who killed Li Jiankong at all, and they all meditated and recovered their exhausted true energy. No one has said anything to Xia Li and the others yet.

Chen Daoxuan said with a smile: "Spike Fang Guards are really invincible at the same level. Congratulations to the three who won the top three jade medals. If you don't lose in the third round, your rankings in this election will be stable here."

The three of Xia Li also bowed back, said a few polite words, and then returned to their original positions.

Yan Hongfei sat on the stone chair and casually threw a small Huandan into his mouth, which was quickly refined into pure true energy and returned to its full strength.

Liu Chenbai did the same thing. He took out a small red pill and swallowed it like a jelly bean. His refining speed was a bit faster than Yan Hongfei's. It was completely restored to its full glory.

Looking at the recovery methods of the two, Xia Li is also a little envious. These warriors who have no shortage of resources are blessed by nature. This Xiaohuandan is eaten like a jelly bean. When he got a Xiaohuandan, he treated it like a treasure. I'm afraid it won't work.

Without thinking too much, Xia Li was also pondering the rules of the third round of martial arts. What Chen Daoxuan meant before, seemed that the rules were similar to the rules he had when he was in the Jiangnan Dao Spike Guard election, but what Chen Daoxuan said before was the top ranked Warriors can choose their opponents, which makes Xia Li a little puzzled. If it is similar to Jiangnan Dao's rules, the ranking here is for warriors with lower rankings to challenge and advance, not for warriors with higher rankings to choose opponents.

But presumably when the rules for the third round of fighting were announced, they should have announced them all. What Xia Li had to do now was to wait quietly for the development of the matter.

Soon, the people who got the jade tokens all returned to Feiyun Mansion. In fact, those who were able to snatch the jade tokens were all those with special skills. Some people who hadn't noticed before also snatched the jade tokens.

After the second round is over, the rankings of the jade medals are as follows:

The first jade medal: Xia Li (Spike Guard) in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm

Second Jade Card: Liu Chenbai (Spike Guard) Qingwu Stage Middle Stage
The third jade medal: Yan Hongfei (Spike Guard) in the middle stage of Qingwu Realm
The Fourth Jade Card: Zhang Jianyun (Xiaoyao School) Qingwu Realm Peak

The Fifth Jade Card: Lu Xiaolou (Snow Fox Villa) Qingwu Realm Peak

Sixth Jade Card: Zhao Fuhu (Beast Heart Sect) Qingwu Realm Peak
Seventh Jade Card: Zhou Helin (Wuliangzong) Late Qingwu Realm
The Eighth Jade Card: Long Xu (Jiudingmen) Late Qingwu Realm

Ninth Jade Card: Zhuang Ziyan (Black Buddha Sect) Late Qingwu Realm
Tenth Jade Card: Shi Gui (Tianxiang Pavilion) Late Qingwu Realm

The ranking this time was also beyond everyone's expectations. The top three were actually Xia Li's three middle-stage Qingwu realms, while several peak Qingwu realms were ranked behind them. It is somewhat unexpected that Kong Jing from Shaolin Temple was eliminated, and when Kong Jing was defeated, other disciples from Shaolin Temple also withdrew from the second round, and also quit the election fight, which is also a bit embarrassing of.

As for the lower ranks, except for Zhou and Lin who are the leaders of Wuliangzong, the others all came with the team, but they still made a bloody way and won the jade medal, which is also considered a dark horse.

In the third round, Qiu Hua left the field, and Chen Daoxuan said in person: "The rules of the third round are very simple. The warriors with the highest rankings are the first to choose their opponents. Everyone will fight at least once, and then the ranking will be determined. Those who are not convinced can choose to challenge the ranking competition." For a warrior with a high ranking, the winner can improve his ranking."

After Chen Daoxuan's rules were introduced, Xia Li understood that the rules of the third round were originally like this, but it was not unreasonable after thinking about it. After all, the second round was a melee, and the third round was a ring battle just like the first round. The one-on-one visual battle in the arena is the best way to see who is stronger, and it is also to prevent people who accidentally get a jade card but have no strength to take advantage of the loopholes, thus losing face in their election to the martial arts association.

Chen Daoxuan said: "The third round is also the last round of fighting, and the final ranking will also become the ranking of the younger generation of warriors in the Jianghu, and they will also receive corresponding rewards."


As soon as this was mentioned, the ten people all got excited. They fought desperately to snatch the jade medal. The first purpose was to become famous in the world after grabbing the jade medal, and the second purpose was for this reward. Regardless of defeat or victory, , In the end, they can all get the Peiyuan Golden Pill. They are already well-known young warriors in the world. After obtaining the Peiyuan Golden Pill, their strength will definitely increase greatly, and it will also be of great help to the future of martial arts.

Xia Li also has some ideas. He doesn't have much ideas about Peiyuan Jindan. After all, if he wants to practice, the system will help him more than these foreign things, but he has some ideas about the treasure. You know, with a treasure, Xia Li is equivalent to having the strength to forcibly resist a true martial artist.

You know, how terrifying is it to use the strength of the middle stage of the green martial arts to fight against the real martial arts?Xia Li can't do it now, but after giving him a treasure, he can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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