Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 195 ask for advice

Chapter 195 ask for advice
The end of the third round is equivalent to announcing the end of the electoral struggle.

Everyone had seen enough and got the scenes and information they wanted to see. Feiyun Mansion seemed too lazy to procrastinate, so they ended the election fight earlier.

After everyone got their rewards, they all dispersed. The Feiyun Mansion did a good job this time. It distributed a lot of pills to the casual warriors and Jianghu wind media who came to watch the battle. It is precious, but at least it can be regarded as a share of each person. You must know that there are tens of thousands of people who came to watch the battle this time. Feiyun Mansion's move can be regarded as rich and powerful.

When Xia Li and the others left, they first went to the Spike Guard Sub-helm of the Northwest Road, and Li Yuanding received them. After asking some questions and the situation of Feiyun Mansion, they went to the Spike Guard Sub-Helm of the Northwest Road. After a night's rest, they returned to their own places.

Although the mission this time is an investigation in name, in fact it is just for them to experience it. After all, Feiyun Mansion is a big sect. The three of them can see what they can understand. At most, it is a reminder to Feiyun Mansion. They dare not mess around.

Li Yuanding was also shocked by the ranking that Xia Li and the others got this time. He never thought that the three of Xia Li would round up the top three, and Xia Li also got a treasure, which is not bad. It has helped a lot in martial arts, and more importantly, it has won glory for their Spike Guards. It is estimated that some big shots at the main helm of Jiangnan Road will pay attention to Xia Li.

When Xia Li returned to Southwest Road, Xiao Xinyuan was waiting for him at the gate of the sub-rudder, which made him a little flattered.

Xia Li clasped his fists and said, "Master Xiao, you are so polite that I am not used to it."

Xiao Xinyuan laughed and said: "You won the No.1 position of the younger generation in Jianghu this time, but you won glory for our Spike Guard, and it is also why the Southwest Road won glory. Such a trivial matter is nothing, we are talking in the hall."

After entering the main hall, most of the warriors from the Spike Guard of the Southwest Road had gathered at this moment, similar to when Xia Li and the others first came here.

Xiao Xinyuan was in the first place, and Xia Li was beside him. Xiao Xinyuan saw that the crowd was almost here, and said with a smile: "This time, Xia Li, the head catcher of Zhengyin in the Southwest Road, won the first place in the election of Feiyun Mansion, and became In Jianghu, the young generation's rookie list has just been announced, congratulations!"

As soon as Xiao Xinyuan's words came out, there was a wave of commotion. Xia Li and the others basically rushed back after receiving the reward, and Feiyun Mansion just released the news, so they still don't know the news that Xia Li won the top spot , I was a little surprised at the moment.

To be honest, Xia Li's performance in the Southwest Road was not bad before, but it was only a little amazing, but no one thinks how powerful he is. Now it seems that Xia Li can win the first place in the election and fight, ranking No. 1 on the list of rookies in the rivers and lakes can be regarded as a little bit of a surprise to them. Even Gongsun Ru, who had a little friction with Xia Li before, has a bright face at the moment.

He knew the strength of the younger generation of warriors in the Jianghu. The strongest were about to reach the real martial arts level, but they were defeated by Xia Li?
Before, he thought that no matter how powerful Xia Li was, he was just a little fish who couldn't escape his net, but now it seemed that Xia Li could defeat even warriors who were about to reach the real martial arts realm. Not far away?

For the first time, a bad feeling rose in Gongsun Ru's heart. The friction with Xia Li last time, although on the surface it seemed nothing serious and was kind, but no one is a fool, even Xu Hansong, who is a little brainless Guys can see the flirtation between Xia Li and him, but how can Xia Li not see what's going on with him?
Xia Li's current strength is too terrifying. In less than a month, his strength has already approached him so much. If it drags on, wouldn't he be surpassed by Xia Li in about half a year? ?At that time, with Xia Li's status as Qianyuanlong's disciple and his superhuman talent, wouldn't it be easy to deal with him?

Thinking of this, Gongsun Ru broke into a cold sweat. Before he wanted to clean up Xia Li, he didn't dare to do it because he was concerned about Qian Yuanlong. Now Xia Li's strength has infinitely approached him, and Xia Li just won the first place in the election fight , became No.1 on the list of rookies in the rivers and lakes, and won honor for Spike Guard. If he is against Xia Li at this moment, it will be purely deadly.

Gongsun Ru sees this very clearly, so when Xiao Xinyuan finished saying this, he was the first to clasp his fists and said, "Congratulations to Master Xia, Master Xia is extremely talented, and I'm afraid he will soon surpass me. Please take care of Master Xia when the time comes!"

These words, it can be said that there is a strong sense of relationship, everyone can hear it, Xia Li also sneered in his heart, this guy can be regarded as judging the situation.

But he didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, Xia Li still smiled and clasped his fists in response: "Where is it, I, Xia Li, have too little qualifications. In the future, I will have to rely on Lord Gongsun and other adults for guidance."

Everyone saw that Gongsun Ru spoke first, and they all echoed. Whether it was saying that Xia Li was powerful, or that he was winning glory for the Wolf Fang Guard, or even saying that Xia Li would become the most powerful person in the world in the future, Xia Li would be the most powerful person in the world. Reply one by one with fists in the palm of your hand, and you still have to do everything to save face.

After some polite words, Xia Li said to Xiao Xinyuan: "Master Xiao, some misunderstandings in martial arts are not clear to me, I wonder if I can ask you for advice?"

"Oh?" Xiao Xinyuan also said with a smile when he heard Xia Li's words: "You and I are both half-disciples of the old man, and we are still half-brothers. If there is something, don't be so polite. If I know, I will definitely will tell you."

"Then thank you, Master Xiao." Xia Li clasped his fists, but then looked at the people in the hall, but didn't speak.

What kind of person is Xiao Xinyuan?Naturally, he saw what Xia Li meant at a glance, and waved his hand and said, "Let's leave today, each post, everyone will convey the news that Xia Li has become the No. This is also the honor of our Southwest Road!"


"Subordinates retire!"

"This subordinate understands, this subordinate will leave!"

Everyone understood what Xiao Xinyuan meant, so they all waved their fists and resigned. Before leaving, they glanced at Xia Li with some envy. Now that Xia Li is a sweet potato, unexpectedly Master Xiao Xinyuan is willing to teach martial arts in person. Such an honor is in the No one in Southwest Road has been able to do it yet.

But there is nothing to say, after all, Xia Li fought against the younger generation in the arena and became the final victor in the Feiyun Mansion election battle, and won face for the Wolf Fang Guard. This treatment is better than what Xia Li did. Things are really nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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