Chapter 48
After Fang Ze had mastered the Huashan Hunyuan Kung Fu, he thought that except for a few people in the world, there would be no opponents.The appearance of the girl in black gave him another blow to the head.The girl's long whip is at least ten feet long, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to handle it with ease, but in this girl's hands, the long whip is like a finger.Fang Ze also didn't practice the Dugu Nine Swords well, otherwise Linghu Chong would be able to win here even if his internal strength is not as good as that of a young girl.But Linghu Chong is not Fang Ze's opponent, so it can be seen that martial arts in the world are really one thing.

The two fought for another twenty moves, and Fang Ze gradually realized that his internal strength was still a bit stronger than the girl in black.The reason why the girl was able to fight him evenly was because of her superiority in weapons.Thinking of this, Fang Ze became more and more courageous in his fight, Hengshan Stone Carved Sword Technique and Dugu Nine Swords were used alternately, and the shadows of swords and whips were flying above the boat.The three island owners of Junshan Island were frightened, and Zhang Fuhai's fate was not far away.

"Fang Shaoxia, if you don't give up, we will dismantle this boat. My small boat can't fit so many people." The girl in black said playfully while standing on top of the cabin.

Fang Ze was unmoved, he knew that the girl had reached the end of her strength, and her whole body was full of energy, only her clothes were stretched like a full sail.The girl drew a whip, Fang Ze grabbed the sheath of the whip, spun around a few times, and wrapped the long whip around his waist.

If ordinary people use this trick, as long as the girl exerts a little force, she can strangle people to death.Relying on his profound internal strength, Fang Ze is completely fearless.The girl tried twice, and seeing that the whip didn't move at all, she let it go and sat down on the cabin.He raised his head and looked at Fang Ze provocatively with black and white eyes.

"If you want my belt, just say it, I still have more."

Fang Ze's right hand was still raised in the air, and they were already sitting down talking and laughing, making Fang Ze think that he was the loser, like a fool.

"Don't make a name for yourself, but deal with a real disaster!" Fang Ze secretly warned himself.Turning his right hand into a finger, he tapped the acupuncture points of the girl in black.

The girl in black glared at him, Fang Ze just ignored him and asked, "Who are you? Why did you instigate others to assassinate me?"

The girl in black ignored him, and Fang Ze was not in a hurry. He was quite professional in interrogation as a policeman in his previous life.Carrying one of the three island owners of Junshan Island, he jumped onto the small boat a few feet away. The boat moved automatically without wind, and then sailed a few dozen feet downwind. Fang Ze was sure that with the girl's internal strength, he would not be able to hear the two of them. The conversation just stopped.





"We do it all over again. Name?"

After half an hour of repeated interrogation, Fang Ze returned by boat.When he was about to board the big ship, Fang Ze tapped his dumb acupoint and said, "Don't worry! Get a good night's sleep in the cabin now. After I ask the two island owners, as long as you prove that you are not lying, I will let you go immediately." After Fang Ze finished speaking, he threw it into the corner of the cabin, and carried another island owner onto the boat.

"Young master, don't worry, even if everyone betrays you, I, Han Zhu, will definitely not betray you." Han Hanzhu on the big boat swore.

The girl in black seemed to have never heard of it, she saw Fang Ze's little trick at a glance, but she didn't think the three island owners of Junshan Island would reveal her affairs, although they might not know much.If it wasn't for her being upset by the acupuncture points, she would be happy to play a play with Fang Dafool.

"Han Tianzhu, the owner of the three islands of Junshan. The first person Fang Shaoxia asked was my second brother Han Dizhu, and the other was my third brother Han Hanzhu..." Han Tianzhu talked eloquently, referring to the three brothers who played with urine when they were young. All the things with the mud and the mud came out, and as long as it involved the girl in black, he kept silent.Even if Fang Ze tortured him to extract a confession, he used his muscles and bones to remove one of his arms, staggered his tendons, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat from pain, he still resolutely refused to utter a word.

Fang Ze had no choice but to take back Han Tianzhu's staggered hand, cupped his fists and said, "I'm offended!" It's one thing to kill a person, but another to torture a person.

Fang Ze returned to the big ship and was not interrogating Han Han Zhu, so he went straight to the girl in black.Unlocking her acupoints, she said, "Let's go, I already know who you are! If the girl's surname is not Yang, or her mother's surname is Yang, today I will not embarrass you because of the friendship between Fang and Yang's ancestors. Please don't bother me again, girl."

Fang Ze didn't find out any tricks, so he used his big move: mouth escape~ big trick.Once this trick is used, Fang Ze can proudly say that the heroes in Xiaoao are all scumbags.In seven or eight years, he only used it twice: the first time Feng Qingyang went down the mountain; the second time Jiefeng taught Yuan Shoucheng the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Han Tianzhu turned pale when he heard the words, waved his hands repeatedly and said, "I didn't say that!" Han Tianzhu also glared at Han Tianzhu.

The girl in black waved her hand and said, "I believe that the three Uncle Hans will not easily fall for other people's tricks."

Hearing the girl in black's words, the Han Tianzhu brothers straightened their chests, looking proud.It seems that a word of trust from the girl is a great reward.

Although the girl in black was curious about how Fang Ze guessed her origin, she refused to believe a word he said.She looked contemptuously at Fang Ze, who was full of nonsense, and said, "Your father's name is Fang Ren, your grandfather's name is Fang Dashan, and your great-grandfather's name is Fang Wuliu because the previous dynasty did not allow Han people to be famous."

The girl in black was very familiar with Fang Ze's family tree, and after she finished speaking, she jokingly said, "Dare to ask Fang Shaoxia, which ancestor is old with the Yang family?"

Fang Ze sneered twice, he didn't even know what his grandfather's name was, let alone his great-grandfather?Without blushing and heart beating, he said in a heavy tone: "This matter is a long story, since Miss Yang wants to hear it, then I will tell you."

The girl in black really wanted to refute, "My surname is Zheng, not Yang!" But seeing Fang Ze talking endlessly, she was happy to watch him act like a fool.

Fang Ze is well versed in the truth that nine points of a lie are true and one point of falsehood.He started from the moment when the Condor Hero Yang Guo broke his hand, all the way to Huang Shinu, who said "At the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, the tomb of the living dead, the Condor Heroes, disappeared from all corners of the country".Fang Ze spoke with eloquence and emotion, spit flying all over the place.The four of them were dumbfounded.

Sanzhu of the Han family thought to himself: "His book is good, but the young master's surname is Zheng, but he always talks about the Yang family. Could it be that he has admitted the wrong person?"

The girl in black also became suspicious, "This little thief is exactly what my grandmother said, but the details are much more detailed. Could it be that the ancestors of the two families are really old?"

"You talked a lot, and you didn't say anything about the relationship between Fang and Yang." The girl in black became suspicious and couldn't help asking.

Fang Ze sighed pretendingly, and said slowly: "It's not a gentleman's act to show kindness and hope for repayment. Since Miss Yang is suspicious, I have no choice but to say something."

Fang Ze hesitated for a moment, then waved his hands and said, "Well, don't say anything, the matter involves Miss Yang's ancestral reputation, please forgive me, I really can't say it clearly. Whether Miss Yang believes it or not, I will never tell the story of the Yang family's ancestors in the rest of my life. , If you break this oath, God hates it!" Fang Ze talked too quickly, and only after the story was finished did he find out at what time the Fang family ancestors were arranged to appear, and it was not appropriate to have an "old" with the Yang family ancestors, so he had to come out. This is the worst policy.

"My name is Zheng Luli. Fang Shaoxia doesn't want Ms. Yang. Ms. Yang's calling. You justified this matter, and I have no intention of asking, but there is one more thing I hope Fang Shaoxia can clarify for me?" Zheng Luli approved of Fang Ze. There are old sayings between the two families, but based on her understanding of Fang Ze, if the Fang family has shown kindness to the Yang family, it would be strange for him to be dissatisfied with publicizing it, so whether there is a kindness or a grudge is another matter.

"Lu Li? But the Lu Li in "Long Yu Pei Zhi Lu Li"? What a good name! I wonder if Miss Zheng has any doubts?" Fang Ze couldn't help showing off whenever he came across a little bit of knowledge.

Zheng Luli curled his lips, thinking to himself: "Could it be that this is a fool? Zheng Luli's homonym is Zhengluli. Isn't this cursing me to go astray?"

She didn't bother with Fang Ze, and asked directly: "Grandmother asked me to invite Fang Shaoxia to go over and talk, but the little girl saw Fang Shaoxia jumping down from Tianzhu Peak with her own eyes, and she knew she was no match, so she made such a bad plan. In Fang Shaoxia's hand, it seemed that he couldn't invite Fang Shaoxia's master. The little girl asked on behalf of her grandmother, "Is there any damage to the things in the ancient tomb? "Whether Fang Shaoxia answers or not, the little girl turns around and leaves without entanglement."

(End of this chapter)

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