Three Wonders of Huashan

Chapter 122 Just to avoid it

Chapter 122 Just to avoid it
As they got closer, Fang Ze could clearly see the faint smile on He Da's face.There are also He Er's hateful eyes and the expressionless faces of the other five people.

Fang Ze was more than a dozen feet away from the seven of them, and with a move of Li Ze's Excalibur, he hit He Da directly.When he got close, he swung away everyone's long swords in the "Broken Sword Style", and with his left palm he wrote "Flying Dragon in the Sky", hitting from above and below, and slapped He Er directly on the top of his head.

He Er raised his palms to meet them, and with a slap, his feet sank more than a foot into the ground.Fang Ze was about to take advantage of the situation to kill He Er in one fell swoop, but Wu Dao's sword beside him was so dazzling that people's eyes were full of flowers, so he could only sigh secretly, and retreated quickly.The horizontal sword blocked the five sword qi.

He Er was caught off guard and stared at Fang Ze in cold sweat with fright.He and He San have been inseparable since they were young, and have a close relationship, but he blames Fang Ze for He San's death.

Linghu Chong caught up and stood shoulder to shoulder with Fang Ze.Yue Lingshan reined in the horse early, sat astride the horse, and cruised around the crowd from a distance.

The two faced seven people, and neither of them dared to act rashly.

"Brother, these white-faced eunuchs are quite tricky, so be careful!" Fang Ze teased Linghu Chong.

Linghu Chong pointed to He Daqi and asked in feigned surprise: "How did the master master know that they are all father-in-law?"

Fang Ze explained sternly: "Brother, do you know what kind of martial arts they practice?"

"What martial arts? Could it be that only the father-in-law in the palace can practice martial arts?"

Fang Ze nodded and said: "That's right! This martial art is exactly the same as the Sunflower Canon. On the first page it is impressively written, "If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace!" "Tsk tsk tsk, senior brother, do you know what is written on the second page of this secret book?"

It was the first time Linghu Chong heard about such a strange technique, and he really started to explore, and asked half-truthfully, "What did you write?"

Seeing that the seven people were about to move, Fang Ze asked again, "Does senior brother know how He San died?"

"Didn't senior Zheng Luo turn his head off and die?"

There are blue veins on He Er's forehead.

Fang Ze shook his hand and said, "Actually, He San died before Senior Zheng killed him."

Hearing Fang Ze's words, Linghu Chong became more and more puzzled, and quickly asked, "What's the answer!"

Fang Ze cleared his throat and said: "It is said that He San ran away in a hurry that day, heartbroken, and wanted to avenge us, beating his chest and feet on the boat. He Dao passed on a martial arts secret book to him, and He San got the secret book, and he was extremely moved. I was happy, opened the first page, and it was written: "If you want to practice this skill, you must first leave the palace." He San thought for a long time, and in order to become the number one in the world, he finally reluctantly gave up his "love", but he was hurt by the huge pain. When he woke up, he happily turned to the second page. He was so angry that he vomited blood. The second page read: "Even if you go to the palace, you may not succeed." He still held back the pain and heartache, and suddenly turned to the When he opened the third page, he was so angry that he vomited blood and died immediately. It turned out that the third page read: "You don't have to come from the palace, you can succeed." That's why Senior Zheng just turned his head off the dead man that day. That's all."

Linghu Chong couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, the two brothers and sisters talked and laughed happily in front of the seven people, until He Er vomited blood.It's just that Fang Ze's moves just now really made them scruples. They didn't expect his martial arts to improve Ruosi in just a few months.But he is confident that it is not difficult for the seven to win against the two, the difficulty is how to prevent them from running away.

He Er turned his head and glanced at He Da, only to see He Da's face was ashen, and he said in a deep voice: "Does Master Fang only show off his tongue?" Meaning of threat.

Seeing He Da talking, He Er finally couldn't hold back, and sternly shouted: "You bastard has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, I will smash your dog's mouth to pieces later! Then kill every dog ​​and dog on Huashan Mountain!"

Fang Ze originally hated them for killing Hengshan. Seeing that the two men threatened Huashan again, he immediately retorted: "It's just fantastic to want to kill me with your three-legged cat's swordsmanship. Aren't you just afraid? Shall I run, young master? Coincidentally, young master is also worried that you won't be able to beat them and run away like last time. The bastards are indeed vile and soft-hearted people!"

Here, He Er was furious when he heard the words, even Yue Lingshan secretly spat when he heard it from a distance.Linghu Chong felt as if he drank three catties of fine wine, feeling extremely happy.

He Da snorted coldly and stopped talking, raised his sword to the sky, He Er restrained his mind and did the same thing with the five people, only to see the seven long swords set off waves of air, and they all attacked Fang Ze and the others.

Linghu Chong has been practicing Dugu Nine Swords hard for the past few months, and he is looking for someone to try his martial arts.I saw him jumping into the seven-person battle circle alone, unable to insert the Dugu Nine Swords needle into the water or splash it, even in a short time, he fought back and forth.

He Da and the other seven sword formations were originally here to deal with Fang Ze, but now that Linghu Chong disrupted the situation, they had to pay half of their attention to Fang Ze who was watching from the side, really aggrieved.

Swish, slap, slap, as long as Fang Ze sees Linghu Chong tense, Lize Divine Sword will hit the seven of them desperately like a maggot attached to the bone.Linghu Chong saved the day immediately.

How could He Da do what Fang Ze wanted? He jumped out of the battle ring, sneered, and rushed forward suddenly, really moving like a rabbit. In an instant, the distance between Fang Ze and Fang Ze was less than one foot. The noses are almost touching.

Fang Ze yelled: "Good time!" Pushing both palms flat, it was the unique move "seeing the dragon in the field" among the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. This move was purely defensive, but it created a solid wall between the two of them. If the enemy comes, it will be blocked, and if the enemy does not arrive, it will disappear invisible.

Seeing that there was no way to take advantage of him, He Da changed his stance and slashed obliquely with his long sword, intending to cut Fang Ze in half.Fang Ze spun the Li Ze Excalibur and poked He Da's sword face, the long sword buzzed, He Da almost couldn't hold it, and hurriedly drew his sword back.

Fang Ze had the upper hand, how could he give up so easily, with both hands connected to the sword and palm, he made a move of "sheep touch the feudal clan", and charged forward with his body.Fang Ze came too fast like a maggot attached to the bone. He Da's long sword could not be used in front of him, so he could only block it with his arms.Unexpectedly, Fang Ze's immediate move "Dragon Fights in the Field" is a very mysterious skill in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. The right palm suddenly raised, and there was a bang, and hit He Da's right arm connecting his chest, He Da's body flew straight to the distance like a kite snapping a string.

Fang Ze was about to go up to end this guy's life, when out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Linghu Chong's dangerous situation, shabu-shabu was two swords.Two of the five were unprepared, and Fang Ze stabbed their hearts in an instant.

He Er had little combat experience in the first place, and the sudden change made him panic. Linghu Chong caught a flaw in the complete version of "Evil Resisting Sword Manual", which was originally flawless. Er's throat, He Er's mouth moved slightly, and blood continued to flow out.Linghu Chong drew his long sword, and He Eryuan fell to the ground with his eyes open.

The rest of the three were terrified, and there was no fighting spirit, their originally cold faces were now filled with fear.

Fang Ze and Linghu Chong didn't hold back, they summoned up their supernatural power and killed all three of them.It's just that when he went to look for He Dashi again, there was no sign of him.The two split up and chased for seven or eight miles, but He Da was nowhere to be seen, so they could only return bitterly.

When they got back to the official road, they heard the cries of Hengshan's disciples from afar.Even Yue Lingshan stood silently by the side with red eyes.

Fang Zezhi felt distraught, and the killing just now seemed unable to relieve the anger in his heart.The probe patted the tree by the road, until the tree was split into two sections.Linghu Chong knew that Fang Ze had a deep friendship with the teachers of Hengshan, so he patted Fang Ze on the shoulder, but couldn't say any words of relief for a while, shook his head and walked slowly to Yue Lingshan's side while sighing softly.

(End of this chapter)

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