Chapter 113 Shocked
After a long journey, Lu Fei finally arrived at Guangning Mansion in Yanbei ten days later.

Because of the previous delay, even the New Year's Eve has passed by this time.

But Lu Fei didn't care much about it.He also has no interest in participating in the Lu family's annual festival.

Seeing that the fourth young master who had disappeared for almost half a year had returned, the servants of the Lu family were only slightly taken aback, and then stopped paying attention.

This also doesn't make Lu Fei care.

After all, the reason why he chose to return to the Lu family was to use the resources and influence of the Lu family to protect his weak self.

The rivers and lakes are very chaotic, especially in Yanbei where you can meet four or five waves of bandits within ten miles, if you are not strong enough, if you dare to go out alone, you can only court death!
But now that he has reached the state of Xiantian Sea Realm, he has even killed the fighters of the Melting Aperture Realm, so Lu Fei feels that he is already qualified to make his way in the rivers and lakes.

The main purpose of coming back this time is not only to avoid the limelight, but also to say goodbye to his second mother and younger sister. He is about to leave Yan County!
He doesn't like the cold weather in the north!
Moreover, the martial arts in Yan County is actually very dull...!
The land of Yan County is sparsely populated, and many talented warriors will choose to enter the customs and go to the Central Plains to make a fortune after they are strong enough.

Because compared to the barren land outside the customs, the martial arts in the Central Plains is truly splendid, and everyone wants to leave their footprints on that big stage and let the world look up to them.

As for the Lu family, well, it's just a small family of no class.The head of the family is only in the weather and sea environment, who will know you after leaving this Guangning mansion!
If Lu Fei is willing, then with his current strength, he can easily establish his own influence in a state capital that is bigger than Jiaoli Mansion, and maybe even stronger than the current Lu family by then.

So he looked down on the Lu family.

And he thinks that having a family is no longer helpful to him now, it will only be a burden.

He didn't want to be really tied down in one place.

The world is huge, and Lu Fei wants to measure it with his own steps!

After returning to the family, Lu Fei first returned to his small courtyard, washed up a bit to wash away the dust of the past few days, and then saw his second wife Fang Luoyun and younger sister Lu Xueer coming hand in hand.

They also didn't know that Lu Fei had come back until they got the reward from the servants.

When the three of them met, they naturally expressed their feelings of parting.

The girl Lu Xueer kept asking Lu Fei what fun things he had encountered outside these days.Fang Luoyun, on the other hand, asked if there was any danger during the trip.

Lu Fei picked up some interesting things he encountered along the way and talked to them. As for the matter of winning treasures in Lushan with Zong Jue, he naturally wouldn't talk about it.

But what Lu Fei didn't expect was that that girl Fang Yuting wasn't with Lu Xueer.

Even, Fang Yuting was not in Guangning Mansion at all at this time!
"Sister Ting was taken away by a masked woman in white clothes!" Lu Xueer explained to Lu Fei in a crisp voice.

"Taken away? Who is the other party?"

Lu Fei turned to Fang Luoyun, wondering.

Fang Luoyun shook his head and said: "The other party's identity is mysterious, but he should have no ill intentions towards Yu Ting, but took him away as a disciple."

Lu Fei frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "A disciple?"

Maybe Fang Yuting's chance really came.

It's not uncommon for this kind of thing to be accepted by senior masters as disciples in Jianghu.Just like the Chu Yunfei who died in his hands before, wasn't he accepted as a disciple by the grand elder Zhu Wuque sent by the Immortal City in the south of the Yangtze River by chance when he was young when he was traveling in Yanbei?

While the three of them were chatting, Steward Fu suddenly appeared outside the door, and said that the Patriarch Lu Hai wanted Lu Fei to meet in the study.

Fang Luoyun was a little happy about this, after all, it showed that Lu Hai hadn't forgotten that he had such a son.

But Lu Fei's mentality at this time has changed.

Because of his lack of strength before, when facing Lu Hai, Lu Fei always felt a sense of depression, as if his life was not under his control.

Lu Fei didn't like this feeling very much.

But now Lu Fei is already a congenital master, and in terms of realm, he is almost the same as the Patriarch Lu Hai, so when he saw Lu Hai again, he believed that he would not have the same feeling as before.

When he came to the master's study, he still had the familiar look. Lu Hai sat behind the large desk, and slowly raised his head when he noticed someone coming in.

At first glance, he saw Lu Fei walking in the door.

However, the moment he saw Lu Fei, his pupils shrank obviously.

Even his complexion changed slightly.

Although such a change is very small, the current Lu Fei is already in the innate realm after all, so the change of Lu Hai has not escaped his eyes.

It's just that he has some doubts in his heart.

"Did Lu Hai see his own strength?"

But it shouldn't be?
You must know that with the characteristics of his Nine Suns Divine Art, as long as he deliberately restrains his breath, warriors of the same realm will not even try to see through his cultivation!
"Uncle Fu, you watch outside the door, don't let anyone disturb us."

Lu Hai stood up, gave instructions to Butler Fu at the door, and then walked slowly in front of Lu Fei.

Lu Hai's series of actions surprised Lu Fei a little.

Did he really see through his own strength?

Standing in front of Lu Fei, Lu Hai looked at the boy who was about the same height as him, feeling a little emotional in his heart, and said, "You have really grown up!"

Lu Fei frowned, he was a little uncomfortable with Lu Hai's tone.

Perhaps because he saw what was going on in Lu Fei's mind, Lu Hai sighed a long time in his heart, but in the end he calmed down, looked at Lu Fei with burning eyes, and said in a deep voice, "When did you break through the innate?"


Lu Fei thought secretly.

As expected, Lu Hai had seen through his own strength.

After pondering for a while, Lu Fei said: "I broke through in less than two months after I left."

"Two months... I remember that when you left, your strength was only in the early stage of opening up the meridians. Even if all the meridians were opened up after you ate the blood ginseng king, two months should not be enough for you to break through the innate Bar?"

"What happened to you after you left Guangning Mansion?"

Regarding Lu Hai's question, Lu Fei was in no mood to think and answer at this time.

Because after hearing the name Blood Ginseng King from his mouth, Lu Fei's heart was already filled with shock!

"How is it possible?! The blood ginseng king, even the old Xiezi, who ambushed the four bandits with me, didn't know about it. How did this cheap dad know that he had taken the blood ginseng king?!"

When they secretly ambushed the Four Bandits and those people, Lao Xiezi and the others knew that they had obtained some treasures from those people, but Lu Fei didn't disclose what it was.

But looking at Lu Hai's appearance now, it's obvious that he already knew about this matter... Could it be that after he left, did he track down any news?

(End of this chapter)

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