Chapter 201
Outside the city of Sanghai, in a lush green bamboo forest.The bamboo branches are tall and straight, slender, slim, graceful, green all the year round, frost and rain.

This is the place where elegant people like to recite poems, drink wine and chat.

However, the two people who came to the bamboo forest this time did not have such an elegant mood.

On the top of a green bamboo more than ten meters high, Lu Fei stood facing the wind with slender bamboo branches under his feet.

Opposite him, Xia Feishuang, who was dressed in brocade clothes, also showed the same attitude.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lu, who has always been famous for his sword skills, to have such a body skill. It seems that Mr. Lu has always been hiding his clumsiness."

Lu Fei's face was light, without showing any happy expression.

Seeing that Lu Fei didn't intend to speak, Xia Feishuang stopped talking and said "be careful", and he flew over like an eagle.

Lu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his whole body turned into a breeze, disappeared in place in an instant, and then appeared not far away.

With the help of the green bamboo's elastic force, his feet came into the air in an instant, and then Fengshen's legs turned into a giant axe, and he slashed down at Xia Fei.

The strength is like thunder, and the legs are as fast as the wind. This is the power of this move.

Combined with extreme speed and strength, it is difficult for opponents to compete with it.

Xia Feishuang, who found that Lu Fei dodged his attack, did not panic. Hearing the wind from behind, he turned around and punched out.

When fists and legs intersected, the huge stellar energy of the two of them erupted instantly, and the entire bamboo forest that was blown was rattling.

Feeling the strength from his legs, Lu Fei frowned slightly, and then slowly fell to the ground with a spin.

At the same time, Xia Feishuang also fell to the ground lightly like a bamboo leaf.

Apparently, in the one-trick confrontation between the two sides just now, the opponent had the upper hand.

"The opponent's fist is so hard, and his physique is so strong, he is still above me!"

In an instant, Lu Fei had judged a lot of things.

According to his understanding, this Xia Feishuang studied under the once powerful Shi Laoguai, who was once a strong man in the Demon Dao Land List, and what he practiced was the Demon Dao technique of petrification.

This is a very sinister practice.

This petrified magical skill was originally a powerful body training technique created by a great master of the demonic way. It has reached the level of five-star heaven, and it can even be as famous as the innate qi of the Taoist school and the golden body method of the Buddhist school.

This exercise is divided into nine rounds. After practice, the whole body is like turning into iron and stone, and everything is difficult to hurt. If you complete the nine rounds, you will be invincible.

However, compared to the orthodox kung fu of Buddhism and Taoism, the reason why this petrified magic kung fu is called evil is that it needs to collect the blood of hundreds of virgins every time it is cultivated.

Fortunately, those women whose blood was collected would not die because of this, so although this practice is evil, it has not yet fallen to the point where everyone shouts and beats them.

Moreover, when Xia Feishuang was practicing this kung fu, most of the women he was looking for were willing to help him practice kung fu, so even if there were many decent people in the rivers and lakes, they could not understand him, but because of the other party's own strength, and his No one would say anything about exorcising demons and defending Dao even for a master who had once been on the earth list.

Different from Lu Fei's shock, after receiving Lu Fei's Fengshen kick, Xia Feishuang also found that the opponent's kick was good, but he also found that the opponent's physical strength was not as good as his own.

It deepened the smile on his pale face.

"The trial is over..."

"Then, next, Mr. Lu will give me a Heavenly Killing Fist!"

With a punch down, a boundless and desperate killing intent rose into the sky, and that powerful killing intent seemed to condense into substance, dyeing everything around it in crimson, and killing Lu Fei.

The Tianjue Killing Fist is a move in the Double Lore Killing Fist that Old Monster Stone became famous for.At the beginning, it was by relying on the powerful power of this pair of lore punches, combined with the characteristics of the petrochemical magic art that everything is difficult to hurt, that Old Monster Stone broke into the list all the way.

But in the end, for some unknown reason, he clashed with He Qianxun, the head of the Sword Sect's sect master, Sword Shuangjue. Heyi, relying on the magic knife in his hand, directly slashed Old Monster Stone's eight-turn petrification magic skill, and the sharp knife intent hurt the opponent's meridian, thus defeated him, and directly drove the opponent off the ground ranking .

Although Xia Feishuang has already reached the Innate God Treasure Realm and has opened up 64 orifice points, he has not yet achieved the true cultivation of the killing intent of the Heavenly Killing Fist.

Lu Fei's whole body was full of energy, and he didn't choose to dodge the opponent's punch, but directly used the last move of Fengshen's leg, the kamikaze howl, using the strength of his legs to attract the power of the surrounding wind and cloud, carrying the power of heaven and earth, The leg kicked out.

The wrath of the kamikaze is unstoppable!

The two people who were still probing just now have already used their own unique moves in the next move, and the surrounding bamboo forest has been completely destroyed under the pressure of the killing fist and Fengshen legs.

With a punch, murderous intent is everywhere; with a kick, kamikaze howls furiously.

The scarlet fist with endless murderous intent blasted out by Tianjue Killing Fist collided with the Fengshen power around Lu Fei, and there were bursts of violent explosions.

Xia Feishuang's complexion suddenly changed. He never expected that although Lu Fei's physical strength was not as strong as his, the strength he erupted at this time was not inferior to him!
The two punched and kicked against each other. This kind of pure power confrontation was undoubtedly quite shocking. The ground under their feet was shattered inch by inch because they couldn't bear the attack of the two of them.

Large pieces of green bamboo were twisted to pieces as the vigor of the two clashed.

Fortunately, the two of them were fighting in the wilderness outside the city. If they were fighting in the city, the destructive power of the two of them at this time would be enough to demolish half of the city.

At this time, those warriors who got the news had already arrived at the scene.

After seeing the movement of the two fighting each other, everyone was shocked.

"Are these two guys still human?!"

A middle-aged martial artist whose cultivation had reached Xiantian Shenzang looked at the two fighting in a speechless manner, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Although his cultivation level is similar to that of the two opponents, and even higher than that of Lu Fei, a young martial artist in the early stage of the fusion state, but in the face of this kind of close combat, he feels that he is against the two of them. Any one of them can only be hanged and beaten.

At this time, most of the people who rushed over were the strong men above the innate, so they were all extraordinary in their eyes.

After hearing the middle-aged martial artist's exclamation, someone suddenly smiled wryly and shook his head and said: "I know Xia Feishuang, the petrification magical skill of the magic way practiced is itself a powerful body training method comparable to Buddhism, but I didn't expect that , this Mr. Lu Fei Lu actually has such a strong physique!
I heard that Mr. Lu is best at swordsmanship, and he has even mastered swordsmanship. With one sword, he crippled a warrior who was half a step into the Yuanshen realm. Coupled with the powerful speed before, combined with the majestic true energy, this Isn't it a bit too perfect! "

(End of this chapter)

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