Chapter 29 Control
He looked at the long knife in his hand, and then at the two overseers lying limp on the ground.

As if he thought of the miserable appearance of his old father who had been taking care of him when he was beaten to death by two people, the strong man's eyes were instantly filled with blood.

Yisheng roared, and the long knife in his hand directly slashed at the two people on the ground.

From the opponent's technique, Lu Fei could tell that this person should have never practiced sword skills.The chaotic chopping down with one knife after another almost chopped the two people on the ground into meat paste.

The scene was extremely bloody...

Be it the overseers and stewards of the mine, or the prisoners, their expressions became very ugly at this moment.

Many people even started to vomit.

Especially those servants of the Lu family who are in charge of management or other miscellaneous things in the mine. Most of them are ordinary people. When have they ever seen such a scene...

At this moment, they were about to go crazy with fright, and all of them looked at the young man in white clothes like snow with terrified eyes.

It's just that what they didn't know was that Lu Fei was also a little disgusted at the beginning, especially when some blood dripped on his clothes, he almost couldn't hold back his vomiting.

It's just that now is a good time for him to show his prestige, so no matter what, he has to hold back.

Moreover, as time passed, he felt as if he had adapted to the bloody scene, and the discomfort he felt before slowly disappeared.

Such a scene made Lu Fei secretly tremble in his heart.

"Damn, I don't have such a violent and bloody person in my heart, do I?"


Unable to help grinning secretly, Lu Fei turned his gaze to the strong man who had stopped.

Seeing that the other party was walking towards him with a knife covered in blood, Lu Fei waved his hands to stop Song Shan and others who wanted to rush over.

Then, the strong man came to a point two or three meters away from Lu Fei, knelt down on the ground, wiped the blood on his clothes with the knife in his hand, then raised his head above his head, and said: "Thank you, master, for letting me Ah Niu avenged his revenge, from now on Ah Niu's life will be his master's!"

Lu Fei smiled slightly, and didn't care about the unwiped blood on the handle of the knife. He took the knife directly and said softly: "Okay, then you will follow me from now on."

"Yes, Master!"

With a bang, he kowtowed heavily on the bluestone ground, and this strong man named A Niu walked directly to Lu Fei's side.

This made Song Shan, who was standing next to Lu Fei, couldn't help but take a step back.

In fact, this big stupid man full of the evil spirit of killing someone just now, especially the blood all over his body at this time, looks too ferocious and powerful, making him, a martial artist in the meridian state Can't help but want to stay away.

Lu Fei didn't care about these things behind him, but glanced at the miners in front of him, and said: "I have already killed you. As for the requirements for you in the future, it is still to guarantee the amount of mining before. Your day in the future For three meals, I will make you full..."

"However, if someone is disobedient, then I will cut off your heads directly!"

After hearing Lu Fei's words, the mine slaves looked at each other, and finally lowered their heads slowly.

As long as they can survive, no one is willing to fight head-on with the swords and guns in the hands of the guards of the Lu family...

And after most people chose to give in, the very few who wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble didn't dare to show up again.

Seeing that the original riot was eliminated in this way, Song Shan and the guards also breathed a sigh of relief.

If there was a real fight, although they all had weapons in their hands, there would definitely be a lot of damage to the guards if there were too many opponents.

But after things stabilized, Song Shan's mind became active again.

He took a step forward and said to Lu Fei: "Young master, now the manager and supervisor of No. B mine are dead, do you think you want to add it?"

Lu Fei glanced at him, and said calmly: "It is necessary to add some manpower. But I have arranged for the supervisor of this mine. For the remaining two supervisors, you can recommend two people."

Song Shan was taken aback for a moment, but then he came to his senses and nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Although he didn't want to be in charge, it would be nice to be able to arrange two supervisors, at least he could give an explanation to his subordinates in the future.

Lu Fei stepped forward, looked at the more than 100 slaves in the No. B mine, and said loudly: "Now that your steward is dead, I am going to choose one of you to be the steward. Anyone who is willing to recommend himself can stand come out!"

Lu Fei's words obviously caught everyone's mind.

The prisoners looked at each other in dismay, everyone had disbelief on their faces, but they didn't intend to stand up.

Just when Lu Fei was about to speak again, suddenly a thin and wretched middle-aged man with a mustache rushed out, raised his right hand high, and shouted: "Young master, the villain is willing to recommend himself!"

Lu Fei looked at this guy, raised his eyebrows, and said softly: "Oh? Do you have the confidence to manage the entire mine well? Let me tell you first, if you can't satisfy me with what you do, then you The end will be very miserable!"

Listening to Lu Fei's words, the wretched middle-aged man glanced at the three corpses on the ground... or a headless corpse with a puddle of flesh and blood... couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

But in the end, he still bite the bullet and said: "Young master, don't worry, if I don't do well, then you don't need to do anything, my old scorpion will screw off my head and use it as a chamber pot for you!"

Lu Fei chuckled, but he didn't expect there to be such a person among the prisoners.

Next, Lu Fei asked all the prisoners to eat, and then took a rest in the afternoon.

In the past few days, due to the urging of those stewards and supervisors, the mining volume has increased a lot, so even if they don't work in the afternoon, it will not affect the production at the end of the month.

As for those stewards and supervisors, they were called together by Lu Fei.

Scanning the dozen or so people in front of him, except for the old Xiezi who just sat in charge, and the two supervisors brought by Song Shan, all the others bowed their heads deeply when facing Lu Fei's gaze.

After ten breaths of silence, Lu Fei's cold voice sounded.

"I don't care what you have done before, or who you secretly listened to... Now, from this moment on, I don't want a second voice in this Black Mountain mining area!"

"I don't like disobedient people. If there is one, then I will change to the obedient one... Do you understand?"

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, a person jumped out first, and shouted directly: "Follow the order of the young master! The villain is willing to be a cow and a horse for you, the young master, and I will die!"

Hearing these nondescript words of loyalty, Lu Fei just glanced at the wretched old Scorpion lightly.

This scene made the old scorpion a little embarrassed, but he was thick-skinned enough, he just smiled and retreated.Then he and everyone else bowed to answer.

Although Lu Fei knew that many people here belonged to Liu Qing, but now he really couldn't find anyone to replace them all, so he used it for the time being.

Thinking about it, with my previous awe, these people must be honest for a while.In the future, if there are people who really want to make small moves, then kill a few more. After this, no one will dare to be obedient to themselves!

(End of this chapter)

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