Chapter 7 Martial Arts
Cultivation techniques and cultivation bases...

These are the two things that Lu Fei is most interested in.

Especially this piece of Wuji can be said to be full of magic tricks that others can't ask for!
In this world, people have strengths and weaknesses, and so do skills.

Although it is said that the strength of the exercises and the power that can be exerted have a lot to do with the practitioners...

Some amazingly talented people can even use low-level skills to roam the rivers and lakes, but after all, they are only a minority!

In the arena, people with mediocre qualifications like Lu Fei still occupy the majority. In this case, the strength of the skills becomes very important.

In the arena, the skills are roughly divided into three major levels: heaven, earth, and people.Each major level is divided into five smaller levels, and each level is represented by a star.

The grading of this skill is still very necessary in this world, and it is also of great significance to warriors.

Only by cultivating high-grade skills can it be possible to break through to the realm above innate!

Ninety percent of the warriors in the Jianghu practice only ordinary skills.Such a person can only spend his whole life in the acquired realm, and it is impossible to break through the innate realm!
The reason is that compared with acquired warriors, if one wants to break through innateness, the first thing is to be able to train the whole body until the qi, blood, muscles and bones are harmoniously integrated, and the body does not contain impurities, just like a newborn baby.

In addition, it is necessary to open up all the meridians in the whole body, open the gate of heaven above the head, receive the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and use the vitality of the heaven and the earth to open up the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian...

Ordinary exercises can't do this step at all.Therefore, this innate shackle alone blocks the future path of [-]% of warriors.

This is also the reason why many talented people try their best to join those aristocratic families or sects to find a backer for themselves.

From the information in the heavenly book, Lu Fei knew that the Nine Suns Divine Art was in this world, and it was rated as a one-star heaven-level exercise, which can be compared with those first-class masters' passed-down success methods.This made Lu Fei eager to withdraw his reward.

"What should I do next? Give me a hint?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the card floating in front of my eyes flashed brightly and slowly rose into the air.A ray of purple light flew out of it and directly penetrated into the center of his brow.


With a soft moan, Lu Fei felt a stream of information rushing straight to his brain, which made him frown slightly.

After closing his eyes and getting used to it for a while, Lu Fei began to organize the information in his mind.

"... Nine Suns Divine Art!"

"It's... really extracted this exercise!"

Lu Fei opened his eyes full of surprise, his eyes were full of joy.

"It seems that my luck is really good!"

According to the information obtained from the heavenly book, the extraction should be random in nature, and it is impossible to determine what can be extracted and how much can be extracted.

What's more, the character Zhang Wuji this time has so many skills.

I didn't expect that I won the grand prize for the first time!
After receiving all the information about the Nine Suns Divine Art in his mind, Lu Fei discovered that the Nine Suns Divine Art is not only the inner strength and mental method, but the Nine Suns Divine Art is a comprehensive and comprehensive system of martial arts. After practice, all martial arts in the world can be used , This function also includes the bone shrinking function, the turtle's breathing function, and the gecko's wall swimming function.

This can be known from Zhang Wuji's direct use in the original work.

At this time, Lu Fei not only obtained this skill, but also the experience Zhang Wuji had when he practiced the Nine Suns Divine Kungfu...

In this way, Lu Fei can say that he has mastered all the cultivation methods and experience of Nine Suns Divine Art in an instant, and then he only needs to practice step by step.

Did not expect such a good thing!

This day, the book is constantly giving Lu Fei more surprises.

In fact, what makes Lu Fei most satisfied with this Nine Suns Divine Art is its anti-heavenly effect that can cleanse the essence of the practitioners of the Book of Changes!

What is the biggest shortcoming of Lu Fei's body now?
It's just that the cultivation talent is too poor!

He practiced the basic inner strength mental method handed down by his family, and for a whole year, he didn't even break through the quenching state, which shows how bad his body's talent is.

But now with the Nine Suns Divine Art, Lu Fei can make up for this, and even make his martial arts journey a lot higher than the martial artists of the same level from the beginning.

This is what really surprised Lu Fei.

However, maybe Tianshu felt that it was too stingy to give him only one Nine Suns Divine Art after finally meeting such a guy with a magical skill...

Suddenly, another wave of information merged into Lu Fei's mind, and then slowly evolved into a claw technique - Dragon Claw Hand!

Dragon Claw Hand, one of Shaolin 72 stunts, has a high appearance rate in many novels and movies about Shaolin.In this world, it is rated as a three-star earth-level martial skill.

There are only 36 moves in the Dragon Claw Hand, the main point is to be fierce and fierce, not to seek many changes.After the infusion of true energy, the fingers can become hard and steel, the iron fingers are like magic soldiers, the bricks are broken like mud, and the hands are like steel claws that break trees and stones.

In the original book, Zhang Wuji faced the masters of the six schools alone at Guangmingding. When he fought against the Shaolin monk Kongxing, Kongxing used the dragon claw hand at the very beginning.

However, Zhang Wuji, who was in charge of the two magical skills of the Nine Suns and the Great Shift of the Universe at that time, had already learned them after just one reading, so when Kong Xing used the cloud-handling move to directly grab the "Quepen Point" on Zhang Wuji's left shoulder , when the opponent moved his left hand slightly, he already knew that Kongxing was going to use this move.

At the moment, he is also probing with his left hand, while his right hand is directly holding the opponent's "Quepen Point".The moves used by the two are exactly the same, but Zhang Wuji's strength is obviously stronger, so the latter strikes first, but he has the upper hand due to the momentary difference.Kong Xing's fingers were still two inches away from his shoulder, and Zhang Wuji's five fingers had already touched Kong Xing's "Quepen Point".Kongxing only felt a numbness in the acupoint, but no strength in his right hand.Zhang Wuji didn't use any force on his fingers, and immediately withdrew them.

Next, Kong Xing threw out both hands, using a "grabbing bead" move, and took it towards Zhang Wuji's left and right temples.

That Zhang Wuji was still the first to come first, he stretched out his hands, and took another step ahead, grabbing Kong Xing's temples.It was also fortunate that Zhang Wuji had no murderous intentions at the time, otherwise there would be no room for emptiness to be saved just this one.

In the end, Zhang Wuji just flicked his fingers on his temples, and then turned in a circle, turning into the No.17 move in the hands of the Dragon Claw "Fishing the Moon Style", using the "Fengfu Point" on the back of the head to hold Kongxing...

While receiving the information in his mind, Lu Fei recalled the description of the plot he had read from the book.

In his mind, two black and white figures seemed to be fighting with the dragon claws at the same time...

After watching the battle consciously, his understanding of Dragon Claw Hand has been deepened!

(End of this chapter)

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