Chapter 280 Chidori Island

Although Mrs. Mingyue at that time could be said to be powerless, she still had a nanny who had followed her since she was a child. guru.

At this time, Mrs. Mingyue is no longer the innocent little girl she was at the beginning. With the help of her strength, she used the name of Xiang Fu to gather all the people who were loyal to the previous King of Huainan together, and became the initial strength for her to establish Mingyue Villa. .

And after so many years of undercover investigation, Mrs. Mingyue also knew the truth about her husband's murder.His enemy turned out to be Xiang Ye, the eldest son of Huainan Prince who was only a teenager at the time, that is, Xiang Fu's cousin, the person he pushed to be the eldest son of Huainan Prince!

Mrs. Mingyue didn't expect such a situation at all.

Xiang Huo, king of Huainan, has thirteen sons in total, and six of them have the qualifications to inherit the throne. At that time, Xiang Ye was not favored by Xiang Huo, and his strength was not the strongest, so he was the least hopeful of getting a son among the many brothers. position of people.

However, Xiang Ye has been very humble and polite since he was a child, he is neither arrogant nor impetuous, nor does he show too much ambition, and he has the best relationship with his cousin Xiang Fu.

When Xiang Huo ascended the throne of Huainan King, he announced in public that Xiang Fu's position as the eldest son would not change, and he promised that he would still be in Xiang Fu's position after a hundred years.

This decision was opposed by many people at the beginning, among them were Xiang Huo's sons.

However, I don't know the reason. At that time, Xiang Huo was very persistent about this, and even reported directly to the court of Dachu, planning to let the royal family of Xiang family endorse Xiang Fu.

If this matter really came to fruition, then after a hundred years of Xiang Huo, I am afraid that the Huainan throne will really return to Xiang Fu's hands again.

At that time, there were also undercurrents in the Huainan Wang family, and many people expressed dissatisfaction with Xiang Huo's decision.

Because such an approach would easily lead to the internal arrangement of the Huainan Wang family, which would greatly damage their strength at that time.

That is to say, under such circumstances, Xiang Fu took the initiative to propose the idea of ​​rejecting the position of the son, and even mobilized his own power to push Xiang Ye, a little cousin, to the position.

You must know that the current Xiang Fu is still sitting on the seat of Huainan King's son, and the old Huainan King has just passed away, so the power in Xiang Fu's hands is comparable to that of Xiang Huo, who was already Huainan King at that time, even if he does not care about the consequences. If you ask the patriarch of the Huainan royal family, maybe he will be able to drive Uncle Xiang Huo from the throne.

After all, jurisprudentially speaking, he is the most orthodox successor of King Huainan.

But in such a situation, he chose to let go.

It's just that Xiang Fu probably never imagined that such a person who was closest to him, who he pushed to a high position, was the culprit who secretly put him to death!

I have to say that in this world, people are the most complicated existence, and there are too many things that no one can see clearly.

Although she knew who her enemy was, the strength in Mrs. Mingyue's hands was not enough to seek revenge from him.

Not to say how strong the industry is.

To be honest, even today, Xiang Ye's strength can only be said to be mediocre. Although he ranks No. 18 on the list, his age is the oldest on the list. If he can't break through the Yuanshen , then he will exceed the age limit of the person list next year, and will be directly removed from the person list in the end.

Although there are many such things, for a son of the royal family, it is actually a bit of a loss.

This also proves from the side that this Xiang Ye's cultivation aptitude is really average.

It's just that although the aptitude is not good, this person's wrist is first-class.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible for so many years, despite not being loved by King Xianghuo of Huainan, and under the watchful eyes of many brothers, he could still sit firmly in the position of the crown prince, and the more he sat, the more secure he became.

The main reason for this is that Xiang Ye has the support of the most powerful hidden force in the Huainan king family!

Standing at the bow of the boat, Lu Fei frowned, thinking carefully about Nan Shanyue's words.

In the southeast of Huainan Kingdom, there is a large lake called Chaohu Lake. There is an island in the lake called Qiandiao Island, which is named after countless water birds living on the island.

On Qianniao Island, there is a Bibo Mountain Villa. The owner of the villa is four great masters who live in seclusion, each of whom is a veteran master of martial arts in the fusion of the gods. Jue Sanren.

The eldest of the four has no sound on the qin, and the sound of the phantom qin and the seven-string invisible sword in one hand are strange and unpredictable.

The second child has no chess board, and is good at mechanism formations. He uses bronze mechanism figures as chess pieces to set up a large formation in the village, known as the Heaven and Earth Chess Game.

The old third book has no silk. This person combines swordsmanship and calligraphy, and replaces the sword with a pen, creating 36 styles of broken pulse sword energy. The offensive in France and China is the first.

Although this first statement is a bit far-fetched, it is enough to show the strength of the opponent.

As for Lao Si Hua Wuyan, he is a real master of poisoning. His pen and ink fragrance can make people lose themselves invisibly, and die of poisoning without knowing it. , even a master of martial arts in the state of fusion of the gods can hardly escape.

These four people used to be well-known people in the Jianghu, but in the past few decades they closed their doors at Bibo Mountain Villa to thank guests, and then slowly disappeared in the rolling waves of the Jianghu, and even the younger generation is rarely seen. Some people know that there are still such four strong men.

Speaking of which, a large part of the reason why Xiang Ye was able to get the support of these four people was because of Xiang Fu.

At the beginning, these four people were invited by the previous Huainan King to join him, and they were originally used as a means for him to secretly.

But in the end, by accident, the four of them became the most powerful amulets for Xiang Fu's enemies...

So it is really unpredictable, and this also made Lu Fei understand that the so-called seclusion of these four people and the so-called indifference to fame and fortune are nothing but a deceiving statement.

On the contrary, Lu Fei felt that these four people were the most utilitarian fighters!
You must know that Mrs. Mingyue had approached them specifically for Xiang Fu's affairs, but in the end she didn't even enter the threshold.

The reason is that Xiang Fu was dead at that time, and Xiang Ye's seat was also secured, so they finally chose to side with Xiang Ye for their own benefit.

As for the friendship with Xiang Fu's family back then, since everyone is dead anyway, how much is that little friendship worth!

(End of this chapter)

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