Chapter 260 Bitterness
Justice from heaven!

Almost everyone in the space stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief.

Even Lu Fei himself didn't expect that the joint attack of the two could cause such a big commotion.

Moreover, vaguely, Lu Fei also noticed a wave of excitement coming from the dragon soul in the long knife in his hand...

A knife can have such a clear expression of emotion.

This made Lu Fei feel a little unbelievable, and it was a little too mysterious.

However, compared to Lu Fei who was pleasantly surprised by the power of his newly acquired magic weapon, the bloody blood dragon below was not so good.

I honestly hid at the bottom of the water and guarded my baby who was sleeping. Suddenly, a crazy woman who didn't know where came from woke me up, and then she and other helpers stole my things...

Not only things were stolen, but even his old nest was smashed, and then even if he was willing to wait hundreds of years to wait for another Xue Linglong to mature again, it would be impossible.

How could this prevent the blood flood dragon from going crazy.

If you pick the fruit, you will get it, and you can cut down the trees!
I really think that I am a monkey grandson who is not afraid of death!
Just when the enraged Blood Dragon wanted to kill the two hateful little thieves at all costs, the sudden mountain collapse gave it a heavy blow.

Huge boulders fell from the sky, almost crushing it to death in the bloody water.

After going through all kinds of hardships and tribulations, he managed to rush out, but just when he showed his head, he saw a hideous and huge golden dragon in the sky, and a fire phoenix soaring above the nine heavens, descending from the sky!

At this moment, Xue Jiao's heart was filled with despair.

Lu Fei and Nangong Yan, who were within the aura of Jinlong and Huofeng, felt strangely that they were each other at this moment...

The other party's aura was so clear in their spiritual perception at this time, that Lu Fei felt that he could easily perceive the sadness and joy in the other party's heart.

He couldn't help turning his head slightly and looked to the side.

Coincidentally, at this time Nangong Yan was also looking at him...

There is no embarrassment when a man and a woman meet for the first time.

Even Nangong Yan, who was originally full of shyness, was calm at this time.

As if, this is all as it should be.

There was a smile on the faces of the two at the same time, like the rising sun in spring, piercing the bloody sky in an instant...

Left sword and right sword, Lu Fei and Nangong Yan intersected their swords in mid-air, and then swung forward at the same time.

This blow, like a whale swallowing the world, swept away everything!
Facing that blow, the blood dragon's pupils, which originally only had madness and killing, suddenly changed.

The power that sweeps everything, even before it is in the body, it can already feel the horror of this power.

This attack did not tear the blood around it like ordinary sword qi. Instead, it directly swallowed these forces completely, and also made the attack itself more and more powerful. It can be said that it directly destroys the enemy's power. Become your own offensive force!
The Blood Flood Dragon had never seen such an evil and terrifying attack.

In a hurry, the broken one-horn of the blood flood dragon instantly resisted, and saw bloody brilliance flowing all over its body, trying to resist the knife with its own strong physical strength.

After the unicorn gathered all the blood dragon's only strength to one point, it suddenly exploded from its whole body!

Blood water filled the entire sky in an instant, like a sea of ​​blood descending from the Nine Nether Lands, enveloping the entire blood dragon in it.

But under the joint attack of Lu Fei, everything is swallowed up. As long as it is energy, regardless of Yin, Yang and Five Elements, it is false in front of him!
There was a loud bang, and the blood flood dragon was directly slashed backwards by the combination of the sword and the sword. Its huge body smashed into the ground and fell directly hundreds of meters away.


Looking at the huge monster charging towards the three of them from a distance like plowing the ground, Nan Shanyue and the three were speechless and hurriedly dodged to dodge.

Originally, they were worried that Lu Fei and the two would be rubbed against the ground by the blood dragon, but now it seems that the positions of the two parties should have been reversed.

Nan Shanyue is sure that even a martial arts master in the primordial spirit realm would be hard-pressed to resist the joint attack of Lu Fei and Nangong Yan just now.

Looking at Lu Fei flying from the sky in the form of a long dragon at this time, Nan Shanyue faintly felt a little broken in her heart.

Although Nan Shanyue had already accepted the fact that brother Lu's talent and potential surpassed his own, but in the short ten days since he entered the space, he saw with his own eyes two leaps in strength. Growing up, even now the opponent has shown a combat power no lower than the top ten in the list!

This made him, who had always been proud, a little bit overwhelmed.

This really echoes the old saying: people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods!


Two majestic handsome men and beautiful women descended from the sky, just like a pair of fairy couple descending to earth.

But at this time, everyone's attention was not on them, but staring at the corpse in the deep ditch on the ground.

But after watching for about a quarter of an hour, they didn't find that thing moving again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just said, if it doesn't die after encountering an attack of this level, then it will become a spirit!"

Nan Shanyue laughed.

At this time, Nangong Yan, who had been enduring the injuries in her body, saw that she was completely out of danger, and instantly her body couldn't hold on, and she was about to fall down as soon as her body softened.

Seeing this, Zhou Chen, who had been paying attention to her on the other side, hurried forward to reach out to help her.

But what he didn't expect was that someone had already taken a step ahead and directly blocked Nangong Yan's soft body in his arms.

"Are you okay?!" Lu Fei asked with a slightly nervous expression.

Nangong Yan shook her head slightly with a pale face.

"It's okay. It's just too much consumption, and I was injured by this beast when I was at the bottom of the pool before. I just need to rest in peace for a few days and I'll be fine."

Seeing this, Lu Fei nodded, and then a warm air flowed out of the right hand that dragged the opponent's back, and entered Nangong Yan's body to help her temporarily stabilize the disordered meridians.

Nine Suns Divine Art originally had a strong function of healing internal injuries. Although there is a certain mutation due to the blood bodhi, there is a faint breath of unicorn fire, but this does not make it lose its healing function.

But in a short while, Nangong Yan felt that the pain in her internal organs was relieved, and even the exhausted meridians were slowly saturated. Then she got up from Lu Fei's arms, and then the corners of her mouth slightly curved up , showing a smile to thank Lu Fei.

All this fell into the eyes of Zhou Chen not far away, making his heart filled with bitterness in an instant.

"Hehe..., is this God's will..."

(End of this chapter)

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