Three Wonders of Huashan

Chapter 196 To Suppress Evil and Eliminate Traitors

Chapter 196 To Suppress Evil and Eliminate Traitors

Fang Ze walked slowly, and the sound of footsteps seemed to ring in the hearts of the four of them.That sword forced He Yu back, so that they could not have the slightest desire to fight.Self-protection is still powerless, so how can we talk about defending against the enemy?
Shan Ji tightly held the burden containing the evil sword manual with both hands, and the joints of his hands were faintly white due to too much force.He took the first step, and suddenly waved his palm at Fang Ze, and at the same time threw the burden to Jingting, and shouted: "Go!"

Fang Ze raised his palm to face it, Shan Ji felt a strong force coming, and his body was shaking.At this time, Jing Ting's palms were pressed against Shan Ji's back heart, and her internal energy was constantly flowing out, which could withstand Fang Ze's single palm.

The breath in Jingting's body was churning, and he forced himself to say: "Brother Lao Shizi's Evil Resisting Sword Manual is going to practice by himself, I will stop him for my brother!"

Fang Ze's attention was always on He Yu, facing Shan Ji with one palm forward, and making a sword gesture with his fingers behind the back.I saw that his expression was quite relaxed and freehand, and the four of them came together, so why should he be afraid?

"Am I letting you go?"

Fang Ze was about to use all his strength to kill Shan Ji and Jing Ting, when suddenly a long whip pierced his throat with the sound of piercing through the air.

Fang Ze didn't panic, he pulled and pulled with one hand, and grabbed the tail of the whip.Then he shook the whip, and Mrs. Wang's hand holding the whip seemed to have been shaken away, and the tiger's mouth was dripping with blood, and the long whip could hardly be held.

Mrs. Wang became ruthless, threw the whip, ignored it, and fell straight into Fang Ze's arms.It looks like a madman, completely disregarding life and death.

"Yu'er, go! Yu'er, go!"

Mrs. Wang hugged Fang Ze by the waist, and yelled at the same time.

He Yu suppressed the urge to strike, turned around and ran away without the slightest hesitation.Seeing this, Fang Ze thought inwardly that he was sorry, and stretched out his arms, Jingting, Shanji, and Wang Laotaijun spit blood and flew out backwards.

It's just that He Yu has already gone far in a short time, Fang Ze ignored the three people behind him, and chased after him with his body skills.

Mount Heng is known as the 72 peaks. If Fang Ze hadn't had an extraordinary sensory ability, He Yu would really have been lost on this starry night.

"Even if you chase him to the ends of the earth, you will be doomed today!"

He Yu scurried around in front of him without talking.However, Fang Ze was like a maggot attached to the bone in the rear, and he was always chattering.That voice was really hateful, Rao He Yu is now enough to bear it, and after hearing it, he still couldn't help but feel angry.

"Are you angry? In terms of family background, I am more than a star and a half away from you; in terms of family history, your Hejiabao is much better than Huashan School; why does Lu Li just not like you?

Hehe, although I am much better than you in appearance..."

"Bah!" A piece of rock mixed with the sound of the wind, hit Fang Ze head-on.

Fang Ze chuckled and tilted his head, the stone hit the cliff behind him and smashed into pieces.

"There!" Fang Ze was overjoyed, and he leaped high in the sky with a move of flying dragon. At the same time, he swung his palms together and hit He Yu.I could only hear the whistling of the palm wind, and the trees as thick as the mouth of the bowl were broken in response.

"Pfft!" He Yu groaned in the bushes, obviously injured.Fang Ze didn't hesitate any longer, he flexed his fingers with both hands, and the Lize Sword struck in the direction of the sound with the sound of piercing the sky.

"Fang Ze! If you don't come back again, the disciples of Hengshan Hall will be killed by the old man..."

The voice in the empty valley echoed for a long time.Hearing this voice, Fang Ze didn't really believe it. The disciples of Hengshan Hall were not all idiots. The old lady Wang escaped with serious injuries and was powerless, so how could he have the strength to kill the enemy?
"Jiejiejiejie, there really is a difference between closeness and closeness! Hengshantang was raised by the stepmother in Wuyue Sect...In that case, I will cut off Mi Weiyi's arm first..."

Old Madam Wang's sinister laughter echoed in the empty valley, and there was a miserable cry from time to time.Fang Ze looked at He Yu who was fleeing in embarrassment in front of him, heaved a long sigh, turned around with a stamp of his feet, and headed towards Hengshan Hall.

"Since the lord can't be killed today, let's charge some interest first!" Since Fang Ze decided to turn around to rescue him, he didn't delay any longer.Wanren Cliff performs gecko swimming skills, just like flat ground.Just when he was in the middle of the cliff, He Yu's voice came from a distance behind him:

"Cough cough cough... now the young master will return to Mount Hua... cough cough... I want to see how many you can save... Grandma, run! The thief is back..."

Fang Ze was hanging on the cliff at a time when he was in a dilemma, and when he heard He Yu's words, his face changed several times.After hesitating for a moment, he finally climbed up to the top of the cliff ruthlessly.

With a livid face, he flew towards Hengshan Hall, barely reaching the gate of Hengshan Hall.I saw Mi Weiyi summoning a group of Hengshan disciples to form an formation, ready to fight.

Mi Weiyi saw that Fang Ze's face was not hesitant, and hurried forward to report: "Master, those two monks went first, and the old woman stabbed one of our disciples, and she also ran away in a hurry when she heard that the master was approaching. Although the old woman was seriously injured, her martial arts skills are quite high, she was afraid that she would jump over the wall in a hurry, so she only sent her disciples to follow her from afar... I guess she can't run far at this moment..."

Fang Ze worked hard for more than two months, and he was already suffocated by He Yu flying a kite and running around the world.Seeing that He Yu was about to be killed by the palm of his hand, and his success was on the verge of failure because of Wang Laotaijun's threats, how could he not hate Wang Laotaijun to the bone.

He waved his hand at Mi Weiyi, motioning for him to be excused, and then ordered: "Brother Mi, you should take care of the aftermath first, and then write a letter asking Master Mo to come back and take charge of the overall situation, and I will capture that old godmother!"

"Follow the order of the head!"

Along the way, disciples of Hengshan Hall kept pointing out the direction for Mrs. Wang to escape to Fang Ze.

Mrs. Wang was also a bachelor, seeing that she couldn't escape, she simply didn't run away.She was seriously injured, and the reason why she persisted until now was just to allow He Yu, Shan Ji, and Jing Ting to escape.She didn't care if Shan Ji and Jing Ting were dead or not.But if she could create a few enemies for Fang Ze, she simply gave them the second half of the evil sword manual.

She thought in her heart that if Dongfang Bubai, He Yu, Shan Ji, and Jingting joined forces a few months later, plus Tianshan Snow Silkworm Silk, wouldn't there be a little more chance of winning against Fang Ze?

Mrs. Wang looked at Fang Ze who came in a hurry, and couldn't help laughing while coughing up blood: "You bastard! I wish I could see you die without a place to bury you!"

Fang Ze looked at Mrs. Wang expressionlessly, and said lightly: "You won't see if I have a place to be buried, but I can tell you with certainty that after you die, He Yu will never dare to give it to you." You collect the corpse!"

The old lady Wang said: "No less than twenty people from the Wuyue faction died at the hands of the old man. Even if they die now, I will not lose... Hehehe... Cough cough cough..."

"For a stubborn person like you, I will not have the idea that someone who is about to die can speak kindly. Because in your heart, there is no half-hearted compassion, let alone anything you don't want The idea of ​​not doing it to others. Your family is selfish, cruel, cruel... It is really your own fault for falling into this end! You should kill yourself!"

Fang Zeming knew that saying these things to Mrs. Wang was like playing the piano to a cow, but the hard work of more than two months was not enough, so he couldn't help complaining.

Mrs. Wang grinned and said, "Self-judged? Don't be hypocritical here! I don't appreciate your kindness!"

Fang Ze sneered, "You're wrong, I'm not doing you any favors, I just killed you to dirty my hands!"

Mrs. Wang's eyes widened when she heard the words, and her face like dead bark became more ferocious, "Okay, okay, that old body will splash your blood even when it is about to die..." She flew towards Fang Ze, coughing out a mouthful. Blood, spat out towards Fang Ze with internal energy.

Fang Ze looked at the crazy Mrs. Wang in disgust, and then he bent his fingers and pierced her throat with a sword.

Mrs. Wang fell to the ground from the air, with the sound of "hehe" in her throat, until she died, her eyes were still wide open, and the eyes full of hatred were staring at Fang Ze in a daze.

Fang Ze turned around without looking at her body, and drifted away towards the dawn.

"Suppressing evil and repelling rape, I will do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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