Chapter 153 Flying Dragon Hand

In the lobby on the first floor of Zuifeng Building, all the warriors who watched the excitement focused their eyes on the bloody figure on the ground, and everyone couldn't help swallowing secretly.

In the past, in their eyes, he was an unattainable innate strongman, but he ended up in such a miserable end before he even survived ten breaths in Lu Fei's hands.

Could it be that the gap between the same innate, ordinary innate and human fighters is really that big?
Lu Fei put away his jasper flute and didn't even look at the Oriental Jade on the ground.

At the same time, the four Zuifenglou guards who were in charge of protecting the guests from the Houtian Realm also secretly wiped away their sweat.

Because at that moment just now, they almost failed to block Lu Fei's weird sonic attack.

If they really can't even handle the aftermath, then the young master watching from above will probably be able to peel off their skins when they go back...

What a shame!

The fighters who were with Dongfang Yu on the other side looked at Lu Fei who was about to go upstairs when he turned around, and wanted to jump out to say a few words, but looked at the bloody figure on the ground, and finally hesitated for a long time before giving up. up.

From their point of view, this newcomer to the top of the list is a bit ruthless.

You know, this kind of challenge competition is very common in Jianghu.

Especially for those young warriors with some reputation in the arena, such challenges are almost commonplace.

Although many people are a little bit annoyed by this, but the rules of the rivers and lakes are like this.

Unless you can be as unrestrained and casual as Nan Shanyue, I don't care about your rules, if I am upset, I will ignore you at all.

But most people still want to maintain their reputation in the arena.

Especially those of the famous and decent families, when faced with a challenge, not only can't avoid the battle easily, even if they fight, they must be quick and agile, and at the same time, they must not hurt the challenger too much, because that will get a bad reputation of being ruthless. .

But Lu Fei didn't care about these.

It doesn't matter whether you have a good reputation or a bad reputation, as long as others don't dare to mess with me.

Look at Bao Xin, No. 7 corpse exorcist on the list, there are almost no survivors who fought against him, and he killed more than one of the heirs of the big faction on the list, but now that he is mentioned, he is still alive. Which one is not afraid and afraid?


The competition is over, and the excitement is over. The following warriors still have to eat and drink, and the episode that happened just now can only be used as an after-dinner conversation for them.

Or they will brag to their friends in the future that they have seen the turbulent waves of the strong people on the list with their own eyes, and then despise Dongfang Yu's jumping clown.

But in the final analysis, these really have little to do with them.

After Lu Fei followed that green willow to the second floor, a young man in Tsing Yi walked towards them directly from a distance.

The maid in front, Lu Liu, also introduced Lu Fei to the two of them in a timely manner: "Young masters, this is the master of our Drunken Wind House, Ye Longfei, the eldest son of the Ye family in Leling, who is also No. 30 and sixth on the list. By!"

Both Lu Fei and Nan Shanyue were slightly surprised.

They didn't expect that the Zuifeng Building was actually owned by the Ye family in Leling County.

The Ye Family of Leling County is one of the three major factions in Leling County, and it is also a first-class martial arts family in Jianghu.

Ye Liuyun, the patriarch of the Ye family, has the same skill as the Eight Great Sanshou, and is also well-known in the Jianghu as a powerhouse in the fusion of gods.

And the Ye Patriarch is most praised by people in the Jianghu. Twenty years ago, he once had a fierce battle with the magic master Nine Fingers God and Demon.

The two fought for hundreds of rendezvous, and finally Ye Liuyun performed the unique moves of the eight Sanshou of Wanyuantongliu, the big traction, the big shift, the big unloading, the big swing, the big wrestling tease, etc. His body moved like electricity, and his moves were like wind. It was faster than one move, and one move was fiercer than the other, which made Jiuzhi Shenmo, a veteran master of the magic way, appear to be defeated, and finally lost by one move.

It was also that battle that established Ye Liuyun's reputation and status in the world.

Nan Shanyue whispered to Lu Fei: "Liuyun Sanshou Ye Liuyun is the number one expert in Leling County, and the Ye family is also the leader of the three first-class forces in Leling County. Even in the entire Central Plains, they are well-known strongmen .

As for this Ye Longfei, he is Ye Liuyun's eldest son. He practiced with his father since he was a child, and he has won Ye Liuyun's true biography. He has the same skill as Wanliu and the Eight Great Sanshou. up. "

Lu Fei nodded, and when he looked at the young man in Tsing Yi again, there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

None of the people who can be ranked in the top [-] is just pretending to be a number.

Although the ranking of the people list claims to be the most fair and just, there are always some biases towards many warriors from great factions, especially those with special identities.

Therefore, among the hundred warriors on the list, there are certain unspoken rules for the last fifty.

But this kind of unspoken rule will never appear in the top fifty rankings!
The top [-] people on the list are all judged by the warrior's own absolute record and combat power. Yinfeng Pavilion will not open the back door to anyone or any sect.

It is rumored that there was once a martial arts genius among the royal family of the Western Han Dynasty, who ranked sixth on the list in his 20s.

However, the royal family of the Western Han Dynasty at that time felt that this ranking was not worthy of their royal title, and people spread the word that Yinfeng Pavilion should raise that prince up ten or twenty places, and rank it in the top thirty.

But this proposal was directly rejected by Yinfeng Pavilion, and the attitude was very tough, which did not give them the royal family face at all.

And for some reason, in the end, this incident spread to the Jianghu, making the entire Western Han royal family the laughing stock of the Jianghu.

This matter also caused a period of heat at the time.In the end, not only did the royal family of the Western Han Dynasty completely lose face in front of the people of the world, but it also made Yinfeng Pavilion a big hit, and it also established the credibility of the ranking in the hearts of warriors.

However, Lu Fei always felt that someone united to play a trick on the Western Han royal family.

The Western Han Dynasty is different from the Great Qin and Great Chu. The establishment of the Western Han Dynasty relied on the special geographical environment of the Southwest Shu, and the help of many martial arts forces and those who were destroyed by the Great Qin. The royal family did not exist in the Western Han Kingdom. Such as the strength of the great Chu Xiang family.

Therefore, in Jianghu, whether it is the Ying family of the Great Qin or the Xiang family of the Great Chu, there will be several martial arts geniuses in each generation who will become famous in the Jianghu.

Just like Ying Suran, son of Qinmeng who is currently number one on the list of people, is the third prince of Daqin.

Xiang Shaolong, who was third on the previous generation list, and Xiang Ye, the No. 17 son of Huainan Prince, are both descendants of the Xiang family.

Ye Longfei, the Flying Dragon Slayer in front of him, also entered the list of people when he first came out of the rivers and lakes. In the end, relying on his own strength, he defeated countless opponents along the way. Only then did he prove his absolute formidable strength, and it also showed that his No. 30 ranking on the list was definitely achieved step by step!
(End of this chapter)

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