Supreme Destiny System

Chapter 198 Incomplete Fist Intent

Chapter 198 Incomplete Fist Intent
Just imagine, a person is fighting against an enemy of similar power, and that enemy can control the power of will, you can't crush him in absolute realm strength, then you can only fight a protracted battle, and your true energy will be exhausted sooner or later Exhausted, but the power of the opponent's will is endless, if you drag it on for a long time, you will lose if you fight for a long time!

Thinking about it this way, we can see how powerful Yi's power really is. To be honest, Xia Li can only be regarded as a fledgling when it comes to this aspect. Needless to say, Liu Chenbai's strength in Chenbai's move. After several battles, he didn't consume much real energy at all. Instead, he gave people a feeling that he was playing tricks on the enemy, and that he defeated or killed the enemy only after playing enough.

This is already an extremely terrifying ability. Xia Li was shocked for a long time when he saw Liu Chenbai's attack method before. The powerful sword intent directly attacked, and Liu Chenbai's control over the sword intent is also extremely strong. He can use the sword intent to easily crush warriors of the same level. It can be said that he has taken a relatively deep path on this path.

Xia Li also found inspiration from Liu Chenbai. He turned the power of Dugu Nine Swords into sword intent, only attacking but not defending, and easily regarded Li Jiankong and Su Chen as dead ends, and locked their escape routes with true energy, forcing them He resisted his sword intent attack, causing them to be killed by Xia Li's sword intent!

You know, Xia Li could only fight Li Jiankong to a draw with the pure fist attack and true energy before, but in the subsequent battle, Xia Li used sword intent to attack without consuming a single bit of true energy. A crush to death!It can be seen how terrifying this equivalent attack is!
That's why Xia Li was able to use the power of his will to fight with the Domineering Kuangquan's fist, so that he can display greater power without consuming his true energy, killing two birds with one stone!
And Xiao Xinyuan is an expert in this area. After all, Xiao Xinyuan is also a fighter who mainly focuses on boxing intentions. In terms of boxing intentions, Xiao Xinyuan has also practiced for decades, so he must have more experience than him.

After Xiao Xinyuan heard his words, he said, "Everyone is different, and everyone's fisting intentions are also different. If this road is so easy to walk, wouldn't everyone in the world follow the opposite path?" warrior."

Hearing this, Xia Li urged a trace of true energy on his fist, and his right fist suddenly became a little golden, which was the intention of a domineering fist. Xia Li said: "This is my fist intention. Mr. Xiao has seen my strikes before, and knows a little about my fisting intentions, but for some reason, I have clearly mastered this kind of fisting intentions, but I have to use my true energy to activate my fisting intentions. "

This is what Xia Li has always been puzzled and confused about. He got the Domineering Kuangquan much earlier than Dugu Nine Swords. It stands to reason that the proficiency of Domineering Kuangquan is much better than Dugu Nine Swords, but Dugu Nine swords can master the sword intent to attack, but the domineering mad fist can't, which makes Xia Li a little puzzled.

Xiao Xinyuan glanced at Xia Li's fist. At this moment, Xia Li's fist had a bit of golden light, and there was a bit of domineering madness in this fist, and a strong sense of oppression was also hidden in this fist. Among them, there is a feeling of being king of the world. Feeling this kind of fist, I can't help but kneel and bow my head!

Xiao Xinyuan suddenly grabbed Xia Li's fist, without throwing out his true energy, he just used his martial arts instinct to feel the mystery of Xia Li's fist.

After a long while, Xiao Xinyuan withdrew his palm, looked at Xia Li and said, "Is your boxing technique still lacking? Or is it just a fragment at all?"

Xia Li's heart skipped a beat, isn't this domineering fist just a remnant?It was only a three-and-a-half-star skill when he was drawn back then, and there were only three of them, and there were still two that he hadn't learned yet. However, this domineering mad fist requires too much strength, and even now he can only mobilize one of them. I couldn't even hit the second move, so I didn't think about getting a complete boxing technique.

Now that Xiao Xinyuan said it, Xia Li also murmured, could it be that this fist can't be fully driven out with the power of intention, is it because of the fragments?
This thought flashed through his mind, but Xia Li still replied: "That's right, this boxing intention is just a fragment. This boxing technique is a bit too subtle. I only learned a little bit at the beginning, and I didn't fully understand it. Even now, I can't understand it." Just learned a little bit."

Xia Li is speaking the truth. For a long time, the domineering fists he has mobilized are nothing more than a little bit, or even less than one ten thousandth of a fist. Only when most of the qi has to be exhausted can he barely perform the first move of the Domineering Fist, but the power has already become more than ten times stronger!
This first move, Xia Li, is just getting started, so he is also slowly studying the second move, and has not been in a hurry to get the complete boxing manual of the Domineering Kuangquan. After all, in his opinion, it is necessary to complete these three moves I figured it out, you have to reach at least the level of Earth Martial Realm, and if you can't reach it for a while, it's useless to rush to get the full version of Domineering Kuangquan.

However, Xiao Xinyuan said: "Then you have to study as much as possible to fully understand the complete version of the boxing technique. Otherwise, there is still a long way to go. This boxing technique is carried out from beginning to end. What is missing? Part of it is the incompleteness of the mind, once the boxing is incomplete, naturally it is impossible to use the true energy to stimulate the fisting mind, and those who have studied before are proficient, and there is something missing."

Xiao Xinyuan is also an expert in this area. After all, he is quite capable in terms of boxing intentions. There are not many people who practice this way of opposing martial arts. Xiao Xinyuan is one of the few who can practice Tianwu. At the realm, with his strength, he is basically not bound by true qi. Even if the breakthrough of the realm is very slow, the strength can be one step ahead. This is why Xiao Xinyuan is called the No. 1 warrior of the Tianwu realm. .

The normal way of martial arts is to judge the state according to the true energy, but Xiao Xinyuan is different, he does not rely on the power of true energy at all. , but no one has seen him make a full-strength shot, and he may even reach the power level of Qianyuanlong's Martial Realm, these are still unknown.

Because this kind of martial arts road that goes in the opposite direction, very few people have gone through it, or no one can go very far at all, so no one has set a boundary on this road that goes in the opposite direction, so Now although Xiao Xinyuan seems to have the strength of Tianwu realm, but that is the realm of his true energy, no one knows the exact extent of his strength!

(End of this chapter)

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