Chapter 25 Intimidation

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Fei still got up early, practiced the sword technique and dragon claw hand in his own yard, and then had breakfast under Fu'er's service.

But this time Lu Fei didn't go directly to practice internal strength after eating like before, but asked Fu'er: "Didn't anything happen outside during the few days I practiced?"

Fu'er replied softly: "It's nothing serious. It's just that Guanshi Liu brought in another group of slaves a few days ago to supplement the manpower lost before."

"Oh, that's right. When the servant went to the kitchen just now, I saw Guanshi Liu asking people to load the refined ore into a car, saying that it was going to be sent to the family today."

Hearing this, Lu Fei's expression suddenly darkened.

The mine was going to transport ore to the family, and as the person in charge of the Black Mountain mine, he didn't even know about it...

Obviously, Liu Qing was not prepared to tell him these things at all.

Thinking about it, Lu Fei went straight out the door.

When we came to the warehouse area, a group of people were busy here, loading boxes of goods into the car, as if they were about to leave.

"Who told you to go?" Lu Fei asked with a gloomy face.

In the convoy, a middle-aged man in his 40s trotted over, with a humble smile on his face, he saluted Lu Fei and said, "Li Wei, the villain, is the steward of our Lu family caravan. Second son, our Lu family caravan will return to Guangning after following the eldest son for three days, and after a few days of rest, we will be ready to start again, so these ores must be transported to the family immediately, so as not to delay the caravan's itinerary."

"Then why didn't you report to me when you came to ship the ore?" Lu Fei asked coldly.

"But I've already told Guanshi Liu..."

Li Wei's words blurted out.

But before he finished speaking, Lu Fei slapped him with a slap!

Although Lu Fei didn't really use much force this time, Li Wei was just an ordinary person, and his entire cheek was swollen by this one.

Lu Fei's sudden move caught everyone's mind.

That Li Wei was still smiling, but he was stunned by this sudden...

After reacting, Li Wei's face suddenly revealed a look of sullen anger.

Although he was a servant, he was also a servant who followed the eldest son. Being slapped in public by a bastard like Lu Fei made him a little ashamed.

"Fourth son, what mistake did the villain make? Although you are the son of the family, you can't hurt others for no reason! If the villain is wrong, then the villain will accept the punishment! But if the fourth son Nian wants to bully the weak, then the villain People have no choice but to ask the eldest son to uphold justice!"

Lu Fei smiled coldly, and said lightly: "Not convinced? Then let me ask you, who is in charge of this mine?"

Li Wei, who was covering his face with aggrieved face, changed slightly, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"It's... Fourth Young Master, you take care of it."

"Then you came here to ship the ore, did you have my consent?"

"This... this villain has already reported to Guanshi Liu, and everything is recorded in the warehouse account..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Fei slapped him again.

This time it was more ruthless than the one just now, and a bloodshot tooth flew out.

Seeing that Lu Fei was so cruel, the servants who were loading the goods all fell silent.

Lu Fei didn't care about this, and said to the person next to him: "Go, call me both Liu Qing and Song Shan!"

The servants did not dare to be negligent, and immediately ran to inform the two of them after listening to Lu Fei's instructions.

Not long after, both Liu Qing and Song Shan came in a hurry. After seeing the scene in the field, they were both shocked.

Seeing Li Wei's miserable appearance at this time, Liu Qing's face changed, and he immediately came to Lu Fei's side quickly, and directly pleaded guilty: "Forgive me, fourth son. The matter about this ore is the villain's fault. Because The urgent urging from the family should not affect the itinerary of the caravan. And you have been practicing in seclusion for the past few days, and the villain is afraid that you will be disturbed, so you made such a decision, and please punish me!"

Looking at Liu Qing who was full of humility in front of him, Lu Fei felt a slight chill in his eyes.

Compared with that Li Wei, it is obvious that Liu Qing's words and deeds are much smarter.

When he came to Lu Fei, he first admitted that he had made a mistake, but in a few sentences he explained clearly the reasons for his doing so.

At this time, in front of the public, if Lu Fei insisted on punishing Liu Qing, the manager, I am afraid that he would really lose everyone's hearts in this mine.

At that time, someone will gossip in his father Lu Hai's ear, maybe his cheap father will think that he is not capable enough, and it is possible to lose his current position.

Lu Fei took a deep look at him, and said lightly: "So that's the case. I didn't expect that Guanshi Liu, you are so considerate."

Liu Qing still bowed his body, a smug look flashed in his eyes hidden below, he smiled humbly and said: "Thank you for your compliment, my lord, the master of the family entrusted me to take care of this mining area, but Liu Qing is very kind to me. Liu Qing is naturally willing to repay her trust with her body, and dare not be slighted."

"Good! Good!"

Lu Fei also suddenly smiled and said, "It seems that Father really did not use the wrong person."

"However, since the father of the mine has handed it over to me, there are some rules that should be changed."

As he said that, without looking at Liu Qing's froze on his face, he said directly to Song Shan, "Song Shan, find five people from the guards and replace the original warehouse guards. There will be no orders from me in the future. You are only allowed to enter but not to exit, even if there is a tael of ore missing in the future, I will only ask you!"

Song Shan was overjoyed when he heard this, and then clasped his fists and said loudly, "Obey!"

"This... son, this is against the rules!"

After reacting, Liu Qing immediately said: "Young master, this warehouse is the most important thing, and we can't afford to be sloppy. Captain Song is responsible for guarding the entire mining area Dazhai. If he is distracted from managing the warehouse, something may go wrong. "

Most of the affairs in the entire mining area are under the control of Liu Qing. If Song Shan, a reckless man, is allowed to participate, I am afraid he will not be able to do many things in the future!

Lu Fei glanced at him, and said lightly: "Rules? Whose rules? Now that this mine is under my control, all you need to do is follow my rules."

"Besides, these people are only responsible for guarding the warehouse gate after they come here. As for the affairs of the accounting room, they can still be handed over to the original people."

The reason for using the guards in Song Shan's hands is that there is really no other way.

When Lu Fei came from Lu's house, he was alone, and even the maid who served beside him was sent by the second mother. It can be said that he didn't have anyone who could use him.

What Liu Qing said was right, it was simply unrealistic for the guards of the guards who could not read a single word to manage the warehouse.

But what Lu Fei has to do now is to directly block the door of this warehouse.No matter what tricks you try to do, if you can't get something, it's all for nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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