Chapter 126
Fang Ze has always understood the principle of eradicating evil, so he never witnessed He Da being wounded and running away, which always made him brood.When he thought of how to calculate He Da after recovering from his injury, he felt like a pain in his back.

Fang Ze entrusted the Hengshan disciples to Linghu Chong and told them to wait for him at the foot of Songshan Mountain. If he didn't come back before the martial arts conference, he would go back to Huashan directly.And he himself followed the clues to find He Da's whereabouts.

After searching for two or three days, Fang Ze found nothing.He secretly said in his heart: "He Da was seriously injured, there is no way he could have run far. He must have found a hidden place in the Songshan area to hide and heal his injuries." It's just that there are so many mountain ranges in Songshan. There is no way to start.Seeing that tomorrow is the Songshan Martial Arts Conference.Fang Ze rested for a night, got up early in the morning and took a look at the vast peaks of Songshan Mountain, he sighed and walked along the official road to Songshan Mountain.

He rode on horseback for more than an hour, and saw a hundred people on the official road ahead pushing rooster carts, carrying burdens, and helping the old and the young to move forward.After passing the crowd on horseback, Fang Ze turned his head and saw that the faces of the crowd were full of sadness. Fang Ze was puzzled and said to himself, "This is neither drought nor flood. Why do so many people move out with their families?"

Immediately turned the horse's head, got off the horse and bowed his hands to the old farmer in front: "My father is polite! I'm in Fangze, Huashan Mountain. I don't know where the old man is going?"

Seeing Fang Ze riding a horse with his sword on his back, the old farmer was a little timid at first, and the crowd behind him were even more terrified.Later, seeing that Fang Ze's words were very polite, he dared to answer: "Yuan Ke doesn't know something, our ancestors have been villagers nearby for generations, if we can survive this day, otherwise how could the old man make such a bad plan at his age... ..."

When the old man said this, two lines of muddy tears rolled down his dim eyes.Some villagers in the back also felt the same way and let out mournful voices.

"What's going on? If I can do my best, I'll help you!" Fang Ze heard his sad words, and wanted to meddle in his own business.

When everyone heard Fang Ze's words, they all showed hope, but they didn't answer, they just looked at the old man in charge.

The old man looked a little hesitant, and finally waved his hand and said: "I'm afraid that the young man will take his life... Forget it, let's go, young man, we will live on our own wherever we go, so why add more sins..."

After the old man finished speaking, he pushed the wheelbarrow forward, and the villagers behind him numbly followed behind him.

Fang Ze's stubborn temper broke out, he stretched out his hands to block everyone's way, and said: "Old man, it doesn't matter if you say it, it's my business whether it matters or not."

The old man couldn't resist Fang Ze, so he just sat on the side of the road and sighed for a quarter of an hour, and said with some anger: "I see that you are a warm-hearted person, and I don't want you to go to die at a young age. Good intentions become malicious..."

Fang Ze just chuckled twice and said, "If I don't tell you, I won't let you go."

The old man was helpless, and sighed: "We are all villagers at the foot of Songshan Mountain. Some of us have one or two acres of Susukida in our homes, but it is not enough to make ends meet, so we more or less rented and planted some fields from Shaolin or Songshan School. It's difficult, but it's okay. About two months ago, after a group of vicious people came to the house of the Songshan School Steward Liu, life has become worse day by day..."

The old man sighed, and said again: "That group of people with their swords and swords on their backs are not easy to provoke. The villagers carefully avoided them, and they were all right in the past few days... I don't remember that from that day on. Some people go to the village to look at beautiful girls. The daughters of the country people are thick-handed and thick-footed, so there is nothing to look at, and those people don't think much of it, but they snatch anyone who is beautiful... There is only one Wang Laoshi The only daughter, she had to go to see her daughter that day, but her leg was broken before she entered the house... He Laosan went up to the Songshan faction to sue Guanshi Liu, and the master of the Songshan faction returned him two taels of silver. As a result, the couple were hanged at the entrance of the village by that group the next day..."

When Fang Ze heard this, a wave of ignorance and karma rushed straight to his head, and he couldn't hold back.Resisting the overwhelming hatred, he asked as gently as possible: "Old man, are those people still entrenched in Guanshi Liu's house?"

"Exactly! The girl in our village is almost desperate. The big guy wants to bear it, and it will be fine when this group of people leaves... But who knows that group of people will get worse, and they are here in groups today. Catch a chicken at home, and catch a sheep at that house tomorrow... Some villagers uttered a few words, ranging from cursing to slashing... He Wu, untie your shirt and show the young man the wound on his back ..."

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old man lifted up his shirt, and Fang Ze stared at it, only to see a hideous scar from his shoulder to his hip, which almost cut him in two.

The old man opened up the chatter box, and kept chattering there, "Oh, can't we hide if we can't be provoked..."

Fang Ze didn't want to listen anymore, and interrupted: "Then where is Steward Liu's family?"

"Young hero, think twice! As the saying goes, a tiger can't stand a pack of wolves... We don't mean to underestimate you..."

There was a loud bang, and a boulder beside the official road was blown to pieces by Fang Ze's air sword.

The old man was dumbfounded, and quickly said: "About five or six miles along the official road, turn to a small path on the left, and at the end there is a house with three entrances..."

Fang Ze got on the back of the horse and rode the horse, until he could no longer see anyone, and then a sentence was heard clearly in the ears of all the villagers, "If you trust me, you can wait here for a few hours. Go and come."

"Fourth Uncle, do you think this person is a god?" A young villager looked at the gravel all over the ground and asked in surprise.

The old man was excited and muttered to himself: "It's not a god! It's a Bodhisattva! It's a living Bodhisattva who saved the lives of our village..." A group of villagers worshiped Fang Ze in the direction where Fang Ze left...

Naturally, Fang Ze couldn't hear the villagers' conversations, so he cursed himself inwardly, ""Why have I only been searching in the mountains these days, but never thought of asking the nearby villagers. "

The distance of twenty or thirty miles on a horse is gone in a flash.Looking at the mansion in front of him, Fang Ze got off his horse and walked in grandly.There were two people standing at the door, and they asked sharply, "What..." A "person" was chopped into two pieces by Fang Ze before he could speak.

After entering the gate, I saw something tied to the osmanthus tree in the courtyard, dripping with blood.If it weren't for the slight movement of the lips, no one would be able to tell that it was a living person whose limbs had been cut off.Rao Fang Ze was used to seeing mountains of corpses and seas of blood, so he was taken aback unexpectedly.He brushed the man's hair away with the scabbard, and let out a soft snort, "He Da?"

When He Da heard the voice, he raised his head with difficulty, and when he saw that the person was Fang Ze, he yelled excitedly, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm", apparently to warn the people inside.

Fang Ze squeezed He Da's mouth open with his hands, and found that his tongue had also been cut off.

Fang Ze let go of his hand, and said in a cold voice: "When you killed innocent people indiscriminately and oppressed kindness, did you ever think that you would end up like this?"

He Da seemed to have never heard of it, just twisted and shouted.It's a pity that he is already so angry that he has his tongue cut off, so how much noise can he make?Fang Ze ignored He Da and walked away.After walking two steps and turning back, he pierced He Dahou's heart with a sword, and sighed, "I'll give you a ride!"

He Da's throat was rumbling, and a relieved smile appeared on his face, as if he wanted to say something to Fang Ze, but he couldn't say it.If someone could understand lip language, what He Da said would be the word "Hurry up"!

(End of this chapter)

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