Chapter 206

The little girl's crisp singing echoed in Yunmeng Mountain. A rough man poked his head out of the tea shed, looked at his daughter who laughed like silver bells from time to time, with a simple and honest smile on his face, and then returned to the tea shed again.

He needs to fry the tea leaves picked today.

Lu Fei didn't know how to make tea, but he knew that Yunmeng Mountain produced green tea, so it was necessary to fry the picked young leaves.

Although Sibao's father is not very old, he has been frying tea for more than ten years, and he has won the true inheritance of his father's generation. He can be regarded as a well-known tea-frying master in these ten miles and eight villages.

But even so, Sibao's family of three can only guarantee food and clothing.

There is only one reason.

Official tea tax is heavy!

Don't look at the tea trees all over Yunmeng Mountain, but none of them belong to the tea farmers at the bottom of the mountain. These are all official teas, which belong to the property of the Great Qin Dynasty. These tea farmers are just tenants.

The history of tea in the mainland of China is not long. It is said that it was a gift from a disciple who came from afar when the sage was teaching his disciples at the beginning of the Qin Dynasty. It has a strong, mellow, mellow, and peaceful taste, and the aftertaste is refreshing and sweet, which is deeply loved by saints.

Finally, after the establishment of Xiaoshengxianzhuang, tea really entered the entire rivers and lakes of China.It is said that even the first emperor loved it deeply, and it was later used as a common drink for the royal family.

At this point, the upper and lower have worked, and tea drinking has become popular among the people, and tea has gradually become a daily consumer product for the people. The production and sales have increased day by day. Finally, the imperial court even began to tax tea to raise fiscal revenue.

Thus, after the tax on salt, iron, and wine, came the tax on tea.

The Daqin tea tax is paid in kind of tea, and the tea rent paid by tea farmers every year is the annual tax.

Of course, if this was the case, these tea farmers would not have had such a difficult time. After all, this tea is also a very profitable business.

But even if they sell tea to make money, they can't stand the exploitation of those officials!

In addition to the regular tax, tea farmers also have to pay various additional levies in the name of local products, tea price evaluation, money made by the general manager, and head money.

Not only that, Shenzhou is a world where martial arts are respected, so these tea farmers have to pay some money to the local rivers and lakes forces, so that they can be "protected" to a certain extent.

Even the court just turned a blind eye to this kind of thing, and didn't dare to touch the interests of those people in the rivers and lakes, so in the end they could only suffer from these tea farmers.

Lu Fei has known this kind of thing since he came to this world.

After all, the Lu family itself is one of the Jianghu families, and he is also a vested interest under such rules, so even if Lu Fei feels a little compassion when he sees these people, he still can only turn a blind eye to many things in the end.

Just like what Lu Fei said back then.

He himself doesn't have that kind of ambition to change the world. All he can do is to do his best so that his conscience doesn't hurt too much.

No matter whether it is because he sees small profits and forgets righteousness, or it is hypocrisy in his heart, Lu Fei just wants to let himself live comfortably.


When Lu Fei was playing and enjoying the leisurely life in the countryside with the little girl Sibao, suddenly a loud noise broke everything.

Lu Fei looked in the direction of the voice with some displeasure.

I saw a bald-headed man in a gray bunt, with a bare chest and belly, walking towards him.

Seeing him, some street vendors who were selling small things panicked and packed up their things and hid, just like the cosmic-level powerful army that Lu Fei saw in his previous life traveling. of.

Si Bao, who was happily singing his newly learned tune in front of Lu Fei, turned pale when he saw the person coming, and then hid directly behind Lu Fei, holding his clothes tightly with a pair of small hands.

Slightly frowning, although Lu Fei didn't know who the other party was, a small martial artist who barely reached the blood coagulation level was like an ant in his eyes.

But it is such an ant, now in the eyes of these tea farmers and hawkers, it has become a real man-eating tiger!

"Don't be afraid, who is that person?"

Lu Fei rubbed the top of Sibao's head and asked softly.

Sibao still hides shyly behind Lu Fei, maybe the big hand on top of her head gave her a little courage, the little girl slightly revealed one eye, looked at the bald man opposite, and said nervously: "That's a bad guy, every time They all come to the village to make trouble and beat people, last time Sister Wantao's father, Uncle Li, was injured by him, and he even forced Uncle Li to take money, otherwise he would take Sister Wantao away and sell her!"

Maybe the little girl didn't understand many things, but hearing that the other party was going to take Sister Wantao away and sell her, this left a big shadow in her little heart.

However, just based on the few words of Sibao, Lu Fei can also guess that this person is obviously a character like a gangster and bully around him.

Although he looks tall and powerful, he is not even an ant in the Jianghu. As long as he is a disciple from a sect, he can clean up this guy, but in this mountain village, he is called The existence of Wang Zhiba.

One word can determine life and death, it is even more powerful than the Emperor of Qin!

While Lu Fei was searching for the Four Treasures, the big man on the opposite side had already grabbed a white-haired old man, and then asked with a ferocious expression: "Where did Li Daliang's family go? Why is there no one in the family? Could it be Don’t want to pay, run away?!”

The old man Lu Fei knew, he was the elder of the village and the village head elected by everyone. At this time, the big man twisted his collar and lifted him up. His whole thin body was trembling in the wind.

"No! No, no! Don't dare! Don't dare to run away. The Li family are only going to sell tea in the city, so as to raise money for you, Lord Tiger!"

Master Hu touched his bald head with his left hand, and a sinister smile appeared on his face. Under the fearful eyes of the old village chief, he threw him on the ground without looking at him, and shouted: "Hey! How much money can I get together? In my opinion, it’s better to just let me take that girl away, and I will provide her with good food and drink in the future, which is worse than suffering with her useless father in this kind of place!"

While speaking, Master Tiger turned around and was about to go in the direction of Chashan.

Obviously, he already knew that the little girl Wantao was picking tea in the tea mountain at this time, and she was going to rob the girls...

Lu Fei frowned.

To be honest, this kind of plot is very bloody.

In the novels I read in my previous life, this kind of plot appeared eight hundred times if not a thousand times, but in this world, this kind of thing happened all the time among the low-level people.

In the face of a warrior, even if he is only a low-strength warrior, ordinary people like them dare not resist...

 I can't do it anymore, I can't open my eyes, I'm so sleepy... I will temporarily change it today, and I will talk about the rest tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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